雨滴谱,raindrop size distribution
1)raindrop size distribution雨滴谱
1.The raindrop size distribution and the structure of precipitation cloud are used to separate the precipitation cloud system into convective cloud and stratiform cloud.根据由声雨滴谱仪器测量得到的雨滴谱资料,结合降水云的结构来将降水云系划分成为对流云降水云系和层状云降水云系。
2.A rocket precipitation enhancement operation was conducted,during which observation on the rainfall and raindrop size distribution was carried out,as well as radar sounding and lightning position observation.介绍了实施火箭人工催化增雨作业情况,在作业同时进行了雨量、雨滴谱、雷达和闪电定位观测,利用常规天气图资料、雷达观测资料、闪电定位仪和雨滴谱、雨量等观测资料,对此次天气过程进行了分析,并采用作业区和非作业区对比的方法,就增雨效果从雨量、雨滴谱及秩和检验(Wilcoxon氏法)等方面进行了效果分析,结果显示:在局地强对流云系含水量丰沛,云顶高度高,云层温度低,过冷水区浓厚,同时垂直风切变有利于AgI粒子的结晶和扩散时,作业时机宜选择在降雨初期云中能量聚集尚未释放时,可进一步提高增雨作业效果。
3.Through the comparison and analysis of the raindrop microphysical parameters and raindrop size distributions of the two stations during this precipitation process,we find that under the circumstance of stratiformis precipitation in Henan Province,the average diameter of raindrops is 10~(-1)mm,the total number density of raindrops 100 drops/m~3,and the big size raindrop.2002年4月4—5日河南省出现了层状云降水天气,临颖、孟津两站进行了地面雨滴谱观测。

1.Laboratory Test of an Instrument for Measuring the Rain DSD and Analysis of DISDROMETER DSD Measurement Data雨滴谱仪器的设计与雨滴谱资料的分析
2.Rain drop size distribution (DSD) is used to describe the raindrop spectral of all kinds of diameter per unit volume.雨滴谱是指单位体积中雨滴大小的分布。
3.Characteristics of the surface raindrop size distribution of summer stratiformis precipitation in Ningxia province宁夏盛夏层状云降水雨滴谱特征分析
4.Study on the Surface Raindrop Spectra Features and Z-I Relationship in Spring and Summer in Harbin;哈尔滨春夏季地面雨滴谱特征和Z-I关系研究
5.Preliminary Study on the Character of Raindrop Spectrum and Precipitation Mechanism in Menyuan of Qinghai青海门源雨滴谱特征及降水机制的初步分析
6.The radar reflectivity-rainrate relationships as inferred from ground-based raindrop spectra observed by GBPP-100 probe利用PMS的GBPP-100型雨滴谱仪观测资料确定Z-R关系
8.An arc of all seven spectral colors appearing in the sky opposite the sun as a result of the refractive dispersion of sunlight in drops of rain or mist.彩虹由于雨滴或雾滴对阳光有折射分光作用,使空中太阳对面出现的一道有七色光谱的弧
9.Liquid or moisture that falls in drops.水滴,雨滴滴落的液体或水气
10.No more smile, no more words, but the incessant dripping, dripping, dripping.没有笑,没有话语.只有雨声:滴——滴——滴.
11.A drop of rain fell on my hand.一滴雨点儿落在我手上。
12.A few drops of rain landed on the roof.几滴雨水落在了屋顶上。
13.The rain was dripping from the eaves.雨水正从屋檐滴落。
14.The rain was still dropping from the trees.雨珠仍由树上滴下。
15.the drip from the raincoat从雨衣上滴下的水珠
16.listened to the steady drip of the rain.听雨持续滴下的声音
17.drops of rain, dew, sweat, condensation, etc雨滴、 露珠、 汗珠、 冷凝水珠
18.The trees were dripping in the rain.树木在雨中滴着水。

raindrop spectrum雨滴谱
1.Test method of raindrop spectrum using plotting software of computer;基于计算机绘图软件的雨滴谱测定新方法
2.Using typhoon precipitation raindrop spectrum data observed with GBPP-100 probesfrom Shenyang in summer, the feature, microstructure quantity and evolution of raindropspectrum are analysed.本文利用GBPP—100型地面雨滴谱仪在沈阳夏季测得的一次台风过程降水资料,分析了台风雨滴谱的谱型、微结构参量及其演变特征。
3)Rain drop size distribution雨滴谱
1.Rain drop size distribution(RDSD) have been measured at 7 meteorological stations in Ningxia during June to September from 1982 to 1984.利用 1982— 1984年 6~ 9月份在 7个气象站 2 0 0次观测获取的 6 0 5 3份滴谱资料 ,分析了宁夏雨滴谱及有关物理量的特征。
4)raindrop-size distribution雨滴谱
1.Using the data observed by a laser optical disdrometer in the northern face of Qilian Mountains in the summer of 2006,the raindrop-size distribution characteristics of precipitation of Qilian Mountain in summer were analyzed.利用2006年夏季在祁连山北坡进行人工影响天气综合科学试验期问的激光雨滴谱仪观测资料,对该地区夏季不同云系降水的雨滴谱特征进行分析。
5)raindrop spectra雨滴谱
1.Based on the 500 pieces of raindrop spectral data standing for different precipitation types, statistical relationships between the parameters of microwave radiation and spectral features such as Z-I , k t-I, k a-I, L-I and so on, have been studied.对500份不同雨型雨滴谱资料进行分析,建立了Z-I、kt-I、ka-I、L-I等20种雨滴谱微波辐射特征量与雨滴谱本身特征量之间的统计模式,得到了一些有意义的结果。
2.6 rainwater samples and388 raindrop spectra were collected over the Tropical WestPacific Area(TWPA ) from September 26 to October 27 in 1988.1988年9─10月在西太平洋热带海域收集了46个雨水样品和388份雨滴谱
6)raindrop spectrum pattern雨滴谱型
1.Based on the 113 sets of raindrop spectrum data collected in Chengdu during the peried of April toJune of 1990,the density of raindrop(N)、the ram-water content(W)、the radar reflectivity factor(Z)、the raindrop spectrum pattern and its law of chan8es are analyzed, Finally the relationshipsbetween Z and rainfall intensity(I)、between N and I、and between W and I are discussedrespectively.以1990年4~6月在成都采集的113份雨滴谱资料为基础,着重分析了低涡云系和槽后西北气流影响本地降水的雨滴谱浓度、雨水含水量、雷达反射率因子、雨滴谱型及其变化规律。

雨滴长门秋夜长,愁心和雨到昭阳。泪痕不学君恩断,拭却千行更万行。【作者】:刘皂 【朝代】:唐 【体裁】:乐府【格律】:○平声 ●仄声 ⊙可平可仄 △平韵 ▲仄韵雨滴长门秋夜长,●●⊙○○●⊙愁心和雨到昭阳。○○⊙●●⊙△泪痕不学君恩断,●○⊙●○○●拭却千行更万行。●●○⊙⊙●△==注释==:昭阳:殿名,汉成帝皇后赵飞燕所住的地方,后世泛指得宠宫妃所居之处==前言==:长门,汉宫名。汉武帝的陈皇后失宠后居于此。相传司马相如曾为陈皇后作了一篇《长门赋》,凄婉动人。实际上,《长门赋》是后人假托司马相如之名而作的。自汉以来古典诗歌中,常以“长门怨”为题发抒失宠宫妃的哀怨之情。==简析==:刘皂《长门怨》组诗共三首,此乃其一。诗借长门宫里失宠妃嫔的口吻来写,全篇不着一“怨”字,但句句在写怨,情景交融,用字精工,将抽象的感情写得十分具体、形象,不失为宫怨诗中的佳篇。首句“雨滴长门秋夜长”,通过写环境气氛,烘托人物的内心活动。诗人着意选择了一个秋雨之夜。夜幕沉沉,重门紧闭,雨声淅沥,寒气袭人,这是多么寂寞凄清的难眠之夜啊!长门宫里的好,天天度日如年,夜夜难以成眠,更哪堪这秋风秋雨之夜!“滴”字用得好,既状秋雨连绵之形,又绘秋雨淅沥之声,绘形绘声,渲染了凄凉的气氛;内心本就愁苦的妃嫔,耳听滴滴嗒嗒的雨水声,不由得产生一种“秋夜长”的感觉。这里,由景而生情,情和景有机地融合在一起了。“愁心和雨到昭阳”。昭阳与冷宫长门形成对照。长门宫里的妃嫔辗转反侧,思绪纷繁,很自然地想起昭阳殿里的种种情景来。她们想了些什么,诗人没有点破,但联系“愁心”二字看,最基本的还是怨恨。昭阳殿如今依旧金碧辉煌,皇帝仍然在那里寻欢作乐,所不同的是昭阳殿的主人已经更换,皇帝又有了新欢,过去得宠的人们被搁置一边,她们被损害的心只有伴着秋雨才能飞到昭阳,这是何等可悲的命运啊!着一“和”字,蕴含丰富,有秋雨引发愁思,愁思伴随秋雨之意,愁心和秋雨完全揉合在一起了。三、四两句是全诗感情的凝聚点。诗中女子由往日的欢娱想到今日的凄凉,再由今日的凄凉想到今后悲惨的结局,抚今追昔,由彼及此,不禁哀伤已极,泪如雨下。“泪痕不学君恩断,拭却千行更万行”,后一句当然是夸张,但这是紧承前一句来的,突出地表现了一个幽禁深宫、怨愁满怀、终日以泪洗面的失宠妃嫔的形象。“不学”二字,将失宠宫妃之泪痕不断与君恩已断联系起来,对比鲜明,感情强烈,把皇帝的寡恩无情给揭露出来了,熔议论、抒情于一炉,直率而又委婉。这一笔不仅增强了艺术感染力,而且提高了作品的思想性,不仅写出了怨,而且也写出了怒。==话外音==:白居易的《后宫词》有云:“红颜未老恩先断,斜倚熏笼坐到明”,正面抉示主题,宣泄人物感情,写得很直率。刘皂的“泪痕不学君恩断”,其直率有如白诗,其余味却胜于白诗。