1.An empirical Green function approach with asperity model considered考虑凹凸体理论的经验格林函数方法

1.An empirical Green function approach with asperity model considered考虑凹凸体理论的经验格林函数方法
2.Convex on one side and concave on the other.凸凹的一面凸一面凹的
3.Integral steel pipe flanges with male and female face for PN 1.6MPa (16 bar)GB/T9113.9-1988PN1.6MPa(16bar)凹凸面整体钢制管法兰
4.Integral steel pipe flanges with male and female face for PN 10.0MPa (100 bar)GB/T9113.13-1988PN10.0MPa(100bar)凹凸面整体钢制管法兰
5.Integral steel pipe flanges with male and female face for PN 2.5MPa (25 bar)GB/T9113.10-1988PN2.5MPa(25bar)凹凸面整体钢制管法兰
6.Integral steel pipe flanges with male and female face for PN 4.0MPa (40 bar)GB/T9113.11-1988PN4.0MPa(40bar)凹凸面整体钢制管法兰
7.Integral steel pipe flanges with male and female face for PN 5.0MPa (50 bar)GB/T9113.12-1988PN5.0MPa(50bar)凹凸面整体钢制管法兰
8.Integral steel pipe flanges with male and female face for PN 25.0MPa (250 bar)GB/T9113.15-1988PN25.0MPa(250bar)凹凸面整体钢制管法兰
9.Integral steel pipe flanges with male and female face for PN 15.0 MPa (150 bar)GB/T9113.14-1988PN15.0mpa(150bar)凹凸面整体钢制管法兰
10.An analysis of the rough pattern of modern school physical education system;对现代学校体育教学体系的凹凸形态分析
11.colts tail【气】凹凸云,卷云
12.Bump mapping of surface fine details with object illumination model and its realization物体光照模型表面细节的凹凸映射及实现
13.Degradation of Methylene Blue by Photoelectron Catalytic Oxidation System of H_2O_2-Assisted TiO_2/PalygorskiteH_2O_2增效TiO_2/凹凸棒石光催化体系降解亚甲基蓝
14.Study on the Structure and the Characteristic of Attapulgite Modified by Calcium Carbonate Compound Powder碳酸钙修饰凹凸棒石复合粉体结构及性能研究
15.Treatment of Polluted River Water by Coagulation Aid of Micro-size Powdered Attapulgite超细粉体凹凸棒石助凝处理污染河水的研究
16.Study on Removing NOx from Nitric Acid Plant Exhaust with Plasma Assisted Modification Attapulgite Clay Catalyst稀土改性凹凸棒石协同等离子体净化硝酸尾气
17.Research on integrating ultrafine grinding with surface modification of attapulgite clay凹凸棒石黏土超细粉碎及表面改性一体化研究
18.Study on removing NO_x by plasma combined with modified attapulgite clay catalyst等离子体协同改性凹凸棒石催化脱除NO_x的研究

asperity model凹凸体模型
1.The slip distributions of 29 shallow earthquakes were selected to characterize a shallow earthquake asperity model for predicting near field strong ground motion.选择了29个浅源地震的滑动分布,用来研究近场强地震动预测中浅源地震的凹凸体模型特征。
3)attapulgite carrier凹凸棒石载体
4)asperity source model凹凸体震源模式
5)bumpy road凸凹
1.Analysis of elderly people s discrimination capability on bumpy roads;老年人路况凸凹识别能力的检测与分析
1.The concave-convex property of a surface is one of the important and classical issues in differential geometry.曲面的凹凸是微分几何学中的经典问题之一,划分出曲面上不同的凹凸区域,对于研究曲面的凹凸以及其他性质是一件很有意义的工作。
2.This article present the continuity,differentiability,monotonicity,concave-convex,parity and periodicity of the function netermined by the definite integral of variable upper limit and variable lower limit,establishes the sufficient and necessary requirements of functional convex and integrability of derived function by using the definite integral of variable upper limit.给出了变上限与变下限定积分所确定函数的连续性、可微性、单调性、凹凸性、奇偶性、周期性,利用变上限定积分建立了函数凸及导函数可积的充分必要条件。
3.Some definitions and discriminating methods have been given on the monotonicity,extreme value,concave-convex and inflection points of the curve r=r(θ).研究了极坐标系中曲线r =r(θ)的切线、法线、渐近线方程 ,给出了r =r(θ)的单调性、极值、凹凸、拐点的定义和判别法 ,从而解决了《数学分析》中未曾解决的极坐标方程所表示的曲线的作图问

凹凸不平【凹凸不平】“中文解释”:形容平面上有凸出和凹进的地方“英文解释”:accidented <to be full of bumps and holes>“日文解释”:“德文解释”:“法文解释”:“近义词组”:坎坷不平“反义词组”:平平坦坦“结构用法”:作谓语、定语;形容物体的表面“歇 后 语”:笨媳妇纳鞋底“灯谜谜面”:麻脸“典故出处”:方志敏《我从事革命斗争的略述》:“道路是凹凸不平的,柴屑粪渣,零零散散地散布在路上。”“应用举例”:路遥《平凡的世界》第四卷第49章:“灿烂的阳光,美丽的野花,碧波荡漾的原西河,~的石板街……”“成语故事”: