地球同步轨道,geosynchronous orbit
1)geosynchronous orbit地球同步轨道
1.An effective way to solve this problem is raising low orbit to geosynchronous orbit.常规的低轨合成孔径雷达具有重访周期长,覆盖范围小等缺点,一个有效的解决办法是将低轨合成孔径雷达轨道提高到地球同步轨道上。
2.03~45 keV) and the spacecraft(S/C) surface sunlit charging potential in the plasma sheet region at the geosynchronous orbit and their dependence on the local time(LT) and the epoch time(ET) with respect to storms of three categories:moderate, intense and super storms, based on different geomagnetic activity levels as measured by Dst index corrected by the solar wind dynamic pressure.文章利用1989-2004年间"Los Alamos"7颗地球同步轨道卫星的数据对不同磁暴条件下处于地球同步轨道高度等离子体片区域的卫星表面充电电位和热电子(0。

1.Analysis of Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar Character地球同步轨道合成孔径雷达特性分析
2.Research of Deep Charging & Discharging Monitoring Aboard a GEO Spacecraft;地球同步轨道航天器深层充放电探测研究
3.Research of Key Technologies in Geosynchronous Parasitic SAR System地球同步轨道寄生SAR系统的若干关键技术研究
4.Chrysanthemum-6, a large scientific experiment satellite launched by Japan, has no hope of entering geosynchronous orbit.日本发射的大型科学试验卫星“菊花6号”已无望进入地球同步轨道
5.Mission and System Optimization Analysis of Geosynchronous Satellite Based on Arcjet Thruster;基于电弧推力器的地球同步轨道卫星系统任务设计与优化分析
6.Responses of properties in the plasma sheet and at the geosynchronous orbit to interplanetary shock磁尾等离子体片和地球同步轨道区域对行星际激波的响应
7.The two satellites were placed respectively in LEO (low earth orbit) and geostationary transfer orbit.两颗卫星分别进入近地轨道和地球同步转移轨道。
8.Mercury and Earth do not orbit the sun on the same line.水星和地球的轨道不在同一个平面上。
9.The moon orbits the earth.月球绕地球轨道运行。
10.geostationary orbit environmental satellite静止轨道环境卫星同步轨道环境卫星
11.Integral and Synchronous Construction Technology for Urban Rail Transit Station and Underground Space轨道交通车站与地下空间一体化同步施工技术
12.capacity of the geostationary orbit地球静止轨道的容量
13.circum earth orbit地球卫星的环行轨道
14.large orbiting earth resources observatory大轨道地球资源观测
15.A satellite's circle around the earth.卫星绕地球的环形轨道
16.orbit of artificial earth satellite人造地球卫星运行轨道
17.An Algorithm of GEO Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic Three-Channel SAR Ground Moving Target Indication同步轨道星机双基地三通道SAR地面运动目标指示算法
18.In the same way there exists a pull between the earth and the moon, which keeps the moon travelling in its orbit around our planet, the earth.地球和月球之间也同样存在着引力,这使月球在围绕着地球的轨道上运行。

geostationary orbit地球同步轨道
1.The paper describes briefly ESA s searching techniques for small debris in geostationary orbit and some details of debris investigation in geostationary orbi文章主要介绍了欧空局开展地球同步轨道(GEO)小碎片的调查情况及相应技术。
1.Attitude Sensor Based Autonomous Navigation Research For GEO Spacecrafts;基于姿态敏感器的地球同步轨道卫星自主导航研究
2.This paper analyzes a typical GEO space radiation environment by using software package Space Radiation 5.0的结构功能模块,采用该软件计算分析了典型的GEO(地球同步轨道)空间辐射环境。
4)GEO meteorological satellite地球同步轨道气象卫星
5)Geosynchronous satellite地球同步轨道卫星
1.Geosynchronous parasitic SAR system is a kind of bistatic system,which uses a fixed ground-based receiver and a geosynchronous satellite as non-cooperative illuminator transmitting waves like television,FM broadcast or navigation signals.地球同步轨道寄生SAR系统是利用地球同步轨道卫星传输的通信、导航等信号作为非合作照射源的一种双基地雷达系统,具有长时间观测目标区域、抗电子干扰、成本低等优势,有良好的发展前景。
6)IGSO (Inclined GeoSynchronous Orbits)倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)
