1.A survey of development in seismic network and digital seismograph in international geoscience programs during the past 20 years;从20年国际地学计划中看地震观测台网与现代数字地震仪的发展
2.By selecting 64 events in quick report for strong earthquakes recorded on Hebei Digital Telemeter Seismic Network from Nov 2001 when the network began to work to June 2004, the errors between magnitude on one station and its average value from many stations are calculated.选取河北数字遥测地震台网自2001年11月正式运行至2004年6月所记录到的河北省及邻区64次较大的速报地震事件,计算单台震级与多台平均震级的偏差。

1.World Wide Standard Seismograph Network世界范围标准地震台网
2.International Deployment of Accelerometers Network国际加速度计部署台网
3.There were 1,267 seismology monitoring stations and 28 remote monitoring network stations.全国共有地震台站1267个,遥测台网28个。
4.There is a small network of rhombus in Tokyo Astronomical Observatory.在东京天文台有一个小的菱形台网
5.The Analysis and Application of Earth Pulsation at the Stations of Tianjin Seismic Network天津测震台网子台地脉动分析与应用
6.There were 1,305 seismological monitoring stations and 35 remote monitoring network stations.全国共有地震台站1305个,地震遥测台网35个。
7.The seismic magnitude problem of taiwan earthquakes determined by Fujian digital seisic network福建数字地震台网测定台湾地震的震级问题
8.Internet computing[台]网际网络计算
9.LAN (local area network)局域网,[台]局域网络,[港]地区网络
10.web site development"网站建构设计, 网站发展, [台]网站建置 "
11.portal site入门网站,[港]入口网页,[台]门户网站
12.Mary has bought a lace cover for the table.玛莉买了一块网眼台布。
13.PICS: Platform for Internet Content Selection因特网内容选择平台
14.Construct IPv6 Network Using Linux;使用Linux平台组建IPv6网络
15.IPv6 Network Platform Based on Linux基于Linux的IPv6网络平台
16.Platform for Internet Content Selection因特网内容选择平台(内选平台)
17.A commentary on television or radio expressing the opinion of the station or network.电台评论电台或电视台上播出的表述电台或电视网意见的评论
18.wireless access network无线接入网,[台]无线接取网络

net space,turn table网台
3)network platform网络平台
1.The design and the manufacture of the foundation chemistry experiment teaching network platform;基础化学实验教学网络平台的设计及制作
2.Test and separation system for rechargeable battery based on network platform;基于网络平台的二次电池测试分选系统
3.Plan and construction of enterprise information network platform;企业信息网络平台搭建与规划
1.The Network Constructing of Digital Hospital;大型医院信息化网络平台的建设
2.The building of the school network for undergraduate electronic design大学生电子设计竞赛校园网络平台的构建
3.This paper analyses the conditions of the municipal public safety in the city,pointing out the municipal public safety management in the city,and the network of the municipal public safety management including its functions,techniques,supportable policy and the mode of operation.针对城市的快速发展,各种突发性自然灾害或人为破坏事件增多,在充分分析城市公共安全管理现状的基础上,提出了城市公共安全管理网络平台建设,并对其总体结构,各自功能,技术、政策支持及运行模式进行了深入论述。
5)Internet platform网络平台
1.The reason and trend of traditional project information management transforming to project information management based on the internet platform are analyzed, and the necessity and possibility of the application of the latter in the partnering mode are researched.分析了传统信息管理方式向基于网络平台的项目信息管理转变的原因及其发展趋势,分析了基于网络平台的信息管理在Partnering模式中应用的必要性与可行性,认为二者的结合必将实现优势互补,达成共赢。
2.It points that the difficulty contains weakness of fundamental equipment,the abnormity of logistics system,the lag of the third party logistics,trouble the internet platform building meeting,the pinch of logistics person with ability through analyzing the problem the fourth party logistics existing.文章阐述了第四方物流的内涵以及与第三方物流的关系,指出了第四方物流存在基础设施薄弱、物流体制不规范、第三方物流发展落后、物流网络平台建设困难、物流人才匮乏等不利因素。
3.Through the analysis of the necessity of mental health service and the weakness of traditional mode of mental health,the paper discussed the advantage in using internet platform to launch mental health service in colleges and Universites and the shortage of traditional ways.通过分析高校心理健康服务的必要性和传统的心理健康服务方式所存在的缺陷,探讨了利用网络平台开展高校心理健康服务的优势及补充传统方式的不足。
6)platform screen平台网纹
1.Based on these parameters, the structure of platform screen is analyzed and evaluation to select better process parameters of honing.对气缸套平台珩磨网纹的评定提出了不同的方法 ,改为基于粗糙度轮廓支承长度率曲线、幅度分布曲线、轮廓高度三个方面的三组参数 ,在实现准确评价平台网纹结构的同时 ,对珩磨工艺参数的选择具有一定的指导意义。
2.Through the detecting on platform screen honing of inner surface of cylinder liner,the result shows that the parameters can describe personal characterization of surface topography,the practical pr.对轮廓支承长度率曲线的应用方法提出了不同看法,通过比较相关标准和规范,设定了基于轮廓支承长度率曲线的量化指标体系,实现对零件的耐磨性能、润滑性能、使用寿命等表面特性的准确评价,并通过对气缸套内表面珩磨平台网纹的检测,表明该体系可实现表面个性化功能属性描述,具有一定的实用价值。
