1.The investigation and research on the blow down and water quality of Fen River upstream;汾河上游排污及水质状况调查研究
2.The study on Company Z s strategy to develop upstream shows the analysis of development strategy driven by the upstream business;reveals the impact in five aspects of the competitive environments during the practice of upstream strategy;and presents the key problems of target selection,acquisition identification,and.通过对Z公司向上游发展战略实施过程及特点的研究,分析了企业上游发展战略的驱动因素,提出了企业在上游发展战略过程中对竞争环境五个方面的影响,并分析了在并购过程中对目标选择、并购目标的确定、企业文化等方面应该注意的问题。

1.row, swim, walk upstream往上游划、 游、 行走
2.stealthily they advanced upstream.他们悄悄地向上游游去。
3.to navigate up(down)a river向上游(或下游)航行
4.upstream and downstream of the industrial / Business chain产业链的上游和下游
5.navigate up [down] a river沿河向上游[下游]航行
6.Practically every river has an upper, a middle and a lower part.按惯列每条河有上游部分,中游部分和下游部分。
7.Exploitation of Tourism Resources and Development of Tourism in Upper Reaches of Minjiang River岷江上游地区旅游资源开发与旅游业发展
8.We often divide a river into three parts, that is the upper, middle and lower reaches.我们经常把一条河分成三部分:上游、中游和下游。
9.The salmon swims upstream to spawn.这条鲑鱼游到上游去产卵。
10.The swimmer saw a storm arising and made for the shore.游泳者看见风暴来了,就向岸上游去。
11.Shall I row you up/down/across the river?要我划你到河的上游(下游、对岸)去吗?
12.Ever coursing downward and ever renewed from above?总是从上游流来又向下游流去么?
13.On Tourism Resources Cooperating Exploitation in Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River长江上游地区旅游资源协作开发研究
14.On pearl river delta upstream district tourism commodity culture s abstraction;论珠江上游地区旅游商品文化的提炼
15.She went up the river.她向河的上游而行。
16.sail the Aegean in a cruiser乘游艇在爱琴海上旅游.
17.Now is the busy tourist season, and the pleasure-boat is crowded with tourists.现在是旅游旺季, 游厗上挤满了游人。
18.swim underwater, upstream, across, ashore潜泳、 逆水而游、 游泳横渡、 游上岸.

6)products upstream上游产品

长江上游金沙江段长江上游金沙江段  一嗣■一.‘