人工站和自动站对比,differences between the manual observation station and automatic one
1)differences between the manual observation station and automatic one人工站和自动站对比
2)Automatic Workstation全自动工作站
3)Automation workstation自动化工作站
1.Methods All DNA samples were extracted by laboratory automation workstation in combination with magnetic bead protocol and Chelex-100,and then typed using the AmpF/STR Identifiler~ system and capillary electrophoresis unit.目的建立自动化工作站同步提取不同种类涉案法医生物检材DNA的新方法。

1.Study on the application of the automation workstation in DNA extraction of biological samples;应用自动化工作站提取常见生物样本DNA
2.Application of a new magnetic beads made in China in DNA extraction of forensic biological samples with automation workstation国产磁珠结合自动化工作站批量提取生物检材DNA的应用
3.sample preparation workstation样品自动制备工作站
4.Test and Analysis of Remote Maintenance Workstation for Substation Automation System变电站综合自动化系统远程维护工作站的测试分析
5.Work and Maintain of CAWS600 Auto Atmosphere Station for my OpinionCAWS600自动气象站工作作业维护程序探讨
6.Research on Electric Control System of Ship-carrying Automatic Biochemical Analysis Workstation for Maritime Red Tide Alga;船载近海赤潮藻自动化生化分析工作站电气控制系统研制
7.Integrated Automatic System Reconstruction Project of 220kV Substation;220kV变电站综合自动化系统改造工程
8.Research into a Connected Sequence and Automatic System in Terrestrial Surveying Engineering on Total Station全站式地面测量工程一体化自动化系统研究
9.Prospect of comprehensive automation project in chlor-alkali chemical industry substation氯碱化工变电站的综合自动化方案展望
10.Substation Comprehensive Automation System Software Engineering & Realization;变电站综合自动化系统软件工程及实现
11.Research on Intergrated Automation System of Substation Based on Industry Ethernet;基于工业以太网的变电站综合自动化系统研究
12.The Research and Implement of Automated Security Test Tool Based on .NET Websites;基于.NET网站的自动化安全测试工具研究与实现
13.The Direction and Investigation of GIS Synthesis Automatization Transformer Substation Relay Protection Construction;GIS综合自动化变电站继电保护施工指导与研究
14.Application and analysis of automatic welding technology in nuclear power plant construction核电站安装施工中自动化焊接技术应用分析
15.The automatic management realization of student assignments in Website Design course;《网站设计》课程学生作业自动化管理的实现
16.Discussion on Safety Operation and Automatic Control of 35/10kV Substation丰龙公司35/10kV变电站安全操作与自动化控制
17.Analysis and Correction of Observation Difference between Two Kinds of AWS and Man-observed Station in Shijiazhuang自动站与人工站观测记录的差异分析
18.Development of Workticket and Operaticket Automation-Generating System for Substation Based on Object-oriented Programming;基于面向对象技术的变电站工作票及操作票自动生成系统的开发

Automatic Workstation全自动工作站
3)Automation workstation自动化工作站
1.Methods All DNA samples were extracted by laboratory automation workstation in combination with magnetic bead protocol and Chelex-100,and then typed using the AmpF/STR Identifiler~ system and capillary electrophoresis unit.目的建立自动化工作站同步提取不同种类涉案法医生物检材DNA的新方法。
4)Automatic DNA workstation自动化DNA工作站
5)manual station人工站
1.Analysis on the differences of observational precipitation between AWS and manual stations and discussion on instrument maintenance自动站与人工站降水量差异原因浅析及仪器维护
6)automatic station自动站
1.The automatic station is an automatic processing instrument for surface meteorological observation,and its operation and maintenance is more complex.自动站是应用于地面气象测报工作的自动处理仪器,操作维护较复杂。
2.Based on message transmission status quo in Xin an automatic station,the paper analyzes factors affecting transmission quality and proposes measures to improve transmission quality.根据新安县自动站报文传输情况,分析了影响传输质量的因子,并提出提高报文传输质量的措施。
3.The jump phenomenon usually appears in the minute data at automatic station.自动站分钟数据常出现跳变现象,对跳变数据,首先应分析是否为野值。
