半干旱区,Semi-arid area
1)Semi-arid area半干旱区
1.Effects of degraded sandy grassland afforestation on soil quality in semi-arid area of Northern China;半干旱区沙质退化草地造林对土壤质量的影响
2.Research on regular of wind erosion on road slope under different protection in semi-arid area of Northwest China;西北半干旱区不同防护条件下公路边坡风力侵蚀研究
3.Effect of long-term irrigation and fertilization on nitrogen,phosphorous,and potassium pools of cinnamon soil in semi-arid area Ⅱ.Effect on potassium pool of cinnamon soil farmland;长期灌溉施肥对半干旱区褐土氮、磷和钾库的影响Ⅱ.对褐土农田土壤钾库的影响

1.Farmland Drought Defence and Drought Resistance Measure in Semiarid Loess Plateau黄土高原半干旱区农田干旱防御与抗旱措施
2.Research on Wetland Landscape Ecology in Arid and Semi-arid Areas in Northwest China;西北干旱半干旱区湿地景观生态研究进展
3.Laws of Climate Change in Arid and Semiarid Zones of China since Last Glacial Period;中国干旱、半干旱区末次冰期以来气候变化规律
4.The Impact of Climate Variability on Runoff in the Arid and Semi-arid Region of Northwest China干旱半干旱区河川径流对气候变化的响应研究
5.Hydrological characteristics of different forest types of soil in arid and semi-arid mountain干旱半干旱区山地森林类型的土壤水文特征
6.Review on the ecological effects of N deposition in arid and semi-arid areas干旱半干旱区氮沉降生态效应研究进展
7.Climate Warming of Autumn Air Temperature in Arid and Semiarid Regions in Northwest China over the Recent 46 Years中国西北干旱半干旱区近46a秋季气候变暖分析
8.of arid and semiarid open country.产于干旱和半干旱地区的空旷乡间。
9.The region is semiarid to arid in overall climate.这个地区总体上是半干旱至干旱气候。
10.Agricultural and Livestock Production in the Arid and Semi-arid Areas in the United States of America美国干旱、半干旱地区的农牧业生产
11.The Research of Dust Emission in Arid and Semi-arid Soil干旱半干旱地区土壤的粉尘释放研究
12.Study of Sorghum Planting Mode in Arid and Semi-arid Area“干旱、半干旱”区高粱栽培模式的研究
13.Semi-arid land ecosystems半干旱地区生态系统
14.dryland(s) management: The management of arid and semi-arid areas.旱地管理:指对干旱和半干旱地区的管理。
15.Study on Run-off Planting Technology of Proso in Semi-arid and Drought-inclined Areas;半干旱偏旱区糜子径流栽培技术研究
16.Shortage of water resources restricted agricultural production in arid and semiarid region.水资源紧缺限制了干旱半干旱地区农业生产。
17.Groundwater has very important eco-value in arid and semi-arid regions.干旱半干旱地区地下水具有重要的生态价值。
18.Study of Preventing Leakage and Saving-Water Technique in Sandy Soil in Semiarid and Arid Region干旱、半干旱地区沙质土壤的防渗节水技术研究

semiarid area半干旱区
1.Effects of different ridge-furrow planting patterns of potato on soil evaporation in semiarid area;半干旱区不同垄沟集雨种植马铃薯模式对土壤蒸发的影响
2.Study on sunflower water production function of semiarid area in the western of Heilongjiang黑龙江省西部半干旱区向日葵水分生产函数试验研究
3.Applicability of two-source potential evapotranspiration model in semiarid areas双源蒸散发能力计算模型在半干旱区的适用性
3)Semi-arid region半干旱区
1.Characteristics of surface radiation over semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau;黄土高原半干旱区地表辐射特征
2.Observational Study of Surface Energy Balance over Semi-Arid Region of Loess Plateau;黄土高原半干旱区地表能量平衡的观测试验研究
3.Study on the Speices Biodiversity of Plantation Communities in Semi-arid Region on Losea Plateaus;黄土高原半干旱区人工林群落物种多样性研究
4)semiarid region半干旱区
1.The benefit and prospect for reuse of plastic film mulching and no-tillage technique in the semiarid region of Gansu Province;甘肃半干旱区地膜覆盖再利用免耕技术效应与前景分析
2.Study on change of relative humidity in semiarid region under global climate change全球气候变化下的半干旱区相对湿度变化研究
3.In order to take advantage of the water resource in semiarid region of west Liaoning,the field experiment of limited supplementary irrigation scheduling was conducted during 2006~2007.为高效利用辽西半干旱区有限农业水资源,在2006~2007年进行了两年的田间有限补灌制度研究。
5)semi arid area半干旱区
1.Focusing on spring wheat growth system in semi arid areas,this paper built a artificial neural network model to simulate yield change of spring wheat with environment factors,and compared with traditional CTM model.以半干旱区春小麦生长系统为研究对象 ,探讨了作物生长系统中水分、土壤养分等生态因子的时空变化特征及春小麦产量形成机制 ,应用人工神经网络方法建立了半干旱区春小麦生长系统的产量随环境因子变化的神经网络模型 ,并与传统的 CTM模型进行了比较 。
6)Arid/Semi-Arid Regions干旱区半干旱区

干旱区水文  指干旱区的水文特性和水文规律。    干旱区境内干旱少雨,大部分地表为沙漠或荒漠所覆盖,地表水体很少,水文研究的主要对象是地下水。但中国干旱区境内有高大山体矗立,截获降水,地表发育有一定数量的河流。因此,中国干旱地区的山区是径流形成的地区;山前平原降水量少,基本不产生地表径流。从山区进入平原的地表水被引至灌区,大量损耗于植物蒸腾和渠道田间的渗漏与蒸发。地表水的渗漏成为山前平原地区地下水的主要补给来源。    干旱区河流主要为短小的、几乎相互平行的内陆河,一般多为向心水系。单纯依靠雨水补给的河流,一般在暴雨后河床里才有水流,因此径流集中于雨季,年变际化也大。中国干旱区的河流有高山冰雪融水和季节积雪补给,也有雨水补给,互相补偿。河流水量集中于夏季,水温低,流量具有明显的日变化,洪水类型也复杂多样。以季节积雪融水补给为主的河流,最大含沙量经常出现在洪峰到来之前。这是因为地面碎屑物质随春汛大量进入河床,而当流量继续增加时,地面碎屑物质已不多了。    干旱区的山区一般是地下水补给河流,平原则是河水补给地下水。中国甘肃省河西走廊平原地区的地下水,河渠水的入渗量占89%,侧向地下径流、雨水及凝结水的入渗补给量只占11%。干旱区河流水文的垂直地带性规律十分显?K娓叨仍黾樱杲邓恐鸾ピ黾樱昃读魃钜驳菰觥V泄诼衬酒牒恿饔蛏角杲邓孔畲蟮母叱淘荚?3300米处。再往高处,年降水量则递减。中国干旱区高山带形成的径流所挟带的泥沙较少,低山带当出现暴雨时,河流挟带的泥沙颗粒很粗,甚至产生泥石流。高山带河水的矿化度在300毫克/升以下,而且钙值很高;发源于中低山的小河或监歇性河流,洪水期间,矿化度可超过500毫克/升,水质也逐渐变为硫酸型甚至氯化物水。    干旱区湖泊主要为内陆湖,大部分是河流的尾闾,凄补给除河水外,也有地下水,几乎全部损耗于蒸发,湖水的矿化度较高,一般为咸水湖或盐湖。    冰川是中国干旱区重要的水资源。中国干旱区的内陆河,冰川融水占年径流量的27.8%。