1.But how to hedge systemic risk in China s stock market is gradually being concerned by.特别是自2001年6月份以来,上海及深圳证券交易所综合指数连续下跌,至2002年1月份跌幅已达40%,投资者损失惨重,因此对避险工具的研究及探讨开始十分活跃,推出股指期货交易的要求日渐迫切,中国证监会及上海证券交易所官员亦在不同场合表示将尽快推出统一指数及期指期货。

1.A Study on the Necessity in the Situation in which the Actor Causes the Danger Himself;自招危险情形下的紧急避险问题研究
2.On the price risk in steel market and the development of price risk avoiding tools;钢材市场价格风险及其避险工具开发
3.Avoiding the interest rate risk needs financial innovation and risk decentralization.其中风险分散和金融创新是主要的避险手段。
4.Research on Financing Risk and Risk-controlling Method of Water-transporting Project;某输水工程的融资风险与避险措施研究
5.Research on Credit Risk Analysis and Hedge Method of Project Finance项目融资的信用风险分析与避险措施研究
6.a. Risk and Risk Aversiona. 风险与风险规避
7.He was alter in avoiding the danger.他机敏地避开危险。
8.Analysis of the Compare Between Active Risk Avoiding and Passive Risk Avoiding;积极风险回避与消极风险回避的比较分析
9.The risk and avoidance of medical insurance system in urban and town residents;城镇居民医疗保险制度的风险及规避
10.Strengthening Financial Risk Management in Order to Escape Financial Risks of Businesses;加强财务风险管理 规避企业财务风险
11.On Agricultural Risk Evasion and Agricultural Insurance in the New Period农业风险的规避与农业保险运行机制
12.avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger especially enemy fire.避免或逃避困难、危险特别是敌方的炮火。
13.Selective aversion to certain risks may entail acceptance of other greater risks.有选择地回避某些风险可能招致更大的风险。
14.Mechanism of avoiding double adverse selection risk of venture capitalists风险投资家的双重逆向选择风险规避机制
15.The Infection of HIV Caused by Compensated Blood-donation: Risky Circumstances and Its Avoidance;有偿献血引发艾滋病感染:风险境遇与风险规避
16.The Moral Hazard and It s Elusion in the Social Medical Insurance of Our Country;我国社会医疗保险中的道德风险及其规避
17.Moral Hazards in Social Pension Insurance of China and Their Evasion;我国社会养老保险中的道德风险及其规避
18.The Duality of Insurance Moral Hazard and Its Prevention and Evasion;保险道德风险的“二重性”及其预防与规避

shock resistance and disaster prevention防震避险
3)emergency adapting应急避险
1.In order to promote the urban public green space system development for emergency adapting function,according to evaluation index system concluded for emergency adapting function,on the basis of population density distributing and public green space buffer zone,the population service radiation capability for the urban public green space was comprehensively studied.为推动城市公共绿地应急避险体系建设的发展,根据概括的应急避险功能评价指标体系要求,通过人口密度分布与公共绿地缓冲区的叠加分析,对城市公共绿地的人口服务辐射能力进行了深入研究。
4)emergency refuge chamber避险站
1.Some projects for searching and rescuing miners are presented, such as the technology of missing miner searching robot,the method of emergency refuge chamber in underground mines,miners positioning of RFID technology in underground mines,gas distinguishing,human life d.对井下遇险矿工的现代定位搜救技术进行了比较分析,介绍了机器人搜寻技术、井下"避险站"避险方法、射频识别井下人员定位技术、基于气体辨识的井下压埋遇难人员的定位技术、基于人体心脏超低频电波特征的井下人员生命探测技术以及生物探测技术等现代搜救技术的原理、应用及特点,探讨了井下矿工搜寻救援技术的发展方向。
5)risk avoidance风险规避
1.Study on risk avoidance in software project bidding based on life cycle management;基于全寿命周期的软件项目投标风险规避研究
2.IT outsourcing risk avoidance in vendor dominant context;服务商主导的IT外包风险规避
3.Cost earnings,risk avoidance and human capital investment;成本收益、风险规避与人力资本投资
6)risk elusion风险规避
1.Neural Network Model for the RMB/USD Exchange Rate Forecast and the Risk Elusion;基于神经网络的人民币/美元汇率预测与风险规避
