1.Analysis on damage in refractory support flange in water-coal gasifier and improvement for it;气化炉托砖板法兰损毁原因分析及改进措施研究
2.On damage of tower cranes in Xi An due to Wen chuan earthquake汶川地震中西安市塔式起重机的损毁分析
3.This article analyzes the main reasons for the damage of refractory brick surpport flange in water-coal slurry gasifier,proposes the measures for improvement and precaution, and summarizes the improving effect.对水煤浆气化炉托砖板法兰损毁的原因进行分析,提出改进与预防对策,总结改进效果。

1.To bring or fall into a state of partial ruin, decay, or disrepair.使损毁(使)或部分毁坏、坍塌或朽坏
2.Pay the cost price for any damage done.如有任何损毁,照价赔偿。
3.A hurricane ravaged the island.飓风损毁了那个岛屿。
4.Bodily Injury, Property Damage人身伤害,财产损毁
5.Avarice is a bane to happiness.贪婪是损毁幸福的祸根。
6.Voice Defect Logging System [VODEL System]损毁状况声控记录系统
7.Emergency and Storm Damage Organization [Drainage Services Department]应急及处理台风损毁组织〔渠务署〕
8.The ruined central eye acts as an arcane focus for all the creature's spells.所有奥法器材由损毁的中央主眼充当。
9.to deface Party posters and hoarding announcements,损毁党的海报,还有贮藏公告。
10.Group B 15 rats, after 7 days of left vestibular damage;B组(15只)左侧前庭损毁术后7d。
11.save [stain] one's honor保住 [毁损] 名誉
12.To deface by covering with marks.磨损,毁损因痕迹斑斑而受损伤
13.Subject to decay, spoilage, or destruction.易腐败、损耗或毁灭的
14.He is chipping away at my reputation.他在毁损我的名声。
15.Oil on your car tires will perish them.车胎上的油会毁损车胎。
16.a wearing down to weaken or destroy.导致削落或毁坏的磨损。
17.worn or damaged by age用久而磨损或毁坏的
18.ruinously destructive and wasting.毁灭性的破坏、损耗。

1.Wear of magnesia-chrome brick used in burning zone of dry-process cement rotary kiln;镁铬砖在大型干法水泥回转窑烧成带的损毁
2.The main cause to the wear of magnesite-carbon bricks at the tunnel head of converter is analyzed, counter measures adopted and then better results achieved as well.介绍了转炉炉帽镁碳砖损毁的主要原因、采取的相应措施、取得的良好效果。
1.Experienmental study of the lesion effects on rabbit brain heated by a radiofrequency generator;射频加热兔脑损毁实验研究
2.Objective To investigate the time course of unilateral hippocampal lesion on neurogenesis of bilateral dentate gyrus(DG).目的探讨成年大鼠单侧海马锥体细胞被损毁后,海马齿状回(dentategyrus,DG)神经干细胞/前体细胞(neuralstemcells/progenitorcells)原位激活的时间变化规律。
3.We introduce in this essay a study on the chemical lesion dossage to the rat s hippocampus by kainic acid, the coordinate selection and the distinctive character.文章就海人酸对大鼠海马进行化学性损毁的剂量、坐标选择以及损毁的特异性等问题进行了探讨。
1.This article emphasizes on the discussion of various causes for continual disrepair and disappearance of these ancient bridges,including:naturl destruction,defects in construction,Man-made destruction and ntural elimination,etc,puts forward ideas about how to protect these ancient bridges.本文着重探讨这些古代桥梁不断损毁和消失的种种原因,包括自然力的破坏、古代桥梁建筑的缺陷、人为破坏和自然淘汰等,并就古代桥梁的保护问题提出自己的看法。
1.Effects of nucleus accumbens core and shell lesions on the acquisition of drug-seeking behavior under morphine reinforcement;伏隔核的外壳部和核心部毁损对大鼠吗啡觅药行为的影响
2.Treatment of Schizophrenia with Intracerebral Multi-Targets Stereotactic Lesions立体定向脑内多靶点联合毁损治疗精神分裂症
3.Aim:To investigate the effect of CSF contacting neurons(CSF-CNs)lesion in rat dorsal raphe nucleus(DRN)on the scores of morphine withdrawal symptoms precipitated by naloxone and the nNOS expression in dorsal horn of spinal cord,and study the relationship between the distal CSF-CNs in rat brain parenchyma and the development of morphine dependence and withdrawal.方法:化学性神经元毁损、侧脑室引入霍乱毒素亚单位B与辣根过氧化物酶复合物(CB-HRP)神经示踪、TMB-ST呈色反应,Western blot、nNOS免疫组织化学。
1.The effect of the nucleus accumbens and ventral pallidum lesions on seeking beha vior in rats;毁损伏隔核、腹侧苍白球对大鼠觅药行为的影响
2.Metheds: Electrolytic lesions of the nucleus accumbens were done in 20 rhesus and the drug seeking behavior was measured by conditioned place preference paradigm.方法:通过吗啡强化形成条件性位置偏爱,毁损实验猴伏隔核,利用条件性位置偏爱实验测定术前、术后吗啡依赖猴对注射吗啡侧的偏好分,评价猴伏隔核在药物强化效应中的作用。
3.Method: Electrical lesions of ventral pallidum were done in 12 morphine dependent rats and the drug seeking behavior was measured by conditioned place preference paradigm.方法··:毁损依赖大鼠腹侧苍白球 ,利用条件性位置偏爱实验测定术前、术后依赖大鼠对注射吗啡侧的偏爱程度 ,评价腹侧苍白球在药物强化效应程度中的作用。
