井口装置,wellhead equipment
1)wellhead equipment井口装置
1.Develoment of CAD software for wellhead equipment;井口装置CAD软件开发
2.In allusion to the fixed characteristics of wellhead equipment structures in oil and gas production,the powerful parametric functions and open system structure of CAXA software were used to establish a data base of wellhead equipment,structures in database could be revised according to the parameters.针对采油(气)井口装置产品结构比较固定的特点,利用CAXA软件强大的参数化功能和开放式的体系结构,建立了井口装置的参数化库,使其中的结构均能进行参数化修改。
3.The conditions of wellhead equipments on retention wells offshore, Shengli Oilfieldare briefly presented,as well as the existing shortcomings and problems, and the correspounding aresuggested.简述了1978年以来胜利油田海上钻井油气保留井井口装置的保护情况,对所存不足及尚需考虑和解决的问题提出了一些看法和意见,供有关部门和人员参考。

1.dual tubing wellhead双油管采气井口装置
2.Wellhead Equipment Reonstruction of the Liaogu-1 Well and Analysis of its Observation Effect聊古1井井口装置改造及其观测效果分析
3.The Current Situation and Development Trend of the Wellhead Device;采油(气)井口装置现状及发展趋势
4.Development and application of the BKR thermal recovery wellheadBKR热采井口装置研制及推广应用
5.oil well special-purpose materials, including oil pipes, casings, well head assemblies and underwater appliances;油井专用材料,包括油管、套管和井口装置、水下器具;
6.Problem analysis for wellhead and christmas tree standard in the enterprise standard adoption work对《井口装置和采油树设备规范》企业“采标”中几个问题的分析
7.Simulated Investigation of Movement Controlling of Wellhead Mechanized Devices of Petroleum Rigs;石油钻机井口机械化装置的运动控制模拟研究
8.The apparatus and technology of heavy oil recovery by wellhead gas heating井口天然气加热稠油开采工艺及装置设计
9.The apply and research on the alarm and braking system of inclined shaft with single clasp and mickle leaning gobs of lifter.斜井单钩多偏口提升减速报警制动装置的研制与应用
10.semiautomatic well-test unit半自动油井测试装置
11.offshore mobile drilling units海上移动式钻井装置
12.multicoil induction system多线圈感应测井装置
13.bottom-supported mobile rig坐底式活动钻井装置
14.computerized logging unit计算机控制测井装置
15.Discussion on Working Platform Arrangement Pattern in Vertical Shaft Construction立井井筒装备施工吊盘布置方式探讨
16.Its drilling system uses a 380-ton protective casing over the wellhead that is about the size of a six-story office building.它的钻探系统采用了重380吨、约六层办公大楼大小的保护罩(防爆装置)来保护井口。
17.The paper introduces the operating principle, structure and operated result of hydraulic interlocking device with PLC controller for the mouth of Service shaft.介绍了可编控制器(LC)制的副井口液压联动装置的控制原理、构及应用效果。
18.mobile offshore drilling rig移动式近海钻井平台移动式近海钻井装置

1.Design of threaded flange for valve end of high-pressure wellhead.;高压油气井口装置阀体端部螺纹法兰的设计
2.Establishment of database about wellhead design;井口装置设计数据库的建立
3)cellar hook up钻井井口装置
4)injection well head assembly注水井井口装置
5)flanged-up completion安装井口装置完井
6)gas producing wellhead采气井口装置

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