长程相关性,long range correlation
1)long range correlation长程相关性
1.The research on long range correlation of Lorenz system;Lorenz系统长程相关性研究
2.The long range correlation of East Asia's atmosphere东亚区域大气长程相关性
3.It turns out that the system’s long range correlation is related with its initial value’s phase space position.本文主要研究极端事件间的联系及其长程相关性情况,探索极端事件及其重现时间序列的规律,拓展极端事件可预测性研究并应用于气象资料的分析。

1.Wavelet Analysis Software of 1/f Noise and Research on Long-Range Dependence of It;1/f噪声小波分析软件及长程相关性研究
2.The Shengzheng General index of the time-length interrelations characteristic analyzing and forecasting;深圳综合指数长程相关性特征分析及其预测
3.Detrended fluctuation analysis of electricity price for long-range correlation characteristics in electricity market电力市场中电价长程相关性的去趋势波动分析
4.An Empirical Research on the Long-term Correlation of the Price Volatility of the Agricultural Products Futures Markets;中国农产品期货市场价格波动的长程相关性研究
5.The Study on the Relationship of The Labourers Educated Level and Economic Growth;试析劳动者受教育程度与经济增长的相关性
6.The Relationship between Persistent Heavy Rainfall Events over the Yangtze River Valley and Preceding OLR;长江流域连续性暴雨过程与前期OLR场的相关分析
7.The Study on the Relationship between the Growth of Economy and the Factors of the Population Development;经济增长与人口发展因素相关性研究——基于人口发展方程的构造
8.Correlation Analyses between Persistent Heavy Rainfall Events of Yangtze River Valley and Sea Surface Temperature in Preceding Time长江流域持续性暴雨过程与前期全球海温场的相关分析
9.Compare with Sweet Sorghum and Grain Sorghum in the Course of Stem Growth Sugar and Its Metabolism Related Enzyme Activity甜高粱与粒用高粱茎秆生长过程中糖及其代谢相关酶活性的比较
10.Relationship Between Photochemical Reflectance Index and Light Use Efficiency in Growth Duration of Wheat小麦生长过程中光能利用率和光化学反射指数的相关性研究
11.Correlation Between Metapodials Length and Cranial Lengths of Macaca Mulatta太行山猕猴掌(蹠)骨长度与颅长相关性
12.Similarity and Relativity of Imagery and Their Perceptual Processes;比喻的相似性与相关性及其感知过程
13.Correlational Analysis of Urbanization and Employment Growth in China;我国城市化进程与就业增长相关分析
14.On the Linear Relativity of the Solution to Factorial n Linear Equation Whose Constant Term Is Not Zero;n阶非齐次线性方程解的线性相关性
15.Study on crown width,crown length and growth of different Populus tomentosa clones毛白杨无性系冠幅、冠长与生长的相关性研究
16.Estimates of heritabilities and genetic correlations for growth in Crassostrea gigas larvae长牡蛎幼体生长性状的遗传力及其相关性分析
17.An Empirical Study on Human Capital and Economy Growth of Hunan;湖南人力资本与经济增长相关性研究
18.A Study on the Relationship between Earning Management and Enterprise Development;盈余管理与企业成长能力相关性研究

long-range correlation长程相关性
1.Based on the R/S Analysis,this paper conducts an empirical research on Chinese stock markets to investigate their fractal characteristics,such as self-similarity and long-range correlation.应用R/S分析法对中国股票市场实进行实证研究,探究中国股市的自相似性和长程相关性等分形特征;通过计算深圳成指、上证综指及各行业指数每日收益序列所对应Hurst指数及相关统计量,证实中国股市存在分形特征。
3)long-term dependence长程相关性
1.Study on long-term dependence of urban traffic flow based on rescaled range analysis;基于R/S分析研究交通流的长程相关性
2.Rescaled range analysis (R/S) is applied to verify the presence of long-term dependence of monthly rain acidity series.利用R/S分析方法分析了分别来源于美国North Dakota(1980~2000年)及我国常德市(1990~1999年)的降水酸度月均值时间序列,证实了降水酸度时间序列中存在长程相关性
4)long range correlation长程相关
1.In order to explore the long range correlation properties of DNA sequences in a further step, some parametric methods are introduced to characterize the self similarity of DNA sequences.为了深入研究基因组序列的长程相关性质,将一些估计序列长程相关因数的参数化方法引入脱氧核糖核酸( D N A)序列自相似结构的研究之中。
2.It is found that the time series is long range correlation.发现序列具有长程相关性;并确认强沙尘暴是多重分形过程,进而得出序列的多重分形谱。
3.The result shows that the sleep EEG series has the multifractal features as well as long range correlation.计算结果表明,睡眠脑电序列具有长程相关性,而且是多重分形过程。
5)long range dependence长程相关
6)Long-range dependence长程相关
1.Unlike other studies using the classical R/S analysis, the paper draws the conclusion that the foreign exchange hasn t long-range dependence.首先对修正的R/S方法进行了介绍;然后通过实证研究指出国际汇率变化不服从正态分布并且汇率波动的相关性不显著;最后运用修正的R/S方法实证研究了国际汇率波动的分形特征,与使用传统R/S方法所得结论不同,通过实证说明外汇波动并不存在明显的长程相关性

相关成本与非相关成本(relevantcostandirrelevantcost)  成本按其发生是否与决策项目相关的分类。相关成本是指与制定决策方案有关的联影响的成本,例如当期是否接受一批订货,生产该批订货需要花费的各种成本,即为相关成本。如该批订货是一种特殊订货,即其价格低于以前生产这种产品的完全成本时,其相关成本就是生产该批产品的变动成本。如果生产该批订货需扩大生产能力时,相关成本就既包括生产的变动成本,还包括添置设备等所需的其他成本。机会成本、差量成本、现金支出成本、可避免成本等均属相关成本。  非相关成本是指与制定决策方案并无影响的成本,因而在决策时可不予考虑。命名如接受特殊订货时,原有固定成本就属于非相关成本,因为即使不接受这批特殊订货,这些固定成本也会照样发生,当有几种方案可供选择时,各种方案都需发生的成本就是非相关成本,如采用不同的生产工艺组织生产时,构成产品实体的原材料在各种生产工艺过程中都要发生,所以这些原材料成本便是非相关成本。不可避免成本、沉落成本等属于不相关成本。