过程方法,process method
1)process method过程方法
1.Application of process method in manufacture of waterproofing products;过程方法在防水企业生产过程中的应用
2.Emphasizing process method to realize propagation of system;重视过程方法 实现体系增值
3.Research on the modeling and implementation of integrated quality system based on process method;基于过程方法的集成质量系统建模与实施技术研究

1.The Process Method and the Process Quality Management in Technical College;论过程方法与高职教育的过程质量管理
2.Application research of the statistical process control technology based on process approach基于过程方法的统计过程控制技术应用研究
3.techniques of sampling during manufacture制造过程中采样方法
4.Study on Statistical Process Control Methods in Auto-correlated Processes;自相关过程的统计过程控制方法研究
5.Study of Fault Diagnosis Methods for Chemical Process Startups化工过程开车过程故障诊断方法研究
6.Analysis of Legal Finding and Methods in Judicial Process;司法过程中的法律发现及其方法论析
7.Research of a Method to Redesign Process in The Progress of Enterprise’s Informalization;企业E化过程中的流程再造方法研究
8.The Design of Teaching Process and Teaching Method in the Courseof the Higher Vocational Education;高职课程教学过程的设计与教学方法
9.Quality Control Principle, Program and Method of Science Research Process;科研过程质量控制的原理、程序和方法
10.The Study of "Process and Approach" Objective in High School Course of History中学历史课程“过程与方法”目标研究
11.Process Capability Analysis of AR(1) Model in the Presence of Autocorrelation;AR(1)型自相关过程的过程能力分析方法研究
12.Concurrent Design Method of Business Process Based on Process BOM;基于过程BOM的经营过程并行化设计方法
13.Theories and Methods of Multivariate Statistical Process Control for Batch Process间歇过程多变量统计过程控制的理论与方法
14.The art or process of drawing ground plans.平面画法画平面图的方法或过程
15.Settlement curve prediction method-index of deformation process method沉降曲线预测方法-变形过程指数法
16.Returns the current dialog box procedure. Override this method to replace the dialog procedure with your own返回当前对话框过程。重写该方法以用自己的过程替换对话框过程
17.Activity-attribute flow chart and process algebra based approach for business process expression;基于流程图及过程代数的流程表达方法
18.Optimization of engineering equipment maintenance based on process algebra基于过程代数的工程装备维修流程优化方法

Process approach过程方法
1.Application of process approach in teaching quality management of colleges and universities过程方法在高校教学质量管理中的应用
2.According to the theoretical analysis,a framework of fine management based on process approach is set up and the steps with application of the framework are given.通过理论分析,首先建立了基于过程方法的精细化管理实施方法和步骤;然后将该方法应用于某供电所管理线损的精细化管理中,验证了过程方法在精细化管理实施中的有效性,为组织实施精细化管理提供了一种新方法。
3.Through analyzing the situation and characteristics of our country s higher vocational education s quality management,this article tries to analyze how to apply the "process approach",which is one of the eight principles of I.通过分析我国高职教育质量管理现状及特点,就ISO质量管理八大原则之一的“过程方法”在高职院校教学质量管理中的应用进行了尝试性的探索。
1.Application of the process-method in innerquality management system audit;过程方法在内部质量管理体系审核中的应用
2.Quality Management for Experiment Teaching in Universities Based on the Application of the Process-method基于过程方法的高校实验教学质量管理
3.According to the changed demands of ISO9001:2000 standard about conformitying factor to the quality management system structure mode based on the process, the audit thinking by applying the process-method in the inner quality management system audit is put forward, and the detailed use methods of applying P-D-C-A process-method integrating Laigang s practice are designed.根据2000版ISO9001标准将要素整合为以过程为基础的质量管理体系结构模式的要求,提出了在内部质量管理体系审核中运用过程方法的审核思路,结合莱钢实际制定了应用P-D-C-A过程方法的具体内容。
4)process methods过程方法
5)Method and Process方法和过程
1.So by fuzzy mathematics theory, The method and process to evaluate wind power generation unit performance comprehensively have been discussed from the four aspects, which were technical economy, function setting, reliability and maintainability.针对目前风力发电机组性能分析评价研究一般仅局限于某一方面,不能全面反应发电机组系统性能问题,本文利用模糊数学理论,探讨了从技术经济、功能设置、可靠性及维修性四个方面来综合评判风力发电机组系统性能的方法和过程。
6)process and method过程与方法
1.Implementation of the process and method objectives in the experimental teaching of inorganic chemistry;无机化学实验教学中过程与方法目标的实施
2.These are knowledge and skill, process and method, emotional attitude and view of value.在新课改理念指导下,制定了知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三维的培养目标。
3.It is a powerful weapon to achieve the aim of“process and method”in senior high school geography.因素分析法是揭示地理现象发生、发展变化的内在原因,揭示地理现象与构成现象的各种要素间的关系以及要素之间相互作用机制的一种科学研究方法,是高中地理教学中实现“过程与方法”目标的有力武器。

正规过程和倒逆过程  讨论完整晶体中声子-声子散射问题时,由于要求声子波矢为简约波矢(见布里渊区),所得到的总波矢守恒条件会相差一个倒易点阵矢量G)。例如对于三声子过程有下列条件         , (1)  式中q1和q2是散射前的声子简约波矢, q3为散射后声子波矢,式(1)中G)的取值应保证q3也是简约波矢。这时会出现两种过程,其一是当q1+q2在简约区内时,可以取倒易点阵矢量G)=0,式(1)则简化为总波矢守恒条件,称为正规过程或N过程。其二是当q1+q2超出简约区时,所取G)应保证q3仍落于简约区内,由于q3与q1+q2相差G),显然q3位于q1+q2的相反一侧,这时散射使声子传播方向发生了倒转,故称为倒逆过程或U过程。U过程总波矢不守恒,但总能量守恒,因为声子频率是倒易点阵的周期函数,而q3与q1+q2只相差一个倒易点阵矢量。N过程在低温长波声子的散射问题中起主要作用。当温度升高,简约区边界附近的声子有较多激发时,U过程变得十分显著,它对点阵热导有重要贡献。    在能带电子与声子散射问题中存在着与式 (1)相仿的总波矢条件  k+G=k┡±q,       (2)  式中k与k┡分别为散射前后电子的简约波矢,±号分别对应于吸收或发射q声子。类似的在热中子-声子散射以及晶体中一切波的相互作用过程中,总波矢变化都相差一个倒易点阵矢量G),因此也都有N与U过程之分。这是晶体和连续媒质不同之处,连续媒质对无穷小平移具有不变性,才能求得总波矢守恒,而晶体只具有对布喇菲点阵的平移不变性,因此总波矢守恒条件会相差一个倒易点阵矢量。