1.Functional Magnetic Resonance Image Study on the Brain Areas Involved in Reading Emotion-positive and Emotion-negative Language;情感语言语境联想刺激模式的fMRI研究
2.Research on Medical Ethics Emotion Education of Medical Student;医学生医德情感教育探析

1.Concerned with or arousing feelings or emotions; emotional.引起感情的与情感或感情有关的,引起情感或感情的;有感情的
2.the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions.使感官或情感感到厌恶。
3.A feeling or emotion as distinguished from cognition, thought, or action.感情有别于认识,思想或行为的感情或情感
4.Fiery intensity of feeling.激情感情的炽热强度
5.a sloppy, sentimental love story伤情感心的爱情小说.
6.Sentimental or tender emotion.感伤的或脆弱的情感
7.Sense and Sensibility理智与情感/理性与感性
8.On Dance Sensation,Music Sensation and Synesthesia-also on Emotion,Aesthetic Perception and Inspiration;试论舞感、乐感及其通感——兼谈情感、美感和灵感
9.Incapable of being moved emotionally.无情感的不为感情所动的
10.given to or marked by the open expression of emotion.惯于表露情感或者以表露情感为特点。
11.and aren't shy about expressing religious and patriotic feelings.不羞于表达宗教情感与爱国情感
12.be expressive of feeling [gratitude]表达感情 [感谢] 的
13.She had feeling, genuine feeling.她有感情,有纯真的感情。
14.She is susceptible to emotion她容易动情 [感情脆弱]
15.one's susceptibility to emotion容易动情,感情脆弱
16.The condition or feeling of being jubilant.欢腾、欢庆的情形或感情
17.Intense feeling, esp love强烈的感情(尤指爱情)
18.govern one's feelings, passion, temper, etc控制住感情、 激情、 脾气等.

1.A Brief Talk feeling Education in P.E Teaching;浅谈体育教学中的情感教育
2.Exciting students feeling to motivate their interest in writing;激发学生情感 调动写作兴趣
3.Orientation of Feeling: an Important Feature of Harmonious Society;情感取向:和谐社会的一个重要特征
1.A study of affective factors involved in Chinese students English writing;介入中国学生英语写作的情感因素研究
2.A survey and reflection on English majors′pronunciation at normal university level——On cooperative learning strategy and learners affect in English pronunciation instruction;关于高师英语专业学生语音现状的调查与思考——兼谈英语语音教学中的合作学习策略及学习者的情感
3.Stressing students affective factors and optimizing English classroom teaching;注重情感因素 优化英语课堂教学
1.A Survey of Affection Comparison and its Influential Factors among Higher Education Institutions Female Teachers in Wuhan.武汉高校女教师情感比较及其影响因素分析
2.Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on affection and neurologic function of patients with post-stroke depression;高压氧治疗对脑卒中后抑郁患者情感及神经功能的影响
3.Affection from the emotional side to the consumers and Heart To Heart communication has become a powerful weapon to build brands.从情感方面来感染消费者,进行深层次的心灵交流,逐渐成为品牌构建的强大武器。
1.Compensation for Emotions in Industrial Building Design:Aesthetic Thinking on Industrial Building Against Humane Background;论工业建筑设计中的情感补偿——人文背景下的工业建筑美学思考
2.A Model Based on Emotions for Autonomous Nonplayer Characters;一个基于情感的自主非玩家角色模型
1.The application of sense and sensibility in urban planning and construction;理性与情感在城市规划建设中的作用
2.The Relation between College Library Management and Readers Sensibility;高校图书馆管理与读者的情感关系
3.Philosophic survey on clinical medicinal sensibility;临床医学情感的哲学审视

情感情感feeling  人们对周围事物持有不同态度时的相应内心体验。情感活动与认识活动、意志活动密切相关。情感活动与边缘系统、下丘脑及新皮层(颞、额叶皮层)的生理功能有关。情感活动时常伴有一系列的躯体变化,如面部表情肌活动、手势及姿势、语调变化;特别是植物性神经功能活动,如心率、呼吸、血压、竖毛、汗腺分泌等变化。通过这些变化和言语、文字的内容,以及绘画、音乐等,可以表达与了解人的情感活动。正常人的表情与其内心体验是一致的。