1.Although wide application of automated acquisition system for water level improves work efficiency and materials quality,data compilation of collected data can not be conducted directly.水位自动采集系统(以下简称采集系统)的推广使用,提高了工作效率和资料质量,但采集系统的数据不能直接整编
2.In order to find out the tide law and compile the volume of every tide according to the codes for liquid flow measurement in open channels,Xuliujing Station has done much research on tide measurement technique and compilation plans during last 10 years.为探求该站的潮流变化规律,按规范要求整编出该处的逐潮潮量,徐六泾水文站十几年来进行了大量的测验技术及整编方案的研究,本文将这些研究成果和发展方向作一个简要的介绍。
3.There are not feasible compilation method for open river data influenced by tide inChina and world so far.大江大河受潮汐影响的河口水文资料整编,在我国还无较为合适可行的方法。

1.Optimizing the PLA's structure through readjustment.调整编组,优化部队编成结构。
2.Part of the Kuomintang troops north of the Yellow River were not reorganized, and their designations remained the same.在黄河以北地区的军队没有整编,仍按原来编制。
3.And that "when the above-mentioned two items of reorganization have been completed, all troops of the entire nation shall be unified and further reorganized into fifty or sixty divisions".“上两项整编完竣,应再将全国所有军队统一整编为五十师或六十师”。
4.Nagase All remaining squadrons, rejoin into attack formation.残余部队重整编队,再次进入攻击阵形。
5.Some of the reorganized divisions later reverted to their original designation of corps.国民党又将整编师恢复为军,旅改称师。
6.The editor struck out the whole paragraph.编辑把整段全删掉了.
7.HS Code 3809.10 (finishing agents)协调制度编码 3809.10 (整理剂)
8.Edit only this occurrence?(Tap No to edit the entire series.)只编辑此事件?(点击“否”可编辑整个系列)
9.The Research on Integer Coding and Slepian-Wolf Coding;关于整数编码和Slepian-Wolf编码的研究
10.Research on Integer Transform and Entroy Coding of Video Coding Section of AVS;AVS视频编码中整数变换与熵编码研究
11.Edit only this occurrence?(Tap No to edit the entire series.)\0只编辑此事件?(点击“否”可编辑整个系列)\0
12.A plain, warp-knitted cloth of any of various yarns.经编织物一种质地是各种纱的平整的经编织物
13.Every Sunday they put in the whole day, after morning service, on inventions-- inventions of ways to spend the money.每个周日的晨祷以后,他们整整一天都用来编排——编排花钱的门道。
14.Do you want to edit this occurrence only? Press 'Yes' to edit occurrence or 'No' to edit the series.是否只编辑此次事件? 选择“是”将编辑此事件,选择“否”将编辑整个系列。
15.The editor mutilated my text by removing whole paragraphs from it.那编辑把我的文稿整段整段删掉, 弄得面目全非.
16.Images codec design based on integer-to-integer wavelet transform and hierarchical trees基于整数到整数小波变换的图像编解码器设计
17.Our present meeting will decide on a new size and organizational structure for the army, with a view to making them less unwieldy.这次会议我们搞编制,就是整肿字。
18.The Problem of Formation Adjustment in Aircraft Federate Development飞机成员开发中编队调整问题的处理

1.Because of the fiscal difficulty and the declination of the combat effectiveness, the National Revolutionary Army was reorganized in 1945, nominally by means of “average reduction”.由于国民政府财政困难和军队战斗力衰弱 ,国民革命军在 194 5年进行了整编 ,名义上采取了“平均裁减”的方式 ,而实际上在削弱较大的地方军事集团的同时 ,利用各种方式扩充了中央军队 ;对邻近中共根据地的地方军事集团则予以扶植和保留。
1.The compiling items include precipitation, evaporation, water stage,discharge and sediment.整编的资料有降水、蒸发、水位、流量和泥沙。
2.The way of design,data structure and programming of the hydrologic data compiling system are introduced,it is programmed with visual basic 6.介绍了水文资料整编管理系统的设计思路、数据结构及功能实现,采用MicrosoftVisu-alBasic6。
4)adjustment Personnel system编制调整
5)reduction of army精减整编
6)data compilation资料整编
1.On data compilation for final acceptance of pumped-storage power station;浅谈抽水蓄能工程竣工验收资料整编
