1.Investigation and analysis of influence of rservoirs on downstream areas in Guangxi;广西水库对下游影响情况的调查与分析
2.Measurement system of ecologic restoration at downstream of the Tarim River;塔里木河下游生态修复措施体系探讨
3.The decay of a stationary perturbation from the Couette-Poiseuille flow in the downstream is sought.对0到2000之间的雷诺数,计算了平稳扰动的Couette-Poiseuille流的下游特征值,其特征方程类似于Orr-Sommerfeld方程。

1."downstream effect, Benefit"下游效应,下游收益
2.to navigate up(down)a river向上游(或下游)航行
3.upstream and downstream of the industrial / Business chain产业链的上游和下游
4.navigate up [down] a river沿河向上游[下游]航行
5.dunk oneself ina pool下游泳池,在游泳池中泡一下
6.Practically every river has an upper, a middle and a lower part.按惯列每条河有上游部分,中游部分和下游部分。
7.We often divide a river into three parts, that is the upper, middle and lower reaches.我们经常把一条河分成三部分:上游、中游和下游
8.He swam under the bridge to his brushy home.他从桥下游过,游向灌木丛中的家里。
9.Shall I row you up/down/across the river?要我划你到河的上游(下游、对岸)去吗?
10.Ever coursing downward and ever renewed from above?总是从上游流来又向下游流去么?
11.ile of crown section拱冠断面下游面轮廓
12.We swam all afternoon.我们游泳游了一个下午。
13.They swam all afternoon.游泳游了一个下午。
14.I'd like to take a short cruise/ take a tour of the harbor.我想短途坐船游览/船游览一下港湾。
15.He must needs swim that is held up by the chin.[谚]有人托着下巴,不会游泳也会游。
16.It is easy to swim if another holds up your head.有人托着下巴,不会游泳也会游。
17.The Idea of “Grand Tourism” and the Development of Tourism in Shenzhen;“大旅游”理念下的深圳旅游发展探讨
18.Archaeotourism:Archaeology and Tourism under the Perspective of Interaction考古旅游:互动视野下的考古与旅游

3)downstream products下游产品
1.Research advances in production of ethanol amine and its downstream products;乙醇胺及其下游产品的研究现状
2.Production,application and development of downstream products of dimethyl ether;二甲醚的生产、应用及下游产品的开发
3.Progress in production and application of downstream products of carbon disulfide;二硫化碳下游产品的开发及应用进展
4)lower Weihe River渭河下游
1.Auto-regulating function of channel of Lower Weihe River since 1960;1960年以来渭河下游河道的自动调整作用
2.Stable lowering of Tongguan bed elevation and comprehensive regulation of the lower Weihe River;潼关高程的稳定降低与渭河下游河道综合治理
5)middle and downstream area中下游
6)downstream product下游产品
1.This paper introduces the progress of domestic and foreign urea producing technologies, expounds the present situation of the urea production in China, and expounds several urea downstream products.介绍了近年来国内外尿素生产技术的进展,探讨了国内尿素生产现状,阐述了几种尿素下游产品。

下游1.河流接近出口的部分;亦指下游附近的地区。 2.犹末流。 3.比喻落后的地位。