风向,wind direction
1)wind direction风向
1.Numerical research on the influence of wind direction on the outer flow field of the backward air intake device风向对后向进气装置外流场影响的数值研究
2.Moreover,the influence of wind direction,wind speed,weather,seasons and the breakdown in production on the living area′s ordor pollution is discussed.对炼油厂生活区恶臭问题进行了统计分析,探寻风向、风速、天气、季节和生产故障等因素对生活区恶臭的影响的规律,认为生活区恶臭与炼油厂有一定的关系,在北风或偏北风、风速为1~4。
3.PM 10 samples from eight wind directions were collected with ACCU(Automatic Cartridge Collection Unit)method for 3 months on one monitoring site in Wusong industry area of Shanghai,and PM 10 concentrations were measured in samples and 18 inorganic elements concentrations were measured by PIXE(proton-induced X-ray emission) method.[方法 ]在上海市吴淞工业区选择一个监测点 ,使用自动滤式颗粒物收集仪 (automaticcartridgecollectionunit,ACCU)系统进行为期 3个月、8个不同风向的PM10 采样。

1.The wind direction is the direction from which the wind blows.风向就是风吹来的方向。
2.The wind [vane] has veered round to the east.风向 [风向标] 已转东了。
3.To the windward side.迎风,向风对着风向的一边
4.At, on, or to the leeward side.下风处在下风处或向下风向
5.In the same direction as the wind.顺风,借风力按与风向相同的方向
6.automatic radio wind wane and anemometer无线电自动风向风速仪
7.any wind that changes direction with the seasons.随季节改变风向的风。
8.In a direction away from the wind.逆风,与风向相反的
9.The wind has come about into the south.风向充了,转为南风。
10.Experimental study of along-wind response and across-wind response by aeroelastic model横风向与顺风向动态风荷载的风洞试验研究
11.The wind came round at dawn.拂晓时,风向转了。
12.Luffing: Altering course toward the wind.迎风转向:改变航行路线,使之面对风向
13.Bear away: To alter course away from the wind.航向下风:远离风向改变航行路线。
14.Incline the wind meter to find the maximum wind speed direction.运用风速计去发现最大风速及风向
15.The aerovane is frequently used to measure windspeed.风向风速仪经常用来测定风速。
16.Study on the Wind Induced Response in Along Wind of the High-rise Building;高层建筑顺风向风荷载风致响应研究
17.To turn or cause to turn(a vessel) to leeward.使(船首)转向下风转向或使(船)转向下风
18.sail closer to the wind than.比……更向逆风行驶。

peg to windward向风
3)Wind speed and direction风速风向
1.Design of a small measurable range wind speed and direction sensor一种小量程风速风向传感器的设计
2.The information of wind speed and direction is important in the measure ment of weather condition.风速风向参数的测量在气象测量中占有重要的地位。
3.The methods of wind speed and direction detection based on ultrasonic time-difference are introduced in the paper.本文介绍一种基于互相关理论的时差法超声波风速风向检测方法。
4)wind direction and speed风向风速
1.This paper describes the gradient wind observing systems architecture,the main hardware schematics,analysis of the characteristics of wind sensors,meteorological observations are given in line with the norms of the wind direction and speed algo- rithm,the algorithm is given to achieve the main source.本文详细介绍了梯度风观测系统的总体结构和主要硬件原理图,分析风传感器特性,给出符合气象观测规范的风向风速算法,给出实现算法的主要源代码。
