三峡地区,three gorges region
1)three gorges region三峡地区
1.A study on soil erosion induced sediment yield by reservoir and pond deposits dating with ~(137)Cs in small catchments of the hilly Sichuan Basin and the Three Gorges Region;川中丘陵区和三峡地区小流域侵蚀产沙的塘库沉积~(137)Cs断代
2.Seed rain and seed banks of Cupressus funebris forest in the Three Gorges region;三峡地区柏木林种子雨和种子库的研究

1.Tentative Research on the Problems on population and Land in Three-Gorge Region in Qing Dynasty;清代三峡地区的人口与土地问题试探
2.Analysis of Common Salt Problem in the Region of Three Gorges in the Qing Dynasty清代长江三峡地区的食盐问题分析
3.Looking Back and Prospection of the Cutural Relics and Archaeology in Three-gorges Area长江三峡地区文物考古的回顾与展望
4.A Study of Natural Salt Spring in the Region of Three Gorges Cheng Longgang长江三峡地区自然盐泉发现时期考
5.A Study of the Component Elements and Distinctive Features of Porcelain in the Three Gorges Area;三峡地区瓷器组成因素及其特征研究
6.Archaeological Practice on Analysing Secondary Deposits in the Three Gorges Area;三峡地区次生堆积剖析的考古学实践
7.Discovery and Study of Human Fossils in the Three Gorges Region,China中国三峡地区人类化石的发现与研究
8.Carrying capacity for population in the region of Three Gorges of the Yangtze River and its immigrant expansion;长江三峡地区人口承载力与库区移民拓展
9.Discussion about the Mutuality of Traffic Integration Construction in the Three Gorges Region;论三峡地区区域交通一体化建设的互动关系
10.A Study on the Tourism Spatial Structure of the Three Gorges Region Influenced by the Construction of the Three Gorges Engineering;三峡工程影响下三峡区域旅游地空间结构研究
12.Ecological Reconstruction in Agricultural Regions in the Area of the Three Gorges;三峡库区民族地区农业的生态化改造
13.Research on Drought and Flood Indices in Opstrean three Gorges Reservoir Area三峡库区上游(川渝地区)旱涝指标研究
14.Study on the Evaluation of Land Resources Ecological Security in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区土地资源生态安全评价研究
15.Land use/cover change during lately 50 years in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区近50年间土地利用/覆被变化
16.Study on Insurances System for the Prevention and Control of Geological Disaster in Three Gorges;三峡库区地质灾害防治保险制度研究
17.Some Features and the Evolution Trend of Land Use Change in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region;三峡库区土地利用变化的特征与趋势
18.On Tourism Spatial Alteration and Reconstruction in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area;论三峡库区旅游地空间的变动与重构

Three Gorges Area三峡地区
1.SWOT analysis of constructing Three Gorges Area Sport Tourism Circle;构建三峡地区体育旅游经济圈的SWOT分析
2.In order to reveal the evolution process of Three Gorges area,a geomorphy evolution modeling is set up on the basis of DEM by using GIS technology,and a visual method of geomorphy evolution simulation is presented.为揭示三峡地区地貌演化过程,利用GIS技术,基于DEM,建立起了地貌演化模型,提出了一种可形象直观地进行地貌演化模拟的方法,形象再现了50×104a前三峡地区的地貌形态,并对50×104a以来三峡地区地貌演化进行了过程模拟,结果表明50×104a以来,中部抬升幅度最大。
3.The history of the land and water transportation development from ancient time to the modern time in three gorges area is discussed.论述从远古到近代数千年间三峡地区的水上、陆上交通发展的历史。
3)the Three Gorges area三峡地区
1.The Transformation of Military and Political Status of the Three Gorges Area during Tang and Song Dynasties——Analysis of Kuizhou Administration and Selection of Its Governor;唐宋时期长江三峡地区军政地位之演变——以夔州治所及其刺史人选为中心的考察
2.Studies on the Archeological Findings of Cultural Remains in the Three Gorges Area in Xizhou and Dongzhou Periods;长江三峡地区西周、东周时期文化遗迹的考古发现研究
3.In the earlier period of Qing Dynasty,especially "Huguang fills in Sichuan" the big immigration movement caused the profound evolution of the Three Gorges area folk custom,just because of its huge immigration quantity,its relative centralism of the immigration originates and the immigration distribution area.特别其中清代前期的"湖广填四川"大移民运动以移民数量之巨大,移民来源地、移民分布区之相对集中,而使三峡地区民间风俗发生了深刻嬗变。
4)The Three Gorges Region三峡地区
1.This paper aims to explore multi-culture in The Three Gorges Region in the scope of Cultural Anthropology.通过文化人类学的研究视角,对三峡地区多元文化中巴楚文化和商贸文化进行重点分析,并总结出在多元文化共同作用下,对三峡地区传统民居聚落及建筑所产生的影响。
2.This paper summarizes the discovery and recent research on iron products dates from the Eastern Zhou to the Six Dynasties in the Three Gorges region,and explores the development of early iron products in this region.本文介绍了三峡地区东周至六朝铁器的考古发现和研究情况,探讨了三峡早期铁器的特征和发展变化,提出了巴系铁器的概念,进而对三峡铁器的起源、三峡铁器与农业等问题进行了剖析,从多角度对三峡早期铁器进行了一定程度的介绍和研究。
5)Three-Gorge region三峡地区
1.In accordance with the characteristics of forest variety,precipitation,runoff and sediment movement of Three-Gorge region of Yangtze River,the properties of runoff and sediment movement is studied by the method of watershed comparison with itself,based on the observations on forest,runoff,sediment,etc of Wuduhe watershed in Three-Gorge region of Yangtze River.针对长江三峡地区森林变化及降雨、径流及泥沙运动的特点,采用流域自身对比法,在长江三峡库区选择了雾渡河流域的森林、径流及泥沙等观测数据,研究径流及泥沙运动特性。
2.The geographycal situation,the climatic condition of the Three-Gorge Region and theintroduction and cultivation of Navel orange in lower mountains area and river valleywere investigated.本文简略地介绍了三峡地区的地理和气候概况,报道该区域引种栽培试验的脐橙产量和品质的情况,也论证了脐橙对该区气候的适应性。
3.Rich spring salt resources in Three-Gorge region are generously endowed by Nature, and have a long history in production.三峡地区,盐泉资源得天独厚,泉盐生产历史悠久。
6)Sanmenxia area三门峡地区
1.Bauxite of Sanmenxia area in Henan province is Al2O3·H2O and occurs in Benxi Formation of Middle Carboniferous.河南省三门峡地区的铝土矿是赋存于中石炭统本溪组中的一水硬铝石型铝土矿。

三峡地区自然资源三峡地区自然资源natural resources of Sanxia  sanxia diqu ziran ziyuan三峡地区自然资源(natu耐resou二es ofsanxia)三峡西起四川奉节的白帝城,东至湖北宜昌的南津关,全长208千米,峡谷段约盯千米。峡谷、宽谷的相间排列,以及两岸的奇峰和众多的人文历史景观的奇特组合,使三峡成为中外闻名的旅游区。瞿塘峡(参见彩图插页第5页)居西,峡谷长8千米,以雄伟险峻著称。巫峡居中,峡谷连绵46千米,以幽深秀丽闻名。西陵峡居东,峡谷长约75千米,以滩多水急著名。三峡两岸地下矿藏品种多样。现已开采利用和初步查明的有铁、铜、煤、磷、硫、石膏、石灰岩矿等。长江干流横切本区,在宜昌以上流域集水面积约100万平方千米,三峡河段是惟一泄洪道,流量大,宜昌实测年平均流量1.肠~1.82万立方米l秒。三峡河道狭窄,一般宽2宝)~350米,最窄处100~150米,河床坡度大,水位涨落悬殊,水力资源异常丰富。 为充分发挥三峡水利资源优势,解决长江下游两岸的洪涝灾害,缓解长江下游地区严重电力不足,改善川江航道,历经几十年的考察、研究和论证,1奥抖年12月长江三峡水利工程正式开工兴建。长江三峡工程的兴建,经历了长期反复的论证,其中争论的焦点主要是:建还是不建,早建还是晚建,采用何种方案兴建。第一种意见主要从能否维持库区及相邻地区生态环境平衡的角度出发;第二、第三种意见则主要从眼前与长远经济效益角度出发。本着积极慎重的精神,在1984年第一次充分论证的基础上,1986年又组织各方面专家进行重新论证。1989年提出重新论证后的结论:建比不建好,早建比晚建好,并制订了175米下正常蓄水位及一级开发,一次建成,分期蓄水,连续移民的建设方案。论证后的工程坝址位于西陵峡上段的三斗坪。水库正常蓄水位175米,初期蓄水位156米。大坝坝顶高程186米。水库总面积1084平方千米,蓄水总量393亿立方米。将被淹没的陆地面积为632平方千米。水电站计划安装水轮发电机组26台,总装机容量1 768万千瓦,年平均发电量8扣亿千瓦·小时(度),将成为目前世界上最大的水电站。 海拔汉刃米以下地区热量资源明显较同纬度其他地区丰富,年平均温度17~19℃,妻ro℃积温高达5(XX)~6仪洲)℃,是中国夏季高温中心之一。全年降水量1《烈)~l粼X)毫米,集中于5~ro月。峡谷两岸山地高差可达500~1议X)米,气候垂直变化明显。独特的气候资源形成了区内独具优势的山林特产品,如桐油、生漆、榨菜、蚕丝、柑橘等,以及丰富的中药材如黄莲、当归等。(谢云)