中层大气,Middle atmosphere
1)Middle atmosphere中层大气
1.Based on the systematic observations conducted from 2002 to 2003, the mean temperature characteristics and variation behaviors of the middle atmosphere temperature profiles over Wuhan are given.报道了升级改造后的WIPM瑞利散射激光雷达的技术状况 ,并通过与CIRA86标准大气模式和UARS卫星探测的比较 ,考察了其中层大气温度探测性能。
2.Research on middle atmosphere including stratosphere and mesosphere has been an active area since 1970s for both atmospheric science and solar-terrestrial physics community, owing to its sig-nificance of understanding upper-lower atmosphere coupling and global climate and environment.平流层和中层大气研究是20世纪70年代以来持续得到大气科学界和日地物理界共同关注的研究前沿。
3.,et al,1987)) wind fields are important to study the chemistry and dynamics, especially the waves in middle atmosphere; likewise, wind fields are also very important parts of the wind mode.中层大气风场随时间以及空间的变化,对于研究大气动力学尤其是大气中各种波动,以及大气中粒子成份组成是非常重要的。

1.general circulation of stratosphere and mesosphere平流层和中层大气环流
2.physics of stratosphere and mesosphere平流层和中层大气物理学
3.The Computation and Study of Global Background Winds in the Middle Atmosphere;全球中层大气背景风场的计算与研究
4.the upper [middle, lower] region of the air大气的上[中,下]层
5.the outermost atmospheric layer.大气层中最外面的一层。
6.atmosphere, magnetoshere and plasma-in-space大气层、磁性层和空中等离子层
7.the atmospheric layer between the stratosphere and the thermosphere.大气中位于同温层和热层之间的一层。
8.the atmospheric layer between the mesosphere and the exosphere.大气层中介于中间层和外层空间之间的一层。
9.Analysis of the Planetary Waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere;中间层—低热层大气中的行星波研究
10.Classification on Dual Type of Coal Bed Methane Basin in China Mainland中国大陆煤层气盆地双层次类型划分
11.the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere.位于对流层之上中间层之下的范围的大气。
12.entry corridor进入(大气层)走廊
13.any region in space outside the Earth's atmosphere.在空间中地球大气层以外的任何区域。
14.neutral and ion chemistry of the upper atmosphere高层大气的电中性和离子化学
15.24 kilometers above the earth.离地球表面24千米的大气层中。
16.a voyage outside the Earth's atmosphere.在地球的大气层中进行航行。
17.a spacecraft in re-entry mode处于重返大气层运行中的航天器
18.Study on Nitrous Acid Chemistry in the Troposphere;对流层大气中亚硝酸的化学行为研究

1.But the lidar system can operate only at one kind of wavelength every time due to lack of laser equipment, so it can detect either the mesosphere of 30~80km or the sodium layer of 80~110km at a time and can t detect both simultaneously.武汉物理与数学研究所早在1996年就研制成功了瑞利激光雷达和钠共振荧光激光雷达,但有限的设备使得激光雷达系统每次仅能运行在一种激光波长下,每次只能探测30~80km的中层大气或80~110km的高空钠层,而不能同时探测两者,造成了探测数据在空间和时间上的不连续。
3)the middle atmosphere中层大气
1.The HALOE observational data from December 1991 to May 2004 are used to analyze the vertical and horizontal distributions of H2O and CH4 in the middle atmosphere,especially in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere.利用1991年12月至2004年5月的HALOE资料,分析了中层大气中微量气体水汽和甲烷的垂直和水平分布特征。
2.The middle atmosphere, stretching from roughly 10 to 100km altitude, is a region of complex physical, photochemical and dynamic interaction.在处于大约10-100Km高度的中层大气中存在着许多复杂的物理、化学和动力学过程,中层大气也是对太阳活动极为敏感的大气区域。
4)middle and upper atmosphere中高层大气
1.The atomic oxygen perpendicular distribution of the middle and upper atmosphere(100~500 km)is simulated quickly and effectively based on the hydrostatics and mathematics software.基于修正后的流体静力理论和数学软件,对中高层大气100~500km高度范围内氧原子的垂直分布进行了快速有效的模拟,将模拟结果与MSISE-90模型提供的数据作了比较,二者数量级相等、仅数值有一定偏差。
5)microwave scmiddle atmosphere中层大气 MSA
6)Middle atmosphere and thermosphere中层和热层大气
