1.Analysis on Keeping Water and Sand Reducing Benefit with Existed Measures of Soil and Water Conservation in Valley of Gushanchuan;孤山川流域已有水土保持措施蓄水减沙效益计算成果分析
2.The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Flood Runoff and Sediment Transportation in Gushanchuan Basin气候变化和人类活动对孤山川流域次洪径流量和输沙量的影响

1.The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Flood Runoff and Sediment Transportation in Gushanchuan Basin气候变化和人类活动对孤山川流域次洪径流量和输沙量的影响
2.A Study on the Unique Copy of Poetry Anthology on Meng Chuan Pavilion and Zhu Da s Whereabouts in Lin Chuan;孤本《梦川亭诗集》与八大山人临川行踪考
3.a lone skier on the mountain.山上一个孤独的滑雪者
4.In 1705, Kangxi took up residence for a time on Solitary Hill.1705年,康熙住在西湖孤山。
5.Earthquake made more than 4000 kids in Sichuan orphans.地震使4000多名四川儿童成为孤儿。
6.The place where he live in seclusion is Gu Hill in Wan rong,Shanxi province today.隐居地点在今山西省万荣县孤山 ;
7.On the Research on the Jade Culture in Xiaogu Mountain and Jiangjun Mountain;对小孤山、将军山史前岫玉文化探讨
8.Valley glaciers are confined to valleys in mountainous terrain.山谷冰川只限于多山地带的山谷。
9.The Comparing Study on the Species and Quality of Naixiong, Shanchuanxiong and Chuanxiong;奶芎、山川芎与川芎的品质比较研究
10.A Survey of Famous Mountains and Rivers in Fengjie County Based on A General Map of Famous Rivers in Shu of Song Dynasty宋《蜀川胜概图》奉节段山川名胜考
11.Heaped-up earth becomes a mountain; accumulated water becomes a river积土成山,积水成川
12.He traveled to many beautiful mountains and rivers in his life.他游历过许多名山大川,
13.he talks about rivers and mountains.他谈到河流和山川。
14.And there are a lot of mountains and lakes in Guilin.桂林有很多山川和河流。
15.The landscape will get more cluttered.山川景色将更加残破。
16.Research into "Information Lonely Island" in Natural Disasters with 5.12 Wenchuan Quake as an Example;重大自然灾害中的“信息孤岛”现象研究——以5.12四川汶川特大地震为例
17.Research on Quercus Aquifolioides Forest of Balangshan Mountain in West Sichuan, Southwest China;川西巴郎山川滇高山栎林群落生态学的研究
18.The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers, ice caps, piedmont glaciers and medium- to small-scale valley glaciers.各次冰期的冰川性质分别为大型山岳冰川、冰帽、山麓冰川和中小型山谷冰川。

Gushanchuan river basin孤山川流域
1.Review on benefit assessment of water and soil conservation measures in Gushanchuan river basin;黄土高原孤山川流域水沙变化研究综述
3)Mount Gu Shan孤山
1.When living a seclusive life in Mount Gu Shan, Lin Bu planted 360 plum trees around his hut which were important to his hermit life, hermit image and personality.林逋隐居孤山时,环居植梅三百六十树,对于林逋的隐逸、形象、人格都具有重要意义:一是林逋以植梅当作隐居生计,为做一个真隐士奠定了物质基础,植梅隐居是林逋选择孤山作为隐居地的一个决定性因素;二是绕屋而种的梅花营造了充满闲情逸致的隐居环境,陪伴林逋度过了寂寞难耐的隐居生活,梅花滋润着林逋的气节、充实着林逋的内心、丰富着林逋的精神,同时也造就了林逋清逸的形象;三是林逋与梅朝夕相伴,为他咏梅成千古绝唱提供了前提性条件;四是林逋在孤山植梅养鹤,产生"梅妻鹤子"的美谈,促进了林逋不仕不娶的隐逸名闻天下。
4)Gushan Mountain孤山
1.Years of Leisure Life as a Garden Owner:on LIN Bu's Gardening Practice in Gushan Mountain数年闲作园林主——论林逋在孤山的园林实践
2.When living in Gushan Mountain in solitude,LIN Bu planted Mei flowers and raised cranes,constructed pavilions and made kiosks,built gardens and dug pools and left people relics that became landscape with rich humanistic value.林逋在孤山隐居时种梅养鹤,建阁筑亭,治园造池,为后世留下了极具人文价值的遗迹景观。
5)mountain and river山川
1.So the capital of a big state must draw near mountain and river, to the effect that the emperor communicate with God and moralize his people by divinity.古人认为山为神灵傧居之所,川则通达于山之涂,大邑国都是承天命之处,而天子则以事神祭祀恪谨天命为主任,为本职,“国必依山川”说的正是大邑国都依山傍水,以便于君主上通于神明,以神道政教天下。
6)volcanic butte火山孤山

山川柳分子式:CAS号:性质:又称山川柳。柽柳科植物柽柳(Tamarix chinensis Lour.)的干燥细嫩枝叶。干、辛,平。含柽柳酚、柽柳酮、柽柳醇、早谷甾醇、胡萝卜苷、槲皮素、没食子酸等成分。具有散风、解表,透疹的作用。用于麻疹不透,风湿痹痛等症。