微形态特征,Micromorphological feature
1)Micromorphological feature微形态特征
1.The micromorphological features of pericarp surface of Physospermopsis and Trachydium(Apiaceae) in China and its taxonomic significance;滇芎属与瘤果芹属果实表面微形态特征及其分类学意义
2.Micromorphological features of seed surface of 14 species in Impatiens L.通过扫描电镜对凤仙花属(Impatiens)14种植物的种子表皮微形态特征进行了观察。
3.Micromorphological features of seed surfaces of Porana s.首次报道用扫描电镜观察的国产广义飞蛾藤属 10种 1变种植物的种子表面微形态特征

1.Micromorphological Features of the Cultivated Soils in the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River;泾河中游地区耕作土壤的微形态特征研究
2.The Study on the Changing of Micro-Morphological Characters in the Process of Erosion Soil in Slope;坡面土壤侵蚀过程中微形态特征变化研究
3.A Study on Micro-morphological Features of Diaspores from the Alpine Meadow on the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;青藏高原东缘高寒草甸传播体微形态特征研究
4.Studies on Micromorphological Characters of Leave of Lycoris Herb. in China;中国石蒜属植物叶部微形态特征的研究
5.Comparison of the leaf epidermal ultra-structure morphology of different ploidy watermelon不同倍性西瓜的叶表皮微形态特征比较
6.A Preliminary Study on Microstructure Features of Seed in Ramie Plant of China中国苎麻属植物种子微形态特征的初步研究
7.Micromorphology of Cotyledon Epidermis of Pugionium Gaertn.沙芥属(Pugionium Gaertn.)植物子叶叶表皮微形态特征研究
8.Study on Relationship between Characteristics of Leaf Epidermal Ultra-structure Morphology and the Ploidy of Watermelon西瓜叶表皮微形态特征与倍性相关性研究
9.Micromorphology of Leaf Lower Epidermis of 4 Species Plants of Elymus L.披碱草属4种植物叶下表皮微形态特征
10.Micro-morphological Features of A Purple Soil under Different Long-term Fertilizer Treatments长期定位施肥下紫色土土壤微形态特征
11.Micromorphological Features of Pericarp Surface of Heracleum(Apiaceae) in China and Its Taxonomic Significance中国伞形科独活属果实表面微形态特征及其分类学意义
12.Studies on Micromorphological Characteristic of Various Landuse Patterns Soils in Nanniwan Site, Northern Shaanxi Province;陕北南泥湾不同土地利用方式下土壤微形态特征研究
13.Micromorphological Features of Apple Woodland and Farmland in West of Guanzhong Areas;关中西部苹果林地和耕地土壤微形态特征研究及对比
14.Research on the Relation between Soil Micromorphology and Landuse in Loess Station in Xi an;西安黄土台塬土壤微形态特征与土地利用关系研究
15.Study of Soil Micromorphological Characteristics on Different Land Exploitation in the Sanded Land Area GIS-Based;基于GIS的沙化区不同土地利用方式下土壤微形态特征评价研究
16.Microstructural characteristic of Aluminium alloy in the semisolid state铝合金半固态变形时的微观组织特征
17.Observation of Microscopic Morphologic Characters of Straight Guard Hair of 3 Species of Canid3种犬科动物直针毛显微形态学特征观察
18.Microstructure Characteristics Analysis of Particles in Drinking Water Treatment Effluents by Activated Carbon饮用水活性炭工艺颗粒物微观形态特征及组分

micromorphological character微形态特征
1.Observation of micromorphological characters of five species in Oxalis;酢浆草属5种植物的微形态特征观察
2.A systematic study of the genus Rhododendron (Ericaceae) using micromorphological characters of fruit surface and seed coat;果皮和种皮微形态特征在杜鹃花属系统学研究中的应用
3.In the present work the micromorphological character of achene epidermis were studied with forty two species and one variety belonging to eighteen series and four sections of China Fimbristylis .利用扫描电子显微镜对国产莎草科飘拂草属 4组 1 8系 42种 1变种植物果皮微形态特征进行观察 ,并作了系统描述。
1.Study of the epidermal micromorphology of organs in Eupatorium adenophorum;本文利用扫描电子显微镜和光学显微镜对紫茎泽兰的茎、叶、花、果实及种子等各种器官表皮微形态特征进行了比较观察。
4)micromorphological features微形态特征
1.Study on micromorphological features of Primula merrilliana and P. cicutariifolia;安徽羽叶报春和毛茛叶报春的微形态特征
2.In this paper,the micromorphological features of pericarp surface in 15 species of Heracleum L.采用扫描电镜方法对中国伞形科独活属15个种的果实表面微形态特征进行了比较观察。
5)micromorphological characteristics显微形态学特征
6)micromorphological characters微形态学特征

垂丝海棠的形态特征  垂丝海棠又名锦带花,属蔷薇科,苹果属,为落叶灌木或小乔木。原产我国华东、中南、西南,以四川为最多。此花树姿婆婆,花粉红色,花梗细长,紫红色,下垂成带状,花4-7朵聚生为一簇,形似樱花,花瓣5枚以上,朵朵弯垂,迎风轻荡,色艳韵美,绰约动人。常见的垂丝海棠有两种,一为重瓣垂丝海棠,花为重瓣;一为白花垂丝海棠,花近白色,小而梗短。垂丝海棠性喜阳光,不耐阴,也不甚耐寒,爱温暖湿润环境,适生于阳光充足、背风之处,土壤要求不严,微酸或微碱性土壤均可成长,但以土层深厚、疏松、肥沃、排水良好略带粘质的生长更好。此花生性强健,栽培容易,不需要特殊技术管理,唯不耐水涝,盆栽须防止水渍,以免烂根。相关条目:海棠