云补偿,cloud compensation
1)cloud compensation云补偿

1.Study on Cloud Detection Algorithm and Cloud Compensation Method with MODIS DataMODIS数据云检测算法及云补偿方法研究
2.Study on Ecological Compensation Mechanism of Mineral Resources Utilization in Yunnan Province;云南矿产资源开发生态补偿机制初探
3.The Evaluation of Implementary Schemes of New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Yunnan Province;云南省新型农村合作医疗制度补偿方案评价
4.Experimental Unit Compensatory Mechanism Study of Yunnan Province;云南省城镇社区卫生服务试点补偿机制研究
5.Research on Eco-Compensation for Grain for Green Project of Yunnan Based on Carbon Sequestration基于碳汇的云南退耕还林工程生态补偿研究
6.Brief talk on Building Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Yunnan Province浅谈积极探索建立云南省生态补偿机制
7.The Study on the Compensation Money of Community Health Service in Yunnan Province Through Measuring Standard Cost;采用标准成本法测算云南省城镇社区卫生服务补偿金额研究
8.The Issues in Pilot Project of Non-commercial Forest Ecological Benefit Compensation of Yunnan Provincial Level and Corresponding Measures;云南省级公益林生态效益补偿试点工作中存在的问题及对策初探
9.Discussion on Compensation Mechanism for Ecotourism of Hani Terrace Wetland in Yuanyang of Yunnan Province;云南元阳哈尼梯田湿地生态旅游生态补偿机制探讨
10.Immigrants and Ecological Compensation in Hydropower Development of the Lancang River--The Case of Manwan Hydropower Station in Yunnan Province;澜沧江水电开发移民与生态补偿——以云南漫湾水电站为例
11.Assessment of Ecological Assets and Compensation of Yunnan Shilin World Heritage Site and Its Buffer Zone云南石林世界遗产地及缓冲区生态资产评估及其补偿研究
12.Analysis of Eco-compensation Standards for Migrants in Natural Reserves:Taking Jinyunshan natural reserve in Chongqing as a case自然保护区生态移民补偿标准探讨:以重庆缙云山自然保护区为例
13.reimburse or compensate (someone), as for a loss.补偿或偿还某人的损失。
14.thing given to compensate补偿或赔偿的物或款
15.Valley Ecological Compensation:the Comparison and Selection between the Government Compensation and the Market Compensation;流域生态补偿:政府补偿与市场补偿比较与选择
16.turns correction compensation匝数更正(补偿)值
17.Compensating differentials补偿性(工资)差异
18.compensatory credit补偿性信用(贷款)

1.Finite Element Analysis and Deformation Compensation Technology of NC Horizontal Milling Machine;数控卧式铣床滑枕变形有限元分析及补偿技术
2.Thermal error modeling & compensation of numerical control machine tools based on on-line least squares support vector machine;基于在线最小二乘支持向量机的数控机床热误差建模与补偿
3.Fine Boring Equipment of Automated Compensation Based on PLC Control;基于PLC控制的自动补偿精镗装置
1.Analysis of the defects in reimbursement mechanism of non-profit hospitals;我国非营利性医院补偿机制缺陷浅析
2.A comparative analysis of drug pricing and reimbursement in main European countries;欧洲主要国家药品定价和补偿制度的比较分析
3.This paper proposes some suggestions to change policies in drug pricing,reimbursement and access in China by the comparative study.通过比较研究的方法,对我国药品定价、补偿和可及性等问题提出一些政策建议。
1.Improvement of Differential Gear Box of Cigarette Paper Compensating in PROTOS 70 Cigarette Making Machine;PROTOS 70卷接机组卷烟纸补偿差动齿轮箱的改进
2.The methods ofcompensating aboutelectricenergyin the device using forchecking up ammeters;电能表检验装置中电能值的补偿方法
3.Shrinkage of Cement-based Materials and the Shrinkage-compensating Effect of Expansive Agents;水泥基材料的收缩与膨胀剂收缩补偿作用探讨
1.A Method to Compensate Torque Ripple Which is Directly Faced Torque Ripple;直接面向转矩脉动的转矩补偿方法
2.Load-Electric Compensate for Electhydraulic Proportional Speed Control System;电液比例调速负载-电气补偿控制系统
3.The Preliminary Research That Compensates of the Unbalanced Structure to Athletics Decathlete s Competitive Abilities;对田径十项全能运动员竞技能力非衡结构补偿问题的初步研究
1.Analysis of the Power Factor Dynamic Compensates in Power System;电力系统功率因数的动态补偿分析
2.A DC-side Active Filter for Inverter Compensates for Unbalanced and Nonlinear Loads;逆变器直流侧有源滤波器对不平衡与非线性负载的补偿
3.Stepwise Regression Analysis of Possible Influcing Factors on the Hygienic Service Compensates of Kunming Yiliang County Rural Doctors;宜良县乡村医生卫生服务补偿影响因素的逐步回归分析

补偿补偿compensation  学中弗洛伊德把补偿视为自我防卫机制之一,指个人追求目的受挫或因自身缺陷而遭失败时,以能够获胜的活动方式来替代,增强其自尊和自信。A.阿德勒把补偿作为克服自卑而追求优越的一个主要心理机制。(3)J.皮亚杰发生认识论中的一个术语,指物体改变形状而不改变质量时,其向度之一的改变将在另一个向度上获得补偿。 (杨立能撰梁宝勇审)辛l‘偿(eompensation)·尔译“代偿”〔〕(l)有机体受到损伤、出现功能障碍或遇到有害因子时,以有效的方式进行补偿以维持机体正常功能的一种适应现象。它是自然选择的结果,是物种在进化过程中形成和发展起来的适应环境的功能。可概括为三种补偿方式:代谢性补偿、功能性补偿和形态性补偿。婴幼儿在发育阶段为适应急速成长和发育的需要,当造血需要增加时,肝、脾参与造血,以补充骨髓造血功能的不足,这是代谢性补偿;白鼠的脑切除50%以下,最终仍学会了走迷津,这是未切除部分的脑代替了切除部分脑的功能,称为功能性补偿;有机体躯体某一部分器官致残或切除,别的器官代替了失去或致残器官的功能,称为形态学补偿电)在精神分析