1.Nine cases of metachronous multiple primary cancers;异时性重复癌9例临床分析
2.Metachronous Metastases of Colorectal Cancer异时性结直肠癌肝转移及其治疗
3.RESULTS:There were 16 cases with synchronous BPBC (sBPBC) and 38 cases with metachronous BPBC (mBPBC).结果:同时性和异时性BPBC 分别为16例和38例。
2)TP53 gene mutation异时性癌
3)synchronous and metachronous同时性和异时性
4)temporal heterogeneity时间异质性
1.Species diversity under effects of temporal heterogeneity of habitat destruction;物种多样性对栖息地毁坏时间异质性的响应
2.Mountain ecosystems in arid and semiarid regions are frequently characterized by significant spatial self-organization,and temporal heterogeneity of soil moisture maybe an important driver factor in the vegetation pattern formation and maintenance.资源供给的时间异质性与环境异质性对植被群落动态甚至景观格局的形成有着同等重要的意义。
5)temporary differences暂时性差异
1.The new accounting rules regulate that the income tax accounting treatment should use the balance sheet debt law,establish the proper separation of accounting profit and taxable income,and define the concept of temporary differences, which are more integrated,more canonical and more suitable for the modern accounting theory and rules compared to the old ones.新会计准则规定所得税会计处理采用资产负债表债务法,确立了会计利润与应税所得的适当分离,明确了暂时性差异的概念,与旧准则相比更完整、更规范、更符合现代会计理论和原则。
2.It introduces the concept of temporary differences to measure differences.2006年财政部颁布的新所得税会计准则引入"暂时性差异",要求企业统一采用资产负债表债务法。
3.It also introduces the concept of tax base to measure temporary differences.2006年发布的所得税会计准则,要求采用资产负债表债务法,引入计税基础计量暂时性差异,重在规范递延所得税资产或负债的确认及计量,在资产及负债存量可靠、完整的基础上,从资产及负债的增减变动导出对所得税费用的影响金额,体现了资产负债观在我国会计规范中的运用。

1.It is likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up the deductible temporary differences.未来很可能获得用来抵扣可抵扣暂时性差异的应纳税所得额。
2.transient situational personality disorder暂时情境性人格异常
3.temporary hearing loss暂时性听力损失 暂时性听力损失
4.Time Difference Study on the Cognition Difference Between Mother Language and the Second Language.;母语和第二语言认知差异的时差性研究
5.Judgment of Permanent and Time - dependent Discrepancies and Technique of Physical Disposition;关于永久性差异与时间性差异判断及实务处理技巧初探
6.A Study of the Difference in Time of Pupils' Mental Arithmetic on Addition小学生加法口算时间的差异性研究
7.Analysis of Time and Spatial Difference about Traveling Economy in Huangshan City-compared with Qimen City;黄山市旅游经济发展时空差异性分析
8.Dynamical and spatial analysis of eco-capacity population in Shaanxi Province陕西省生态人口容量时空差异性分析
9.a provisional appointment, contract, government暂定的职务、 暂时性的契约、 临时政府
10.The Applied and Basal Research about Temporary Ectopic Implantation of Amputated Limb;断肢暂时性异位寄养再回植术的基础与应用研究
11.The quality or state of being brief in duration.短促,短暂在时间上简暂的性质或状态
12.Compensating differentials补偿性(工资)差异
13.TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol暂时密钥完整性协议
14.temporary loading of 1/2 percentage point暂时性加征半个百分点
15.Moreover every kind of enzyme activity has great difference in different carbon and nitrogen sources.各种酶活性在不同碳、源培养时有较大差异。
16.Research on the Identification with Chinese Folk Belief in the Technology Age;科技时代中国民间信仰认同的差异性研究
17.A Brief Discussion about the Family Structure and the Difference Between Town and Country during the Republic of China;浅谈民国时期的家庭结构及城乡差异性
18.The Timely Discrepancy on the Year-end Project Income Balance of the Constructing Enterprise;施工企业年终工程结算收入确认的时间性差异

TP53 gene mutation异时性癌
3)synchronous and metachronous同时性和异时性
4)temporal heterogeneity时间异质性
1.Species diversity under effects of temporal heterogeneity of habitat destruction;物种多样性对栖息地毁坏时间异质性的响应
2.Mountain ecosystems in arid and semiarid regions are frequently characterized by significant spatial self-organization,and temporal heterogeneity of soil moisture maybe an important driver factor in the vegetation pattern formation and maintenance.资源供给的时间异质性与环境异质性对植被群落动态甚至景观格局的形成有着同等重要的意义。
5)temporary differences暂时性差异
1.The new accounting rules regulate that the income tax accounting treatment should use the balance sheet debt law,establish the proper separation of accounting profit and taxable income,and define the concept of temporary differences, which are more integrated,more canonical and more suitable for the modern accounting theory and rules compared to the old ones.新会计准则规定所得税会计处理采用资产负债表债务法,确立了会计利润与应税所得的适当分离,明确了暂时性差异的概念,与旧准则相比更完整、更规范、更符合现代会计理论和原则。
2.It introduces the concept of temporary differences to measure differences.2006年财政部颁布的新所得税会计准则引入"暂时性差异",要求企业统一采用资产负债表债务法。
3.It also introduces the concept of tax base to measure temporary differences.2006年发布的所得税会计准则,要求采用资产负债表债务法,引入计税基础计量暂时性差异,重在规范递延所得税资产或负债的确认及计量,在资产及负债存量可靠、完整的基础上,从资产及负债的增减变动导出对所得税费用的影响金额,体现了资产负债观在我国会计规范中的运用。
6)Spatial and temporal variability时空变异性
1.Based on the observation datum of typical field,experiment study on the spatial and temporal variability of infiltration have been performed on a surface irrigation field during the growing period of winter wheat,the distribution characteristic of spatial and temporal variability of infiltration parameters were described,and the correlation between different parameters were analyzed.基于典型田块的试验观测数据,开展地面灌溉条件下冬小麦生长期间土壤入渗性能时空变异性的试验研究,描述土壤入渗参数的时空变异分布特征,分析各参数间存在的相关关系。
2.The spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture under mulched drip irrigation of cotton fields can provide guideline for the soil moisture monitoring program.在新疆库尔勒市包头湖农场48 m×56 m的范围内,布置土壤水分监测点共计63个,采用经典统计和地统计方法进行了时空变异性分析。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-