1.The method of judging outliers in multivariate statistical data;多变量统计数据中异常值检验方法的探讨
2.Outlier Tests for Mean Slippage in Random Interactive Effects Model of Two-Way Classification;双向分类随机交互效应模型中均值滑动模型的异常值检验
3.Algorithm Study of Outlier Processing for Fuzing-Decision;引信决策异常值处理算法研究

1.Bouguer anomaly is all normal gravity and the magnetic anomaly is almost negative signature in the slop of Qiongdongnan Basin.琼东南盆地陆坡区布格重力异常值均为正异常,磁异常一般是负异常值
2.Testing on Upper and Lower Outliers in Two-parameter Weibull Samples;Weibull分布场合双向异常值的检验
3.Detection Algorithms in Multibeam Bathymetry Outliers Data多波束测深数据异常值检测算法比较
4.The Identification of Outliers and the Forecast of Missing Values in the Statistic Report;统计报表中异常值的识别与缺失值的预测
5.Treatment of Abnormal Value of Plastic Strain Ratio r Value about Metal Thin Steel Plate金属薄板塑性应变比r值异常值的处理
6.Handling of Abnormal Value of Testing Data in Products Quality Testing产品质量检测中试验数据异常值的处理
7.It was essential that the size and potential of the area be demonstrated as rapidly as possible.有必须尽快查明异常区的大小和价值。
8.Analysis of normal value of heart rate variability time domain measures in healthy human健康人心率变异时域法正常值分析
9.The succession of uranium to potassium ratio anomalies is at about two-mile.铀钾比值异常延伸约达2英里。
10.Positive Solutions of Singular Boundary Value Problem of Fourth ODE;四阶常微分方程奇异边值问题的正解
11.On Value View in Everyday Courteous Formulas Between Chinese and American Culture;中美常用礼貌用语差异的价值观取向
12.Anomaly Network Traffic Detection Model Based on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm基于模糊C均值的异常流量检测模型
13.The Clinical Value of Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Fetal Bone Dysplasia超声对胎儿骨骼发育异常的诊断价值
14.X-ray diagnosis and its value of fibrous dysplasia of bone骨纤维异常增殖症的X线诊断及价值
15.Analysis on the correlation between high-normal blood pressure and abnormal metabolism代谢异常指标对血压正常高值人群的影响
16.The projection coefficients for Bouguer anomaly are its eigenvalues (square of singular values).布格异常投影到该正交基上的系数是布格异常矩阵的特征值 (奇异值的平方 ) .
17.4) the low Bouguer anomaly zone where the isolines are from sparse to dense near the high zone.4)布格重力异常低值区,靠近高值一侧等值线由疏变密部位。
18.Clinical Significance of Ultrasonography and X-ray Fluoroscopy in Abnormal Intrauterine Contraceptive DevicesB超及X线检查对判定异常节育环的价值比较

abnormal value异常值
1.The comparison of measuring children s pulmonary function and the discussion of the abnormal values;儿童肺功能指标测量方法比较及异常值的探讨
2.By check of the abnormal value of the dam slipmass monitoring data,the reliability and precision of the model are enhanced.针对大坝滑坡体的监测资料分析,介绍了数据统计诊断方法,并对滑坡体的监测数据进行了异常值检验。
3.But the abnormal values in the monitoring often influence the stability and precision of monitoring model.建立水工建筑物安全监控模型是预测和控制大坝的运行、避免重大事故发生的不可或缺的重要手段,而大坝安全监测数据中经常出现的异常值对监测模型的稳定性和精度产生较大影响,针对这个异常值问题,采用鲁棒回归方法,有效地剔除或削弱了监测数据中的异常值的影响,实例分析表明:在监测数据中含有异常数据的情况下,基于鲁棒回归的大坝安全监测模型的稳定性和预测效果能够得到保证。
1.Likelihood Ratio Tests for Many Outliers in a Uniform Sample;均匀样本中多个异常值的似然比检验
2.Unmasking Test For Multiple Outliers in an Exponential Sample;指数样本中多个异常值的Unmasking检验(英文)
3.The proposed approach can eliminate the impact of surface outliers on Gaussian filtering and enhance the robustness.分析了高斯滤波在实际工程表面评定中存在的不足 ,引入稳健估计理论 ,提出了一种新的基于高斯滤波的稳健算法 ,消除了表面异常值对高斯滤波效率的影响 ,提高了高斯滤波的稳健性 。
4)abnormal data异常值
1.Methods used to analyse and distinguish abnormal data in oceanic information;海洋资料中异常值的分析和判别
2.Aiming at the main difficulty in data processing, it puts forward a new method of distin-guishing abnormal data.分析了弹道测试中误差产生的原因和类型,以及各种传统数据处理方法的不足之处,针对数据处理中的主要问题和难点,提出了一种新的判别异常值方法。
5)abnormal values异常值
6)Tmax abnormal valueTmax异常值

异常值分子式:CAS号:性质:一组测定值中与平均值的偏差超过两倍标准差的测定值。与平均值的偏差超过三倍标准差的测定值,称为高度异常的异常值。在处理数据时,应剔除高度异常的异常值。异常值是否剔除,视具体情况而定。在统计检验时,指定为检出异常值的显著性水平α=0.05,称为检出水平;指定为检出高度异常的异常值的显著性水平α=0.01,称为舍弃水平,又称剔除水平(reject level)。