1.On Bakhtin s "Carnival" Theory and Zhuangzi s Thought of "Going Rambling";狂欢化诗学与逍遥游思想再比较
2.Reason,Liberty and Making Individual Life Wildly Known——Explaining the personage carnival in The Golden Age;理性、自由和个人生命的张扬——《黄金时代》人物狂欢解读
3.What Is Carnival ——Reviewing the Understanding of Carnival;狂欢正解——狂欢理解综议

1.A riotous, boisterous, or drunken festivity;a revel.闹酒狂欢狂欢的、喧闹的或酒醉的节日;狂欢
2.A drunken or riotous celebration.狂欢的宴会酒醉的或狂欢的庆祝会
3.To engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking.狂欢参加喧哗的、畅饮的狂欢作乐
4.Merrymaking and feasting just before Lent.狂欢大斋节前的狂欢作乐和宴饮
5.a festival marked by merrymaking and processions.一种节日以狂欢者和狂欢队伍为特征。
6.Engaging in boisterous, drunken merrymaking, we caroused whole night.狂欢、喧哗、畅饮、狂欢作乐了整夜。
7.Of, relating to, or characteristic of an orgy.狂欢的属于、关于或以狂欢为特点的
8.Religious Dimension of "Carnival": On Bakhtin s theory of "Carnival";狂欢的宗教之维—巴赫金狂欢理论研究
9.Folk Revel: Chaoshan Folk Songs in Perspectives of Revelry民间的狂欢:狂欢化视野下的潮汕民歌
10.a night of bacchanalian revelry; carousing bands of drunken soldiers; orgiastic festivity.痛饮狂欢的夜晚;一群酗酒狂欢的水手;狂欢的节日。
11.To rejoice or celebrate with boisterous public demonstrations.狂欢庆祝用狂欢的公众集会的方式来狂欢或庆祝
12.He gave an exultant shout.他发出了狂欢的喊叫。
13.Old Sebastian's on the spree again.老塞巴斯蒂安又狂欢了。
14.The revelries went on all night.狂欢活动通宵达旦.
15.They reveled until dawn.他们狂欢通宵达旦。
16.The revels broke up at midnight.狂欢活动于午夜结束。
17.They reveled away the time.他们狂欢作乐虚度光阴。
18.the clogging crowds of revelers overflowing into the street.狂欢的人群堵塞了街道。

1.By providing life with a unique way of amusement, revelry aims to celebrate man’s temporary cancellation of the current dominating systems and the caste system.狂欢节赋予生活本身一种特殊的游戏方式,它庆贺人对一切占统治地位的现有制度和等级关系的暂时取消。
2.A comparative study of the "worship dances" in the three villages inhabited by Baima Zang nationality-Maigongshan of Gansu Province,Eli Village and Muzuo Village of Sichuan Province,shows that this ritual is for worship and revelry,and that there some differences in proportion of worship and revelry.本文应用人类学仪式过程分析的方法,通过对甘肃文县麦贡山、四川平武厄里寨和木座寨三个白马藏族村落"跳曹盖"仪式的对比分析,指出"跳曹盖"仪式是驱鬼敬神与狂欢庆典仪式的耦合,只是在不同的村落中,二者在仪式中所占的比重有多寡。
1.Oppression,release and revel——An Analysis of the "Ghost Dom" and "Imagination about afterlife" in Lu Xun s works;压抑,释放和狂欢——鲁迅民间记忆中“鬼世界”和“死后想象”
2.Code from Clicking, Language of Revel on the Language of Network Novels;敲击的符号 狂欢的语码网络小说语言初论
3.The unique Chinese opera performance in Malaysia embodies the spirit of revel,and is characterized by its being original,national and irregular,which.这种特殊的演剧活动,体现的是一种狂欢精神,具有原始性、全民性和反规范性的特征,从中显示出华语戏曲在马来西亚这个国度特殊的生存状态。
1.The Missing Carnivalization: Research on Subjectivity Crisis and Reshape in Network Living;迷失的狂欢:论网络生存中人的主体性危机及重塑
2.However,the carnivalization presented by Poe is greatly weakened in that it loses its optimism and the power of renew and regeneration.每一个文学流派和每一个创作方法,总是独特地理解和更新狂欢化手法。
1.It is this theinstinctive game and spree that symbolize the survival state o.猪八戒是一位极具滑稽个性的多重性喜剧人物,他的滑稽游戏与《西游记》作为神魔小说有传奇故事的“游戏文本”的文化功能息息相关,其滑稽表演源于被压抑的本能、欲望,除了这个生命主题,对于外在的一切,他一概以滑稽的游戏态度自觉不自觉地颠覆,以本能对抗异化,以俗趣对抗正统,以欲望对抗雅正,以真实对抗卫道,在整个文本中造成了一个狂欢的局面,从而以寓重于轻、既否定又肯定的形式表现了生命律动的精神,造成了对生命自由的觊觎局面,《西游记》本文以此来复归对生命意义的尊重。
2.Game and spree were the tools of Zhubjie to fight with dissimilation and legitimacy,topple down and deconstruct conventional moral principles.除了本能欲望他一概以滑稽的游戏态度自觉不自觉地颠覆,在整个文本中造成了一个狂欢的局面,从而以寓重于轻、既否定又肯定的形式表现了自由的生命本质,造成了对生命自由的觊觎局面。
3.The media-organized “spree”framed in narration,creates an illusion of equality,integrates various gendres of arts at random,and renders outlet and dispelling of desires by means of satisfying the desires of the public.这种由媒体组织的“狂欢”,以叙事性的框架 ,制造出一种平等的幻象 ,对各种文化形式随意组合 ,通过迎合大众的欲望达到宣泄、消解欲望的目的。
6)A festivity;a revelry.欢乐;狂欢
