1.Information about sudden public incidents can be easily distorted due to lack of mainstream information and the strong curiosity of the public,that is,the emergence of hearsays.在突发公共事件中,当主流媒体信息匮乏而公众的求知欲又太强时,两面合围极易造成信息传播的某种畸变,即传言的产生。
2)"telling through words"言传

1.A lie begets a lie till they come to generation谎言生谎言,谎言传万代
2.The types of communication are roughly nonvocal and vocal communication.传播的类型大体上分非语言传播和语言传播。
3.The rumour came to his ears谣言传入他的耳中。
4.A lie begets a lie till they come to generations.谎言生谎言,谎言世代传。
5.Let's get Back to our main subject.我们言归正题/言归正传。
6.Cut short the nonsense and return to your muttons .闲言少说,言归正传。
7.Well now, back to work!好啦,言归正传吧!
8.There' s a rumour abroad that..., ie People are saying that....谣言盛传, 说是.
9.It's a relief that the rumour didn't go around.谣言没有流传,令人宽心。
10.Now let's return from this digression(to our subject.现在咱们言归正传。
11.he kept drifting off the topic; he had been thinking about the subject for several years; it is a matter for the police.言归正传,别把问题扯开。
12.resume the thread of one's discourse言归正传, 回到话题上来
13.All right. Let's get to the point.好吧。让我们言归正传。
14.Talk turkey about it.言归正传谈谈那件事吧!
15.Back to business as usua和往常一样,言归正传了。
16.tell or spread rumors.传播或散布流言蜚语。
17.To engage in or spread gossip.传播或散布流言蜚语
18.To engage in small talk or gossip.聊天或传播流言蜚语

"telling through words"言传
3)Traditional language传统语言
1.This article distinguishes and analyses the emcee s traditional language &“colour”language and the author gives some his own ideas about them.本文对于电视节目主持人的传统语言与“色彩”语言进行了界定分析,并谈了自己对传统语言和“色彩”语言的认识。
4)teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction言传身教
1.Besides strengthening the tutorship works of political thought in various layers,its an effective way in the practice stage to advocate the tutors to teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction and pa.实践教育是大学生能力培养的必要环节,目前部分大学生在实践环节中所反映出来的一些问题,如对实践教学之目的不够明确、思想不够重视、学习不够努力、收效不够明显等,已引起有关各方的关注,除了各层面政治思想辅导工作加强跟进以外,提倡实践环节中的指导教师通过言传身教、在紧抓教书的同时强化“育人”工作,是解决这一问题的有效途径之一。
5)speech transimission Supported by the Natural Science Fund of Guangdong Province言语传递
6)media language传媒语言
1.Based on an analysis of the functions of the mass media and the theory of stylistics as well as some case studies of the cross-style language and questionnaires,this paper gives a brand-new interpretation of the norm of the media language.其中,由不同大众传播媒介所形成的传媒语言及其规范问题,直接关系到大众传媒功能的实现和国家、民族的语言文化水平。

传言1.出言;发言。《仪礼.士相见礼》:"凡言非对也,妥而后传言。"郑玄注:"传言,犹出言也。"一说等人说完接续而言。 2.传令;传话。 3.流言;流传的话。 4.指谚语。