1.Mainly made up of infrastructure, service platform and application systems,digital Huanghe engineering is being carried out through building six application systems of flood-control, water-manageme.通过防汛减灾、水量调度、水资源保护、水土保持、工程管理和电子政务六大应用系统的建设,全面带动"数字黄河"工程的实施。

1.Study on Water Security and Flood Control Assurance System;水安全及防汛减灾安全保障体系研究
2.Study on Flood Control and Damage Reduction System of Jilin Province Based on GIS;基于GIS吉林省防汛减灾信息系统的研究
3.Those directly responsible for misappropriating state funds and materials allocated for disaster relief, emergencies, flood control, allowances for disabled servicemen and the families of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen,挪用用于救灾、抢险、防汛、优抚、
4.We must do a better job of comprehensive environmental control in cities, and disaster prevention and reduction should be effectively carried out.做好防灾减灾工作。
5.Notable progress was made in disaster prevention and reduction.防灾减灾成效明显。
6.On the Yellow River Ningmeng River Reach Ice Jam Flood Disaster Preventive Measures;黄河宁蒙河段凌汛灾害特点及防御措施
7.The Research on the Coastal Zone Disaster and the Prevention and Reduction System of the Disaster in Quanzhou;泉州海岸带灾害及防灾减灾系统研究
8.Study on Natural Disasters and Cortrolling and Reducing Disasters in Chongqing;重庆市自然灾害特征及防灾减灾研究
9.Study on Disaster of Storm Surge and Proof Measures in China;我国风暴潮灾害及防灾减灾对策初探
10.Analysis on Reparation Case of Disaster Insurance and Disaster Prevention and Reduction in Shaanxi;陕西省灾害保险赔案分析及防灾减灾
11.Natural Hazards and Mitigation Measures in USA美国的自然灾害和防灾减灾(英文)
12.Before the arrival of the flood season, everybody was ready to fight floods and reduce damage.在洪汛期到来之前, 大家早已做好了抗涝减灾准备。
13.Regional Workshop on Space Technology for Prevention and Mitigation of the Effects of Disasters应用空间技术防灾减灾区域讲习班
14.A system will be established for protecting the environment and for preventing and reducing natural disasters.建立环境保护和防灾减灾保障体系。
15.Develop water resources in clond,strengthen the regional capacity of defending and lightening disaster;开发云水资源,增强区域防灾减灾能力
16.Study on Emergency Management of City Disaster Prevention and Reduction城市运行中防灾减灾的应急管理研究
17.The Problems of Avoiding and Reducing Catastrophe in The Process of Our Economic Growth我国经济增长过程中的防灾减灾问题
18.How the Weather Provide Services for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Modern Agriculture气象为现代农业防灾减灾服务的思考

Flood prevention and fighting against natural disasters防汛抗灾
3)disaster prevention and reduction防灾减灾
1.The Study on Function of Disaster Prevention and Reduction of Urban Green Space for Mountain City;山地城市绿地防灾减灾功能初探
2.Inspirations on the Disaster Prevention and Reduction of Public Green Space from Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震对城市公园绿地防灾减灾的启示
3.To enhance the comprehensive capability of disaster prevention and reduction by means of scientific and technical progress has become certain choice to ensure the development of economy and the construction of a harmonious society.发挥科技进步的支撑作用,提高防灾减灾的综合能力是保障我国经济持续快速发展,构建和谐社会的必然选择。
4)disaster prevention and mitigation防灾减灾
1.role of civil engineering in disaster prevention and mitigation.土木工程在防灾减灾中的重要性,每一部份均有详实的资料和深入的阐述。
2.The effect of blasting load on anchored birder is a hot research issue in disaster prevention and mitigation of hydroelectricity project.爆破荷载对锚固梁作用的研究是水电工程防灾减灾的一个热点问题。
3.The disaster prevention and mitigation is an important content of urban planning.防灾减灾是城市规划的一个重要内容。
5)hazards prevention and reduction防灾减灾
1.Some countermeasures of hazards prevention and reduction were put forward.介绍了云南省引发地质灾害的地质构造、地形地貌、气候的客体特征,强降水引发地质灾害的预测范围与重点,概述了云南2007年七、八月份灾情及防灾减灾预警、预报成效,剖析了灾情,提出了防治对策。
6)disaster prevention and alleviation防灾减灾
1.This problem is explained in detail from the point of origin of human civilization, disaster prevention and alleviation and sustainable development of national economy.提出了“数字流域”这一重要课题 ,认为数字流域是数字地球的一个重要区域层次 ,是实施数字地球的一个切入点 ;并从人类文明的起源、防灾减灾、国民经济可持续发展等方面做了详细的阐
2.We must establish the focus and special features of our campus culture,and carefully seek in a disaster prevention and alleviation culture the soul which symbolizes the spirit of our school.我们必须确立校园文化建设的特色与重点;必须认真搜寻并确立在防灾减灾文化之中凝炼出来的具有灵魂象征的学校精神。
