1.Application of HEC-HMS in the Louzigou River BasinHEC-HMS及其在篓子沟流域的应用研究

1.Application of HEC-HMS in the Louzigou River BasinHEC-HMS及其在篓子沟流域的应用研究
2.A basket carried on a person's back.背篓背在背上的篮子
3.a basket large enough to hold a bushel.大的足够放蒲式耳的篓子。
4.I'd lay off stirring up trouble for a bit if I were you.要是我是你的话,我就暂时不去捅篓子。
5.holds dirty clothes to be washed or wet clothes to be dried.盛放准备去洗的或熨烫的衣服的篓子。
6.The waste paper basket can go under the table.你把废纸篓放到桌子下面去。
7.Oranges in tissue paper packed in crates.桔子是用棉纸包好装在柳条篓里。
8.These thin, and long bamboo strips are all materials for weaving mats and crates.这些细长的篾子, 都是编制竹席竹篓的材料。
9.a special Basket in my study . . . into which I pitch letters, circulars, pamphlets and so forth我书房中一个特殊的纸篓.我向里面扔信、通知或小册子等
10.Stop emptying your pipe into the waster paper basket:you'll set fire to the house.不要把烟斗里的灰磕在废纸篓里,你会把房子点着的。
11.Stop emptying your pipe into the waste paper basket: you'll set the house on fire.不要把烟斗里的灰磕到废纸篓里,着起火来会把房子烧掉的。
12.Stop emptying your pipe into the wastepaper basket; you will set the house on fire.不要把烟灰倒在废纸篓里,你会把这幢房子烧起来的。
13.A rush basket for holding fruit, especially dried fruit.灯心草篓一个灯心草编的篮子,用于装水果,尤指干果
14.The quantity of fruit, such as raisins or figs, that such a basket can hold.一灯心草篓的量这样的篮子能装水果(如葡萄干、无花果)之量
15.a special basket in my study . . . into which I pitch letters, circulars, pamphlets and so forth (H.G. Wells).我书房中一个特殊的纸篓…我向里面扔信、通知或小册子等G威尔斯)。
16.Nothing would please him but to punt all day and every day, and a nice mess he made of it.对什么都不感兴趣,成天就知道撑船,捅了不少篓子。
17.Annixter, who had allowed the priest to go in front, promptly took notice of the wicker basket he carried.安尼克斯特让神父走在头里,立刻注意到他手里拿的那只柳条篓子。
18.A wicker basket, especially one used by anglers for carrying fish.柳条篮一种用柳条编成的篮子,尤指捕鱼人用来捕鱼的柳条鱼篓

4)How much is a basket of plums?一篓李子多少钱?
