1.The Bearable Burden in Life——The Three Ways of Resisting Sufferings in Yu Hua s Novels;生命中可以承受之重——余华小说中对抗苦难的三种方式

1.relieve suffering, hardship, etc among refugees解除难民的痛苦、 苦难
2.A cause of privation or suffering.造成困苦与苦难的原因
3.The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore.难民的苦难使她心痛。
4.We can Bear the cross But not the double-cross.苦难可忍,欺骗难容。
5.experience pleasure, pain, difficulty, great hardships, etc体验到愉快、 痛苦、 困难、 苦难
6.a distressing situation for all of them使他们痛苦难熬的局势
7.Slack seasons and wretchedness were unknown.失业和苦难都已消灭。
8.Adversity is a good discipline苦难是磨练人的好机会
9.The war confronted him with hardships战争使他面临苦难
10.vicarious punishment, suffering, etc代人受的惩罚、 苦难等.
11.The blockade gave rise to widespread misery.封锁导致了普遍苦难
12.a childhood fraught with hardship充满苦难的童年时代
13.His life was full of tribulations.他的一生充满苦难
14.She bore her misfortunes bravely.她勇敢地忍受着苦难.
15.We sympathize with people in affliction.我们同情苦难的人们。
16.War brings misery and ruin.战争带来苦难和灾祸。
17.O Heaven, our suffering!“啊,天呐,我们的苦难呀。”
18.Pinned down by pain and moaning for release,苦苦地呻吟着面临难关:

1.The Misery and Surmounting——"The Old Man and the Sea" and "Lives";苦难及其超越——《老人与海》与《活着》之比较
2.Although she has been known as a feminist writer, Hong Ying breaks away from that label in the novel in the sense that the males are not endowed with their gender superiority, but presented as victims of misery as well.女作家虹影在自传体小说《饥饿的女儿》中塑造了三个男性形象,通常我们都以女权主义来看待虹影,但在此书中虹影并不是一个女权主义者,书中的男性并没有因自古以来的优越性而获得真正的优越,他们同样遭受着苦难,虹影在塑造女性形象的同时,并没有以某种武器或对抗性的力量来简单的否定男性,她同样给我们展现了一个男性悲惨与愁苦的世界。
1.The tribulation embedded in the theme of Cold Night;长久而普遍的钝痛——论《寒夜》的苦难主题
2.Yuhua still insits on paying attention to humanbeings living tribulation in his new works"Brothers".余华新作《兄弟》(上部)仍然坚持了对人类生存苦难的关注,书里写了大量的暴力与死亡,但作品在抒写苦难的同时,诠释了拯救苦难的一剂良药——爱这一伟大人间情怀,表现出了一个良心未泯的作家的人文关怀。
3.The typical imagoes shown by Mo Yan are tribulation and fantasy.莫言展示乡村精神的两个典型意象是苦难和幻想,叙述方法上也融入了较多的乡村文化特征,体现出乡村自语的精神姿态。
1.This novel makes people have strong sympathy for the value of sufferings,and demonstrates human s courage to .在这一含混背景下,张国龙却用传统的讲述故事的方式复苏了“苦难叙事”的现实质感和精神力度。
2.In order to think of a good approach to a better world for human beings , Sui Baopu pondered deeply over human sins and sufferings ,and attemptedto analyze their origins .为求治世良方,隋抱朴沉思苦难,追问罪孽,深入人性深处分析苦难产生根源。
3.In his novels,he described grand and passionate sufferings and combined objective realities with subjective emotions.路遥的小说主要从宏大又激昂的苦难和创作手法上用客观现实与主观情绪的结合两方面进行阐述,把路遥对家乡的那份浓浓乡情展示出来。
1.Chen Zhanmin s novels feature records of hardship to narrate the village life with meditations to show the villagers optimism not without some sort of helplessness.描述苦难以记述乡民的生存,叙写冥想以显示乡民精神上的达观与略带无奈的精神自乐是陈占敏小说创作的重要特色。
