山地灾害,mountain hazards
1)mountain hazards山地灾害
1.Study on the correlation between mountain hazards and soil genesis category in Z hejiang province;浙江山地灾害与土壤发生学类型的相关研究
2.The Features and Measures of Mountain Hazards Triggered by Earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains;5·12汶川地震龙门山风景区地震次生山地灾害特征与处理
3.Vertical geomorphologic zonation on the Northwest Sichuan Plateau and the effects of mountain hazards on the West Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project;川西北高原地貌垂直地带性及山地灾害对南水北调西线工程的影响

1.Earthquake-Induced Mountain Hazards and Its Countermeasures--Case Study on Earthquake-induced Mountain Hazards of Wenchuan Earthquake地震次生山地灾害及其防治对策——以“汶川大地震”次生山地灾害为例
2.Study on the Mountainous Disasters and Their Reduction Measures in the Urban Area of Altay City;新疆阿勒泰市城市山地灾害及减灾对策研究
4.Preliminary Study on the Secondary Mountain Disaster Chains Induced by WenChuan Earthquake“5·12”汶川地震次生山地灾害链(网)的初步研究
5.The Risk Assessment on the Geological Hazard in Mountain Area in Northern Part of Tangshan City;唐山市北部山区地质灾害危险性评价
6.(v)natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity.自然灾害,如地震、飓风、台风、或火山活动。
7.Researches on Geological Hazard and Risk Zonation in Tangshan Hebei;河北省唐山市地质灾害风险区划研究
8.Research on Geological Disaster of Yunwushan Tunnel Shallow and Karst Section;云雾山隧道浅埋岩溶段地质灾害研究
9.The Geological Disasters Data Management and Issue System of Shandong Province;山东省地质灾害数据管理与发布系统
10.Simple Talking about Measures for Prevention-Tackling of Geological Calamity of Highways in Liaodong Mountain Area浅谈辽东山区公路地质灾害防治措施
11.Research on Mountainous Village Houses Vulnerability of Slope Disaster and Disaster Prevention and Reduction Design山地村镇民宅斜坡灾害易损性研究及防灾减灾设计
12.Analysis of the Forming Conditions and Study of Countermeasures of Geological Hazards in the Anshan Iron Mines鞍山市铁矿矿山地质灾害形成条件及对策研究
13.Treatment of the Northwest Slope's Geological Disasters in Xilin Mountain in Zhongshan中山市西林山西北面边坡地质灾害的治理
14.Study on Hazard and Controlling Measures of Land Subsidence in Coastal Region of Tangshan;唐山沿海地区地面沉降灾害及对策研究
15.The Mountainous Region City Overall Plan Phase Guards Against the Geological Disaster to Plan Initially Searches;山地城市总体规划阶段防地质灾害规划初探
16.Suitability evaluation of land utilization affected by geological disaster factors in Tangshan city;地质灾害影响下的唐山市土地利用适宜度评价
17.The Mainly Geological Disasters in the Central Basin of Shanxi Province and Its the Preventive Solutions;山西中部盆地主要地质灾害及防治对策
18.Assessment and Prevention of Mine Environmental Geology and Geological Hazard矿山环境地质与地质灾害评价与防治研究

mountain hazard山地灾害
1.By a social and psychological survey on mountain hazards in three western provinces(Gansu,Sichuan and Yunnan),where are prone to mountain hazards,factors influencing consciousness of mountain hazards are analyzed.通过对我国西部三个山地灾害易发省区的山地灾害社会心理学调查,分析了影响山地灾害意识的几种因素,并对居民山地灾害意识的差异进行了探讨研究。
2.The study of mountain hazard is a young discipline.山地灾害一词应用广泛,但目前对其含义的理解因人而异。
3.The mountain hazard happened frequently in south Anhui, and have stronger regular combined forms.皖南山地灾害发生频繁,且具规律性较强组合形式。
3)mountain disasters山地灾害
1.The paper prove that the geologic disasters mountain disasters and mountain torrents disaster have different in the concept subject investigated and so on, b.阐述了地质灾害、山地灾害、山洪灾害等与水文气象和地质因素相关的自然灾害的概念及分类,比较三者内涵与外延的差异,对三种灾害防治工作中的一些共性问题作了初步探讨。
2.It is essential to recognize the environment and the features of mountain disasters for highway route selection.墨脱公路的艰巨性在于当地地貌环境特殊 ,气候条件恶劣 ,地质背景复杂 ,尤其是山地灾害广泛发育 ,且灾害种类齐全 ,大多具有相当规模。
3.In this paper firstly we have briefly introduced the basic characters of mountain disasters in Three- Gorge Reservoir, and then our attention is laid stress on the relationship between landslides and their antecedent rainfall in the area, at last fisher discriminate technique has been used in order to establish a forecast equation about rainfall for the occurrence of landslides.分析三峡库区山地灾害的基本特征,着重讨论库区滑坡灾害与前期降水量的相关关系,运用Fisher判别法则建立该区滑坡发生的降水预报方程。
4)mountain disaster山地灾害
1.Application of small water conservancy project in the prevention of mountain disaster;小型水利工程在山地灾害防治中的运用
2.Active and passive mitigation measures are used to minimize the destruction potential of the mountain disasters.治理和预防是减轻或避免山地灾害所造成损失的重要措施。
3.Mountain environmental vulnerability is the basis of a variety of mountain disasters.山地生态环境脆弱性是山地灾害形成的基础。
5)mountain hazard science山地灾害学
6)mine geological disaster矿山地质灾害
1.This paper introduces the present situation of mine geological disaster in Datong City,and probes into the countermeasures for preventing different types of geological disasters.介绍了大同市矿山地质灾害的现状,探讨了各种类型地质灾害的防治对策。
2.The main types of mine geological disasters were analyzed with a focus on the observation method in the mined out area and the harnessing methods for the possible geological disasters were proposed.分析了矿山地质灾害的主要类型,并着重提出矿山采空区的勘查方法,对可能产生的地质灾害提出防治方法。

山地明 ,环孢素,新山地明,环孢素A药物名称:环孢素英文名:Ciclosporin别名: 环孢多肽A;环孢灵;环孢霉素A;赛斯平;山地明 ,环孢素,新山地明,环孢素A外文名:Ciclosporin A ,CsA, Cs-A, CY-A, Sandimmune, Ciclosporin, Cyspin.适应症: 主要用于肝、肾以及心脏移植的抗排异反应,可与肾上腺皮质激素同用,也可用于一些免疫性疾病的治疗。 用量用法: 口服:剂量依病人情况而定,一般器官移植前的首次量为每日每千克体重14~17.5mg,于术前4~12小时1次口服,按此剂量维持到术后1~2周,然后根据肌酐和山地明血药浓度,每周减少5%,直到维持量为每日每千克体重5~10mg止。同时给激素辅助治疗。口服液在服用前一定要用所附的吸管,以牛奶、巧克力或桔子汁等稀释,温度最好为25℃。打开保护盖后,用吸管从容器内吸出所需山地明量(一定要准确),然后放入盛有牛奶、巧克力或桔子汁的玻璃杯中(不可用塑胶杯),药液稀释搅拌后,立即饮用,并再用牛奶等清洗玻璃杯后饮用,确保剂量准确。用过的吸管放回原处前,一定要用清洁干毛巾擦干,不可用水或其他溶液清洗,以免造成山地明药液混浊。 静注法仅用于不能口服的病人,首次静脉注射量应在移植前4~12小时,每日每千克体重5~6mg(相当于口服量的1/3),按此剂量可持续到手术后,直到可以口服山地明为止。使用前应以5%葡萄糖或等渗盐水稀释成1:20至1:100浓度,缓慢地于2~6小时内滴完。 注意事项: 1.肾毒性:肾小球血栓、肾小管受阻、蛋白尿、管型尿。 2.肝毒性:低蛋白血症、高胆红素血症、血清转氨酶升高。 3.神经系统:运动性脊髓综合征,小脑样综合征及精神紊乱、震颤、感觉异常等。 4.胃肠道:厌食、恶心、呕吐。 5.用于骨髓移植虽无禁忌证,但有不良反应。 6.有高血压、多毛症。静脉给药偶可见胸、脸部发红、 呼吸困难、喘息及心悸等过敏反应。一旦发生应立即停药,严重者静注肾上腺素和给氧抢救。 7.1岁以下儿童不宜用。 储存、有效期 规格:口服液:每毫升100mg×50ml 丸剂:25mg、100mg。 静滴剂:每毫升50mg,5ml×10 支.类别:免疫抑制剂