温泉,Hot spring
1)Hot spring温泉
1.Determination of Potassium,Sodium,Calcium,Manganese and Zinc in the First Hot Spring of Yue Dong by FAAS;火焰原子吸收光谱法测定粤东第一温泉中钾、钠、钙、锰和锌
2.Changes and harmfulness of Radon concentration within water-vapor transform process in hot spring at granite area of Guangdong Province;广东花岗岩类温泉水-汽转化过程中氡浓度的变化及其危害
3.Research on development of hot spring industry in Guangdong;温泉与广东省温泉旅游产业发展研究

1.“Hot spring fountainhead” means a natural site where the hot spring is discharged.四温泉露头:指温泉自然涌出之处。
2.L'Office National du Tourisme et du Thermalisme国家旅游和温泉管理处(旅游温泉处)
3.Tourists luxuriate in the hot baths in a hot spring resort.观光者们在温泉胜地尽情享受温泉
4.The place is celebrated for its hot springs [as a hot spring resort].那个地方以温泉 [作为温泉休闲地] 闻名。
5.Fuzhou is noted for its hot springs, with over a dozen in Fuzhou itself.福州以温泉出名,市区就有十多眼温泉
6.Research on development of hot spring industry in Guangdong;温泉与广东省温泉旅游产业发展研究
7.The Project Content: The proving up, exploiture of the hotspring. The construction of the pipe net and the water supply operation.项目温泉资源的勘探、采,温泉供水管网建设,温泉供水经营。
8.A Study of Hydrochemistry and Isotopes of Baimiao Hot Spring, Chicheng Hot Spring and Tangzimiao Hot Spring;白庙温泉、赤城温泉及塘子庙温泉的水化学及同位素研究
9.On Evaluation of Tourism Resource of Hot Spring Destination--An Empirical Study of Xiamen Trithorn Hot Spring and Tengchong Hotsea Hot Spring温泉地旅游资源评价研究——以厦门翠丰温泉与腾冲热海温泉为例
10.Thermal Spring Nourishing Cream温泉水保湿滋润面霜
11.It 's great soak in a hot spring after skiing .滑雪后泡温泉真棒。
12.We will go to the hot spring to have a rest.我们会去温泉休息。
13.They accommodated themselves in the Hot-Spring Hotel.他们住宿在温泉旅馆.
14.Eggs boil by the heat of the spring.温泉的热水可以煮鸡蛋。
15.Do you know something about hot springs?你知道关于温泉的事吗?
16.The town is famous for its hot springs.该城以其温泉驰名。
17.The place is celebrated for its hot springs.那个地方以温泉闻名。
18.Think of--think of Thermopylae!"请想想----想想温泉关吧!"

thermal spring温泉
1.Identification of mantle origin of geothermal spring gases in Hengjing area in south Jiangxi province;赣南横迳地区地热温泉气体幔源成因的厘定
2.Approach of origin of Longmen thermal spring in Luoyang;洛阳市龙门温泉成因探讨
3.Study on the Thermal Spring Character of Isotope and Element Hydrogeochemistry in Daocheng, Sichuan;四川稻城温泉同位素、元素水文地球化学特征研究
1.The Tourism Exploitation and Brand Construction of Fuzhou s Hotspring;福州市温泉旅游开发与品牌建设
2.The studies and experiments show that the cause is the hotspring 90 m under the base.通过大量试验和研究 ,分析得出距坝基 90m以下的温泉承压热水是产生抬升的根本原
3.The Lianghekou hotspring taste well and is considered as standards mineral drinking water as its content of metasillicio acid is 31.两河口温泉的水质清亮,口感好,是一个十分难得的偏硅酸和锶含量双达标的饮用天然矿泉水,又是一个偏硅酸和氟含量达标的医疗温泉水,其偏硅酸含量31。
4)Warm spring温泉
1.The geothermal warm spring is all over the Taiwan.台湾岛内地热温泉遍布 ,全省共有温泉区 98处 ,在中央山脉及其周边地区分布尤为集中。
2.Throughit foun that in the sediment of Jimo Warm Spring,autogenetic minerals relevant to the highly mineralized water like gypsum and salt rock had a certain distribution and cmollusa and microfossils lack near the exit of warm spring, but had a large distribution in farther area.文章结合多种技术手段对青岛即墨温泉盆地第四纪沉积物进行研究。
3.And there are many warm springs.海螺沟地质公园地质遗迹景观资源十分丰富 ,分布广泛 ,类型多样 ,以世界同纬度最低海拔现代冰川和温泉景观为代表 ,具有极高的科学考察价值。
5)hot springs温泉
1.In order to separate and identify the thermophilic lecteria in hot springs of Xiangzhou,Guangxi,the general method of dilution spread was used.采集广西象州温泉水样,用常规的稀释涂布法分离和纯化嗜热菌,并选择其中1株编号为XZ2K 2的菌株进行形态观察、生理生化鉴定和16S rDNA序列分析。
2.In the Hengjing hot springs area, southern Jiangxi Province, 10 samples taken from hot springs and cold springs are analyzed for hydrochemistry.从赣南横迳温泉区采集10个水样并分析了温泉及冷泉的水化学成分,认为热水起源于大气降水补给。
3.The resource of hot springs in northeast Guilin and its development is a new motive force for the development of tourist trade of Guilin city.桂东北温泉资源及其开发对于桂林市发展旅游业来说是新的动力,从已知的六个温泉及其它的热现象研究,温泉的形成与深大断裂尤其是多期次活动的或近期仍在活动的断裂,构造盆地,岩浆岩体及封闭较完整的背斜构造等地质构造或地质体有关。
1.The Spas Water quality analysis of PLA Sanatorium in Lintong;中国人民解放军兰州军区临潼疗养院温泉水质分析
2.Strategy Research on Spa Tourism Exploitation in Midwest China;我国中西部温泉旅游开发对策研究
3.Objective Studing varieties of the Spas water quality at each season.目的探讨温泉主要理化性质季节变化情况。
