1.Frequency spectrum analysis on microseismic monitoring and signal differentiation of rock material;岩体微震监测的频谱分析与信号识别
2.Research on Microseism Monitoring System Based on Vitual Instrument;基于虚拟仪器的微震监测系统研究
3.The microseism source excitation model and the relation between the magnitude and vibration cycle微震振源激振模型及振动周期与震级的关系

1.a mighty tremor followed by minor concussions巨大的震动及随后的轻微震荡.
2.microseismic instrument微震岩石压力测量仪
3.stripper shockless jolt squeeze moulding machine顶箱微震压实造型机
4.An Excitation Model of the Microseismicity Source and a Formula to Calculate its Vibration Magnitude微震振源激振模型及震级计算公式的建立
5.The microseism source excitation model and the relation between the magnitude and vibration cycle微震振源激振模型及振动周期与震级的关系
6.A faint earth tremor caused by natural phenomena, such as winds and strong ocean waves.微震,脉动由自然现象,如风或强海波引起的轻微地球震动
7.Along some active faults we can see clear alignments of microearthquakes.微震清晰地沿着某些活动断层排列着。
8.The spectrum level of microseismic noise tends to peak at about 1/6 Hz.微震的噪声谱在1/6赫趋于峰值。
9.To Explore the Function of Being in Microseismic Sitting Position in Promoting Labor坐式微震待产对产程促进作用的探讨
10.Application of microseismic monitoring system for mine dynamic disaster relief微震监测系统在矿山灾害救援中应用
11.He gave a slight start.他微微地震动了一下。
12.Seismic phase separation technique of micro-seismic signal by polarization-position correlation微地震信号的偏振—位置对比法震相分离技术
13.Earthquake dynamics-from macroscopic to microscopic:examples learnt from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan地震动力:由巨观到微观——1999年台湾集集地震
14.An earthquake with a magnitude of less than 2.0 is so slight that usually only a seismometer can detect it.小于2.0震级的地震非常轻微,通常只有地震检波器才能探测到。
15.He is a little shocked, a little empty.他当下不觉微微一震,依稀有些茫茫若失之感。
16.I must've taken some hit.我肯定是有些轻微的脑震荡了。
17.Earthquakes along spreading centers tend to be very mild.沿扩展中心的地震往往很轻微。
18.Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below.突然从下面传来一阵轻微的震颤声。

1.The fractal dimension of the microseismic activity before and after adjusting the distribution of working face in Jiulongpen region of Mentougou mine is analyzed.本文对门头沟煤矿九龙盆地区人工开采活动调整前后的微震活动的分维结构变化进行了分析。
2.For the progressive failure of geological structures(faults,karst collapse columns) to be investigated and their microseismic activities associated with water inrush to be predicted,microseismic monitoring is firstly undertaken in a deep coal mine where the water inrush is a significant issue.为了监测导水通道(断层、陷落柱等)在采动影响下的动力学活动和失稳过程,以及对其造成的突水危险性进行实时预测预报,利用高精度微震监测技术进行煤矿突水危险监测的工程实践。
3.No microseismic sitting position is reported.目前临床上指导产妇分娩的体位有多种,如平卧位、坐位、自由体位等,尚未见有专用待产椅坐式微震待产的文献报道。
1.Using the Microquake Network in Study on Locating and Source Mechanism of Lanzhou M_S2.5 Earthquake in 2006;用微震台网对2006年兰州M_S2.5地震定位和震源机制研究
2.It is the first attempt in China to set up a digital seismic network for microquake.数字化微震台网在国内是第一次尝试。
1.With the establishment of the micro-seismic observation and measurement test system for the coal and rock swelling and cracking failure,the paper studied the micro-seismic signal feature law of the coal and rock samples during the swelling and cracking procedure.运用建立的煤岩胀裂破坏微震观测试验系统,研究了煤岩试样在胀裂破坏过程中微震信号的特性规律。
2.This paper introduced basic principles and technology of micro-seismic monitoring system.介绍了微震监测系统的基本原理和监测技术,并与传统的钻探法、近距离监测手段作了对比,指出了微震监测技术具有静态、实时和大范围监测的技术优势。
3.Time-frequency analysis technology applied,this paper firstly researched spectrum characteristic of micro-seismic signal from blasting for pressure relief during mining 9902 Mining Face with high bursting danger in Sanhejian Colliery,Xuzhou.采用时-频分析技术,研究了徐州三河尖煤矿9202冲击矿压高危险工作面开采过程中卸压爆破微震信号的频谱特性,通过对微震信号的谱特性分析,进行卸压爆破效果的评价,从而为冲击矿压灾害动态防治效果的有效检验提供一条新方法。
1.deployed in the southern Okinawa Trough, the epicentral distribution of microearthquakes along the direction perpendicular to the general strike of the local tectonics is acquired.通过解析在南冲绳海槽海域投放的海底地震仪(OBS)记录到的天然地震资料,得到近垂直海槽走向的微震震中分布。
1.Dynamic mechanical phenomena such as rock bursting in colliery are necessarily related to micro-seism of rock body.煤矿冲击矿压、矿震等煤岩动力现象,与岩体的微震事件有着必然联系。

"太阳辐射监测卫星"  美国太阳观测卫星系列,英文缩写为Solrad。从1960年6月到1976年3月共发射成功10颗。它们的主要任务是对太阳 X射线和紫外辐射进行整个太阳活动周的连续监测和提供实时数据,探测太阳X射线和紫外线的辐射通量,了解日-地关系,预报太阳质子和电子事件。"太阳辐射监测卫星"早期称"格雷勃"号卫星,其中1号是世界第一颗天文卫星。8~10号又名"太阳探险者"1~3号,也编入"探险者"号卫星系列,分别为"探险者"36、37和44号。前5颗卫星为球形,基本上取900公里近圆轨道,倾角70°,周期103分钟。9~10号为12边棱柱形,近地点430~520公里,远地点630~880公里,倾角51°~59.4°,周期95~98分钟。1976年成对发射的11A和11B号为车胎形,取11万多公里近圆轨道,倾角25.3°~25.4°,周期118~123小时。太阳辐射监测卫星带有盖革计数器、电离室、闪烁计数器、正比计数器、 X射线光度计、紫外线光度计和半导体探测器等仪器,用以观测太阳 X射线、紫外辐射、高能粒子和恒星X射线。 一般根据前一颗卫星观测到的太阳辐射流量水平和预期的变化,决定后一颗卫星探测仪器工作的动态范围。仪器能利用相应的射线过滤板对X射线进行逐段测量。1964年以来,人们利用这些卫星测定了太阳黑子周期内的极小和极大的辐射流量和辐射流量随太阳活动的变化情况。