错峰用电,staggering power consumption
1)staggering power consumption错峰用电
1.Station and action of staggering power consumption in power system operation;错峰用电在电力系统运行中的地位和作用
2.With the rapid growth of power consumption load,staggering power consumption has become one of the major tasks of dispatch department of power supply bureaus.随着用电负荷的快速增长,错峰用电已成为供电局调度部门的主要工作之一。

1.Discussion About Shenzhen Network Peak Stagger Work of 2003;2003年深圳电网错峰用电工作分析
2.Facilitate Peak Load Stagger Using Economic Leverage;运用经济杠杆促进错峰调荷——安徽省峰谷电价分析
3.Comprehensive Application of Power Demand Side Management and Power Load Staggering Management;电力需求侧管理与电力负荷错峰管理的综合应用
4.Research on the plan and optimization of peak shifting and averting based on modified genetic algorithm in the electricity market;电力市场初期供电公司优化错峰避峰计划的研究
5.Assigning the Capability of Diesel Engine Reasonably by Controlling of Stagger the Load Peak Value运用负载错峰控制合理分配油机容量
6.The Role of TOU for Large Industry Consumers Participating Power Grid Peak Shaving and Valley Filling;大工业用户运用峰谷电价参与电网削峰填谷的实践
7.Nonlinear Multi-objective Group Decision for Peak Load Shifting to Control Power Distribution;一种基于非线性多目标群决策的错峰控制限电分配方法
8.There's a surge in electricity demand at around 7 pm.晚上7点钟左右是用电高峰时间.
9.Research on customer response indicator model in abundant-dry water & peak-valley price;丰枯-峰谷电价中用户反应度模型研究
10.The flood control effect of reservoir is well notable, because it can store the flood, cuts down the flood peak flow rate and staggers the flood peak of down stream.利用水库调蓄洪水,消减洪峰流量,并与下游区间洪水错峰,防洪作用十分显著。
11.Tables of Peak Positions for XPS Photoelectron and Auger Electron PeaksXPS光电子峰和俄歇电子峰峰位表
12.Lower rates for telephone calls made during off-peak hours; travelers who take advantage of off-peak fares.在电话非高峰使用段时实行的低收费;利用交通低峰(非高峰)时的低收费标准旅行的旅客
13."In any application, operating current will not be allowed to over the permissible lp-p current value."在任何情况下都不允许超过额定峰峰值电流使用。
14.The results show that as the capacitance decreasing,the alternation between efficiency peak value and speed peak value are increased.得出的结论为:随着电容减小,效率峰值与速度峰值的交互作用增加。
15.The Description and Clinical Study of Body Surface ECG Peak Isoelectric Map体表心电峰值等电位图的描绘及临床应用研究
16.Optimization of Control Circuit Used in Peak Current-mode Converters;用于峰值电流模式转换器的控制电路的优化
17.Research on electric power consumption mode based on peak-vally electricity price;基于峰谷电价机制下的用电消费模式的研究
18.Application of time-of-use price strategy in Jiangsu Power Grid;峰谷分时电价策略在江苏电网的应用研究

peak load shifting错峰用电
1.Practice ol peak load shifting and restricting power use in Meishan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.;梅山钢铁公司错峰用电实践
2.Peak load shifting management system in shenzhen is designed and accomplished in order to assure the implementation of Shenzhen peak load shifting plan at the cost of least lost for scocial resources.为在社会资源损失最小的情况下确保深圳市错峰用电计划有效落实,设计并实现了深圳地区错峰用电管理系统。
3)Peak load shifting and Power limiting错峰限电
4)charge of stagger peak value错峰充电
5)peak load cutting避峰用电
1.Methods and benefits of power consumption by peak load cutting for pumping units in oilfield;油田抽油机避峰用电的方法和效益
6)Peak-hollow power utilization峰谷用电
