协同贡献,synergistic contribution
1)synergistic contribution协同贡献
1.Most of the total contributions of AVOCs or BVOCs in the areas with elevated emissions of AVOCs or BVOCs are from synergistic contributions of AVOCs and NOx or BVOCs and NOx.臭氧(O3)的生成是多因子影响的复杂非线性过程,一个因子在其他因子起作用时的贡献可以分为纯贡献与协同贡献

1.Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Emissions on Spring Surface Ozone in East Asia人为和生物排放量对春季东亚地面臭氧的协同贡献
2.High Level Consultation on "Women's Contribution to the Culture of Peace"“妇女对和平文化的贡献”高级别协商
3.In the past three decades, the Chinese Language Press Institute has made significant contribution to the interflow among members of the press and the enhancement of professional standards in news reporting.世界中文报业协会成立三十年来,促进同业交流,提高新闻水准,贡献良多;
4.it is the relative factors making up productive power of labor that create the social wealth together, and make contribution on obtaining social wealth.构成劳动生产力的诸要素协同作用创造了社会财富(使用价值),为取得社会财富做出贡献。
5.Contributions made on the research of synonymies in The Commentary on A Comprehensive Chinese Dictionary;《广雅疏证》在同义词研究上的贡献
6.On The Language Contribution of Literary Works;文学作品对民族共同语的贡献度研究
8.On Compatriots in Taicuan Contributing to Recovering Taiwan Territory in the Period of the Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期台湾同胞对收复台湾的贡献
9.Contribution of different particles distribution to the cement properties不同颗粒群对水泥性能的作用及贡献
10.The act of devoting or the state of being devoted.贡献行为或贡献的状况.
11.Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Contributions and Implications;教育传播与技术协会的历史贡献与启示
12.Deng XiaoPing's Historic Contribution to the Theory of CPPCC in New Period试论邓小平对新时期人民政协理论的历史贡献
13.But people's contributions do differ. Shouldn't there, therefore, be differences in remuneration?人的贡献不同,在待遇上是否应当有差别?
14.The Important Contributions of the Compatriots in Taiwan to the Victory of Anti-Japan War in Mother Country台湾同胞在祖国抗日战争中的重要贡献
15.Each of the Allies had, according to its means, contributed to the common cause.各盟国都能各尽所能,以贡献于我们之共同理想。
16.To celebrate the contributions lesbian and gay social workers make to the profession.颂扬同志社会工作者对专业所作的贡献。
17.The Features and Contributions of LIANG Qi-chao and ZHANG Jian in Educational Practices;梁启超与张謇教育实践的不同特征及贡献
18.Guang Ya Shu Zheng by Wang Niansun Contribution to the Paronym Research;王念孙《广雅疏证》对汉语同源词研究的贡献

1.Overview on contribution and relevant evaluating model of mercury enrichment to atmosphere by coal-fired;燃煤对大气中汞富集的贡献及相关评价模型
2.Discussion on Contribution of Technical Progress on Xishan Economic Rise;技术进步对西山经济增长的贡献—为迎接西山建局五十周年而作
3.Spatial distribution of COD and its contribution to the eutrophi-cation in Bohai Sea;渤海海区COD分布及对海水富营养化贡献分析
1.The contemporary well known dramalist and musian Mayamamiho with her New Execution in Japan have been contributed the career of culture communion and friendship between China and Japan since 1950s.半个世纪来,他们不断组团访问中国,足迹直至黄土高原上的革命圣地延安,将大量优秀的日本音乐舞蹈作品介绍到中国,也把许多优秀的中国音乐舞蹈作品带往日本,为"冰河期"两国关系的改善做出卓越贡献,在当代中日音乐文化交流史上留下浓浓一笔。
2.How to contribute to the area where university allocates,get the identification from the resident and the affirmative of territorial society is a challenge to all the universities.如何对所处区域社会作出贡献,获得区域居民的认同和区域社会的肯定,作为当今大学的必须面对的挑战之一,一直为日本创价大学办学者所重视。
3.He contributes greatly to the theory of Li of the periodbefore the Qing dynasty.荀子从理论高度阐述了礼的必要性,改造了礼的内容,又把法和礼有机地结合起来,对先秦礼学做出了巨大的贡献。
1.Contributions and Lessons of Multiscale Assessments;多尺度评估的贡献及经验教训
2.Contributions of Chinese Chrysanthemum to the World in the Past and Future;中国菊花过去和今后对世界的贡献
3.On the major contributions by Zhu De in the central committee;浅论朱德在中央工作委员会时期的重要贡献
1.The achievements of Glossematics Theory lie in that the theory is innovative in ideas,it gives sufficient attention to the construction of meta-linguistic theory,and it absorbs attentively the relevant disciplines methods and methodologies.结构主义的哥本哈根学派继承了索绪尔的思想,其代表人物叶尔姆斯列夫等人创建的语符学理论为现代语言学作出了很大贡献。
2.His outstanding achievements have been reflected in the following:he has very wide and deep literary accomplishments;he has translated more than two hundred Chinese contemporary mini-fiction works into Japanese,he has extended Chinese mini-fiction propagation in Japan;We know him well in the world of Chinese mini-fiction field;The world Chinese-wri.他在中日超短编小说比较研究领域里的主要贡献表现:治中日超短编小说比较研究,学养深厚、功底扎实;将200余篇中国大陆、台湾、香港的当代超短编小说作品翻译成日文,扩大了中国超短编小说在日本的传播与影响;积极参加世界华文文学国际会议,是华人文学界中引人瞩目的"外国人";研究成果享誉东南亚和中国两岸三地等方面。
3.Since 1950 s,the Party leadership of three generations with Mao zedong,Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin respectively as the core has made great efforts in seeking the way of Chinese modernization and made great achievements,quickening the historic process of the Chinese modernization.20世纪50年代以来,毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民等党的三代领导核心对中国现代化道路进行了不懈的探索,作出了杰出贡献,加速了中国现代化的历史进程。
