生存环境,living environment
1)living environment生存环境
1."Unification between Human Beings and Nature "of Confucianism and Protecting of the Living Environment of Human Beings;儒学的“天人合一”与人类生存环境保护
2.Selection and remake of the living environment on the loess plateau by primitive residents;先秦人类对黄土高原生存环境的选择与改造
3.Infrastructure and the Living Environment of Human Being;基础设施与人类生存环境之关系研究

1.XI. Protection of Living Environment十一、生存环境的保护
2.Air is the element of man.空气是人类的生存环境
3.On the Relationship between Means of Living and Living Environment论民族生计方式与生存环境的关系
4.The chief worry is over wildlife habitat.主要的担忧在于野生动物的生存环境
5.the country--the flat agricultural surround.人类的生存环境变得越来越坏了。
6."Unification between Human Beings and Nature "of Confucianism and Protecting of the Living Environment of Human Beings;儒学的“天人合一”与人类生存环境保护
7.Analysis on Competition situation of Medium and SmallScale Coppers in China;中国中小型铜冶炼企业生存环境分析
8.Infrastructure and the Living Environment of Human Being;基础设施与人类生存环境之关系研究
9.Water is the medium in which fish can live.水是鱼能生存的环境.
10.survivable organisms in a hostile environment.在险恶环境中能够生存的生物体
11.(biology) restricted to a particular condition of life.(生物学)只能在一种特定环境下生存的。
12.(biology) able to exist under more than one set of conditions.(生物学)能在不同环境条件下生存的。
13.The term biotope should be used for the environment in which a community exists.生活小区一词指的是群落生存的环境。
14.The survival of a language is closely linked to its environment.语文的生存与生活环境息息相关。
15.Negative Effects of Human Existence and Development on t he Ecoenvironment;人类生存和发展对生态环境的负效应
16.Trying to Discuss Unity of Natural Environment for Human Existence and Their Existence Mode;试论人类生存的自然环境与生存方式的统一
17.Environmental Scientists for Global Survival环境科学工作者全球生存协会
18.How do they exist in such wretched conditions?在这样恶劣的环境中,他们怎样生存?

survival environment生存环境
1.On water resources problems in fourth human survival environment crisis;论人类第四次生存环境危机中的水资源问题
2.Valuation of Zhejiang privately run of science & technology enterprises survival environment;浙江民营科技企业生存环境评价
3.Research of evaluating the enterprise survival environment;企业生存环境的评估研究
1.It is very important to improve the living environment of the teachers and base on students’ teaching plan.本文从改善大学教师生存环境以及以学生为中文设计教案两方面来探讨了如何提高大学教学效果。
2.The Hakkas harmonious view is grown under the condition on special living environment and particular space-time.客家人的和谐观是在特殊的生存环境和特定的时空条件上生成的。
4)existing environment生存环境
1.The existing environments must be treasured for human future,and the efforts in five fields can be tried.发展辉煌彪史册 ,可持续性应坚持 ,生存环境需珍惜 ,人类前途五可
2.It suggests that the education of the aesthetic ideal should instruct young learners to take a positive part in the nature transformation and social reform under the guidance of Marxism and to criticize the wickedness of their own existing environment so that they will possess the real aesthetic ideal.认为 ,我们进行审美理想的培育应当在马克思主义的指导下引导青少年积极的参与改造自然的生产实践 ,参与社会变革实践 ,以马克思主义为指导展开对于自身生存环境中丑恶现象的批判 ,只有这样 ,我们才能培育青少年建立真正意义上的审美理想。
5)Living conditions生存环境
1.The Chinese archaeology is derived from the studies of biological stratigmphy,and since the Chinese modem archaeology originated, more attention has been paid to thestudies of living conditions of andest human beings.中国考古学源于生物地层学研究,并从中国近代考古学创立开始,就很重视古代人类生存环境的研究。
2.It aims at persuading the prime minister to retreat and we can realize the successful reasons: comfortable living conditions,practical thought tendency and strong lobbying approaches.《蔡泽说范雎功成身退》是《战国策》中极富特色的说辞,是为游说国相,要求取而代之,从中我们能看到战国策士成功的原因:生存环境的宽松,思想倾向的务实,游说手法的有力。
3.This paper presents an analysis of the living conditions of small-sized and medium-sized enterprisesfrom the perspectives as follows: industrial organization,macro economic conditions,economic policies,legal system, financial channel, social burden, social concept and socialization service system, etc.从中小企业产业组织、宏观经济状况、经济政策、法制环境、融资渠道、社会负担、社会观念和社会化服务体系等八大方面分析我国中小企业的生存环境
6)Survival environmental right环境生存权

生存1.活着;活下去。 2.指在世的人。 3.存在。 4.生活。