1.The reorientation of the economic law of our country after entering the WTO;入世后我国经济法的重新定位
2.The Reorientation of the Relation between Township Enterprise and Township Government in China;论我国乡镇企业与乡镇政府关系的重新定位
3.Judicial justice is the goal of our judicial system reform, and independence of judicature is its safeguard ,while the realization of judicial independence needs reorientation of Chinese procuratorial function .司法公正是我国司法改革的目标 ,司法独立是司法公正的保障 ,而司法独立的实现需要检察功能的重新定位

1.On re-orienting the status and the role of the WTO Secretariat;对WTO秘书处地位和作用的重新定位
2.Re- positioning of Government s Economic Function under the New Economy;论新经济下政府经济职能的重新定位
3.Reorientation of the Role of Sports Teacher in Innovative Education;创新教育中体育教师角色的重新定位
4.On Rearrangement of Personnel Management in Public Institutions under New Situation;谈新形势下事业单位人事工作的重新定位
5.orient once again, after a disorientation.经历了迷惑之后又重新定位
6.Called when the control is repositioned and resized当控件重新定位和调整大小时调用
7.Entery WTO and the reorientation of Chinese government's function generation“入世”与中国政府职能的重新定位
8.The New Position and Effect of the Relationship among China,Japan and America after Cool War冷战后中美日关系的重新定位及影响
9.Repositioning the Marketing Strategy for Dong-Jun Excelsior Towers;《案例》:东浚“荔景苑”——重新定位的营销策略
10.Relocating the Function of Local Authorities in Biding for Investments;招商引资中地方政府作用的重新定位
11.Relocation of Teacher s Role in Long Range Education Term;远程教育条件下教师角色的重新定位
12.Relocation and Agglomeration of Chinese Industry;中国工业在区域上的重新定位和聚集
13.Repositioning of Chinese Secretaries under WTO;WTO语境下中国秘书角色的重新定位
14.Reorientation of the Teaching Goal of Theoretical Mechanics in Higher Vocational Education;论高职理论力学教学目标的重新定位
15.Re-orientation of "LTL" Value in the Internet Era;互联网时代“联想科技”价值的重新定位
16.Reflection on the Practice of One Century:Socialism Needs Repositioning;百年实践反思:社会主义要重新定位
17.In-depth Reflection on and Re-orientation of the Trend of Relationship Between Administration and Management;政企关系走势的深层反思和重新定位
18.IntelligenceIndustry:Reorientation of Libraries at the Knowledge Economy Age;智业:知识经济时代图书馆的重新定位

1.Teachers,as the leading role in teaching and main force in teaching reform,should realize the relocation of their role in teaching reform as soon as possible.教师作为教学的主导和改革的主力必须顺应大学英语教学改革的脉络,尽快在现代教学中实现角色的重新定位,才能达到预期的改革效果。
2.Analyzing the current trend of theinternational standardization development, and combiningthe practice of the enterprise standardization, which mainlystudy the direction of the relocation and development for theenterprise standardization under the market economic system,and then putting forward the resolution for the presentsituation and popular problems of the enterprisestandardization in here.围绕当前国际标准化的发展趋势,结合企业标准化的实际情况,着重分析了市场经济体制下企业标准化工作的重新定位和发展方向,并就企业标准化的现状及其普遍存在的问题提出了解决对策。
1.The Pilot Study on the Re-orientation of Teachers Role in Multimedia Computer Assisted Language Learning;多媒体辅助外语教学中教师角色的重新定位
2.In the current cultivation of teachers morality,attention should be paid to the re-orientation of the relationship between students and teachers in order to build up the conception of "student-centered,teacher-guided",evaluate the students objectively and fairly,respect and defend the students self-respect,treat the students equally and consider the students as the adults and friends.当前师德修养中要注意对师生关系进行重新定位,树立“学生为主、教师为导”观念,客观、公正地评价学生,懂得尊重和维护学生的自尊心,并平等地对待学生,把学生当平等的伙伴看待,当朋友看待。
3.This thesis is thus centered upon re-orientation of translation criteria, with a view to presenting a new perspe.本文围绕着翻译标准的重新定位展开论述,以一种全新的视角来看待翻译标准。
1.Analyses to the Necessity Relocate to the Proceeding Position of the Victims in the Public Prosecution;公诉案件被害人诉讼地位重新定位的必要性分析
2.Under the new curriculum standard,teachers should relocate their roles in the teaching process.新课程标准下 ,教师在教学中的作用需重新定位
6)RLD ReLocation Dictionary重新配位表,重定位字典

产品重新定位产品重新定位product repositioning  产品重新定位(produetl二positloning)为适应市场变化,重新改变产品在消费者心目中知‘觉的地位和产品形象的过程。在市场疲软的情况下,它是比较理想的一种策略。 (张玉峰撰马谋超审)