神经元芯片,neuron chip
1)neuron chip神经元芯片
1.Parallel I/O Mode of the Neuron Chip and its Application in LON;LON技术中神经元芯片的并口I/O模式及其应用
2.Based on the core technology of the lonworks field bus——neuron chip,This paper puts forward the hardware and software design of the Smart node on data collection,which some analogue value(Whater level,Storehouse level,Ash density,Temperature) and switching value(equipment on/off,wind gate on/off) need supervising.论文基于lonworks总线技术的核心———神经元芯片,对选煤厂现场一些需要监测的模拟量(如水位、仓位、灰分、温度)、开关量(设备启停、风门开关等)数据采集智能节点给出硬件、软件设计。
3.Based on the core technology of the lonworks field bus-neuron chip,this paper puts forward the hardware and software design of the smart node on data collection,which some analogue value(CH4 density,CO density,wind speed,temperature) and switching value(equipment on/off,wind gate on/off) need supervising.基于Lonworks总线技术的核心—神经元芯片,对矿井现场一些需要监测的模拟量(如CH4浓度、CO浓度、风速、温度)、开关量(设备启停、风门开关等)数据采集智能节点给出硬件、软件设计。

1.Design and Implementation of GPIB Adapter Based on Neuron Chip基于神经元芯片的GPIB适配器的设计与实现
2.Research on LON Node Using Dual Processors Based on Neuron Chip and Microcontroller;基于神经元芯片和单片机双处理器结构LON节点的研究
3.The chip derives its power from tiny electrical impulses fired between neurons.这芯片的动力来源于 神经元细胞间的微弱电流
4.ASIC Design of Chaotic Encryption Based on Neural Networks基于神经网络混沌加密算法的专用芯片设计
5.The Rapid Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Bacterial Infection by Oligonucleotide Microarray Technology;基因芯片快速诊断中枢神经系统细菌感染
6.Neurochip and Its Research for Sensory Mechanisms of Biological Olfaction;神经芯片及其在生物嗅觉传感机理中的研究
7.Neuronal NMDA Injury: Brain Slice and Primary Neuronal Injury Models、Protective Effect of Drugs and Characteristics of signal Transduction;神经元NMDA损伤:脑片及神经元模型、药物保护作用及信号转导特点
8.Research on Microarray Data Analysis and Application of Microarray on Neurobiology;基因芯片的数据分析以及其在神经生物学研究中的应用
9.CMOS Chip Design and Study of Neural Recording and Signal Processing in Implantable Brain-Computer Interface;植入式脑机接口神经信号采集处理技术研究与CMOS芯片设计
10.The Application of Cell Array for Detecting the Central Nervous System Infectious Disease;中枢神经系统感染性疾病诊断用细胞芯片的研究
11.Classification and diagnostic prediction of gastric cancer using protein profiling of the serum and bioinformatics应用蛋白质芯片与人工神经网络建立胃癌诊断模型
12.Development of MEA-based Olfactory Neural Chip and Its Testing System基于微电极陈列的嗅觉神经芯片及其测试系统的研制
13.internucial neuron联系神经元, 联络神经元
14.Acute isolation of caudate nucleus neurons with patch-clamp technique in neonate rats以膜片钳技术急性分离新生大鼠尾核神经元
15.Manufacture of dsDNA Microarrays of DRE Cis-acting ElementDRE顺式作用元件dsDNA芯片制备
16.postsynaptic neurons.神经突触后的神经元
17.The received in the implanted chip, the digital information is transformed into electrical impulses sent into the ganglion cells.植入芯片接收到数字信号后,将其转化为电气脉冲,并发给神经节细胞。
18.Screening of the genes related to CNS development and injury by high density genechips应用高密度基因芯片筛选中枢神经系统发育和损伤相关基因的研究

1.Design of LON node based on MC143150 and AT89S51;基于神经元芯片MC143150和单片机AT89S51的LON节点研究与设计
3)Neuron Chip Firmware神经元芯片固件
1.Neurochip and Its Research for Sensory Mechanisms of Biological Olfaction;神经芯片及其在生物嗅觉传感机理中的研究
2.The recent progress of neurochip technology is reviewed from the aspects of its principle,structure,.神经芯片技术是一种将神经元或脑组织与场效应晶体管技术结合起来研究神经元电活动和大脑学习记忆等高级功能的新技术。
3.The recent progress of neurochip technology is reviewed, and its future scene is anticipated.神经芯片是一种用硅微加工技术制造的微机电器件 。
5)Neuron Chip-Hosted Device基于神经元芯片的节点
6)optical-neuro chip光学神经芯片

神经元形态中枢神经系统内轴突髓鞘的形成示意图 李瑞端绘[图]