1.A preliminary genetic study of the Wushanding mud volcano in southwestern Taiwan台湾西南部乌山顶泥火山的成因机制初探

1.A preliminary genetic study of the Wushanding mud volcano in southwestern Taiwan台湾西南部乌山顶泥火山的成因机制初探
2.The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud, which took shine off the front view of the mountain.一片乌云遮住山顶, 使山前的景物黯然失色。
3.The pointed summit of a mountain.山顶,顶峰山峰的尖顶
4.When the wind reached the mountain-top he could see something happen, a flicker of blue stuff against brown clouds.风吹到山顶时他看到了什么东西在动弹,背衬着乌云有一样蓝色的东西在摇曳。
5.A summit or crest, as of a hill.顶顶峰或冠,如山等
6.mountains tipped with snow山顶被雪盖住的群山
7.crow; raven; rook; jackdaw; chough; magpie; jay.乌鸦;大乌鸦;秃鼻乌鸦;寒鸦;红嘴山鸦;鹊;松鸦。
8.The top, as of a hill or wave.山顶,浪尖山或波浪等的顶部
9.The place at the top of the mountain is called the Peak.山顶上的那个景点叫做“(平山)顶”。
10.A flat - topped submarine mountain.平顶海山一种在海底的平顶山岭
11.A cloud is broodingover the hills.一片乌云笼罩着山岗。
12.A crow was flying alone across the mountain.一只乌鸦正飞过山峰。
13.Euthymius THE HAGIORITE尤锡米乌斯(圣山的)
14.The sky was overcast, the ligtning leaped from cloud to cloud.乌云盖顶,电光在云块间闪动。
15.And from the wood-top calls the crow,只有乌鸦成天在树顶啼叫,
16.The side or slope of a hill, situated between the foot and the summit.山坡山顶和山脚之间的部分
17.The crest or top of a hill.小山山顶小山的最高部分
18.DNA Polymorphisms of Black-bone Chicken Population in Wenshan Mountanious Region Based on Microsatellite Markers文山山地乌骨鸡微卫星DNA多态性分析

Dongding Oolong Tea冻顶乌龙
1.Dingshan area is the first class propecting area that was affirmed while small scale (1:1000000-1:500000) regional propecting for sandstone uranium deposit.顶山地区是1992-1994年在准噶尔盆地开展的小比例(1:100万-1:50万)砂岩型铀矿区域预测工作中,划分出的一级远景区,并于1998-2002年进行的1:25万~1:20万带钻铀矿区域预测评价工作进一步落实的砂岩型铀成矿远景区,在主要目的层乌伦古河组的W-1旋回中已发现3个工业铀矿化孔。
1.As natural environment of the detonator storeroom on mountaintop,the detonator storeroom is more easily stroken by lightning.山顶炸药贮存库因其所处的自然环境,受雷击的可能性较大。
5)flat-topped crest平顶山顶
6)Wulashan Group乌拉山群
1.There have existed different views on the metamophism deformation of the Wulashan Group.乌拉山群的变质 -变形问题一直有不同的认识[1~ 3] 。

冻顶乌龙茶,是台湾省所产乌龙茶的一种,属中发酵(做青程度约40%)、轻焙火型。主产于台湾省南投县鹿谷乡的冻顶山。冻顶山是凤凰山的支脉,海拔700m。传说山上种茶,因雨多山高路滑,上山的茶农必须绷紧脚尖(冻脚尖)才能到山顶,故称此山为“冻顶山”。冻顶山,山高林密土质好,栽种的青心乌龙茶等良种茶树生长茂盛,为品质优异的冻顶乌龙茶奠定了物质基础。对一般消费者而言,产自台湾南投县鹿谷乡一千六百多公顷贩茶园,都是“冻顶乌龙”茶,甚至来自邻近茶园的发酵茶亦可冠上“冻顶乌龙”之名。但行家认为,真正的“冻顶乌龙”产自位于鹿谷的乡彭雅村海拔六百米的山顶上那片四十多公顷的茶园。 冻顶乌龙茶采制工艺十分讲究,鲜叶为青心乌龙等良种芽叶,经晒青、凉青、摇青、炒青、揉捻、初烘、多次反复团揉(包揉)、复烘、焙火而制成。 冻顶乌龙外观紧结,呈条索状,墨绿色带有光泽;茶汤清沏,呈蜜黄色,香气清纯,具有花香,滋味甘醇浓厚,汤色黄绿明亮,耐冲泡。产品等级分为特选、春、冬、梅、兰、竹、菊。 冻顶乌龙入口圆滑甘润,饮后口颊生津、喉韵幽长。有人形容说,喝冻顶茶的感觉很妙,愈品愈有味。老式的冻顶茶,制法极具风格,香气稳重,喉韵十足。新式冻顶茶加入了“半包种”的做法,其香气较易发散,别有一番风味。现在这两种制法的冻顶茶均已在台湾广为流行。