1.Study on apriority of in-building rate based on buried rate基于地震压埋率的在室率先验性研究
2.Fate is the unity of apriority and posterior,irresistance and resitance.对命运的思考是与对人的本质的思考相随而来的,它可以追溯到古希腊神话中的斯芬克司之谜;命运是先验性、不可抗拒性和后验性、可抗拒性的统一;认识命运要坚持既唯物又辩证的原则,把握命运要有生活在现在的态度,要把个人的命运和国家、民族的前途和命运结合起来。
3.Thirdly,some studies have already demonstrateda tight connection between three main characteristics of source monitoring,which arefrangibleness,apriority and non-automaticity,and many daily activities.源检测是生活中常见的一种记忆现象,它是一个生态效度极强的研究领域,因为:第一,源检测研究源自于记忆研究取向从科学化向生态化的转变;第二,源检测研究从直接范式走向间接范式是出于更好地模式现实生活中的源检测过程;第三,源检测的三大特征——脆弱性、监控性和先验性,与诸如无意识抄袭等许多生活现象间存在着密切的联系;第四,源检测的机制分析将揭示构成源检测三大特征的内部机理,为指导生活实践提供更多的帮助。

1.It is the mixture of the politics between transcendentalism and experientialism.政治理念本身是一个先验性和经验性的混合体。
2.The Transcendentality of Language Communication Community --The Study of Karl-Otto Apel s Transcendental Pragmatics;语言交往共同体的先验性——卡尔·奥托-阿佩尔先验语用学研究
3.The end of apriority and aesthetics construction in consumer society;先验性的终结与消费社会的美学建构
4.Re-cognition of Quality Education and Teaching Reform in universities;高等农林教育规划理论的先验性研究
5.Study on apriority of in-building rate based on buried rate基于地震压埋率的在室率先验性研究
6.The sociological apriorities envisaged are likely to have the same twofold significance as those which make nature possible.社会学的先验性将具有这样的双重意义,犹如使自然成为可能的先验性一样。
7.pilot gas-injection project先导性注气试验方案
8.We are using the substance experimentally at first.我们现在先试验性地使用这种物质.
9.The quality or state of being transcendental.超越、先验、杰出的性质或状态
10.Discuss the Pioneer Experiment of "the Mark on the Wall" in Its Text Form;论《墙上的斑点》小说艺术的先锋试验性
11.Spatiality: A Priori Root of Technology and Its Progress;“空间性”:技术及其进步的先验基础
12.The Comparison of the A and B editions Transcendental Deduction in the Critique of Pure Reason;《纯粹理性批判》中两版先验演绎之比较
13.The Source of the Kant s PhilosoPhy--Reread the Theory of Transcendental Aesthetic of Critique of Pure Reason;“先验感性论”是康德哲学的发源地
14.The Party s Progress Originated from History and Tested by History;党的先进性源于历史并为历史所验证
15.Kant s Ethics of Transcendentalism in the View of the Problem of Modernity;现代性问题图景中的康德先验伦理学
16.An Interpretation of Theory of Transcendental Deduction of Critique of Pure Reason《纯粹理性批判》之先验演绎思想解读
17.On the Transcendental Imagination--An Explanation of the Relationship Between Imagination and Understanding论先验想象力——想象力与知性关系辨析
18.Twist Property and the Second Order Differential Equations Without a Priori Bounds扭转性质和无先验界的二阶微分方程

empirical sensation先验感性
1.The writer believes that Kant’s philosophy comes from pre-empirical sensation, which,however,gives up the sensation idea of 17th century philosophy system, and redefines the power on the subject,or the subject’s inner sensation plays very important role in knowledge acquisition.文章认为,康德哲学是从先验感性开始的,但是这个先验感性抛弃了17世纪哲学中的感性内涵,赋予感性以美学的特征,即对于主体所具有的作用给予了重新认定,主体的内在感性对于知识的形成具有更重要的作用。
3)transcendental rationalism先验理性
1.Directed under the transcendental rationalism and using the method of analytical reduction and rational reconstruction,Rousseau offered the social contract theory based on general will.卢梭以先验理性主义为指导 ,运用分析还原与理智重建的方法 ,提出了以“公意”为基础的契约理论 ,体现了摧毁与重建的方法论思想。
4)pilot test先导性试验
1.For the needs of oil production,the techniques of surfactant flooding were investigated and a pilot test was carried out.为了适应开发需要,开展了表面活性剂驱技术研究与先导性试验。
2.To improve the recovery efficiency and result of production, based on the experience of successful foam displacement in the limestone fracture reservoirs in Baise Oilfield, a pilot test is conducted with foam assisted miscible gas displacement.为提高区块采收率和开发效果,借鉴百色油田灰岩裂缝性油藏空气泡沫驱的成功经验,开展了泡沫辅助混气水驱先导性试验。
3.Two wells in Block Wen 88 are used for a pilot test of nitrogen injection based on the reservoir geol.针对文南油田高温高压低渗、特低渗油藏开发难度大,水驱动用状况差、单井产能低等特点,选择了文南油田文88块沙三中油藏开展注气混相驱提高采收率研究,从文南油田文88断块的地质条件出发,根据油藏地质特征、采出程度以及驱替类型,将文88块2口井氮气试注作为先导性试验,以注氮气试验所得到的实践数据为依据,对文南油田文88块深层低渗油藏注天然气驱技术的可行性进行研究。
5)guide-testing well-teams先导性实验
1.In initial stages we can adopt the guide-testing well-teams, crack system study, optimizing water-injection manner and so on and we have gained preferably purpose.在先期采用先导性实验井组、裂缝系统研究、注水方式优化等措施取得了较好的注水效果 ;在中后期采用水淹规律研究、不稳定注水研究、提高注水波及体积研究、优化水井射孔方案等方法也取得了较好效果。
6)Pilot testing先导性试验

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-