1.The Suppressed Sincerity: On the Contradiction and Conflict in Zhao Shuli s Writings;被挤压的真诚——试论赵树理创作中的矛盾与冲突
2.Politeness phenomena is closely related to culture,society and sincerity and affected by language surroundings in cross-cultural communication with relativity.在言语交际中,礼貌现象与文化、社会以及真诚关系密切,同时礼貌受语境的影响,具有其相对性。
3.In order to solve these problems,assistant should use the expericence of psychology consulting method properly,like repection,passion,sincerity etc.辅导员在工作中适当借鉴心理咨询的方法,如尊重、热情、真诚、共情、积极关注、面质等,会更好地解决学生的问题,建立良好的师生关系。

1.To those who are sincere with me, I am sincere,to those who are not sincere with me, I am also sincere.对我真诚的,我也真诚,对我不真诚的,我仍然真诚
2.In all honesty/frankness/sincerity,ie speaking with the greatest honesty,etc最诚实地/坦白地/真诚
3.The truest politeness comes from sincerity真正的殷勤出于真诚
4.Services rendered by loyalty to professional pious, sincere collaboration to work with enthusiasm, "sincerity" and then to be.待客以忠诚,专业以虔诚,协作以真诚,工作以热诚,“诚”然后成。
5.Wholeheartedly welcome faithful cooperation from men of insight of all circles.谒诚欢迎各界有识之士坦诚相见,真诚合作。
6.Become genuinely interested in other people.真诚的对别人发生兴趣。
7.the warmth and sincerity of his welcome他热情而真诚的欢迎.
8.surface politeness表面[不真诚]的殷勤
9.challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of.怀疑……的真诚或坦率。
10.His honesty is without/beyond question.他的真诚不容置疑。
11.receive a hearty cheer from the audience受到观众真诚的欢呼
12.I gave him my sincere thanks.我真诚地向他道谢。
13.behave cold and formally.非常冷淡、不真诚地行事。
14.Believe me, I am truly grateful for...我确实真诚地感谢你……
15.Sincerest congratulations on your birthday.真诚地祝你生日快乐。
16.He sincerely converted to Judaism他真诚地改信了犹太教。
17.a guileless, disarming look.真诚的化解敌意的一瞥。
18.I sincerely hope that this first transaction我真诚地希望这次交易

1.His sincere disposition,kind and generous character,upright and indomitable spirit,especially his optimistic attitude in adversary are all the superb spiritual wealth to Chinese people.他秉性真诚,一生敢于直言,敢于批判;他宽厚仁爱,每为官一方,皆能留爱一方;他一生历经宦海沉浮,屡遭贬谪,但始终刚正不阿,坚忍不拔;特别是他身处逆境时豁达乐观、超旷高远的人生境界,是留给后世的最大精神财富,堪称中国文化中理想人格的范型,至今仍有较高的文化价值,并为当今青年人格教育提供了重要的思想资源。
2.He believed it sincere that we can find it for his describe to psychology of figure, scene and a series of nobles who confessed.“托尔斯泰主义”是托翁站在对人类终极问题思考的立场上 ,开出的解决社会问题的药方 ,托尔斯泰是真诚地相信这一点的。
3.At the turn of 1949,a lot of writers came back home from abroad with strong national emotions,and began to throw themselves into self-transformation,eulogizing the great era and the new society,embodying sincere subjective spirits which should be absorbed by the present writers living in a consuming world.在1949年"天翻地覆"的大转折时期,以萧乾为代表的众多旅居海外的作家在强烈的民族主义情感驱使下回到了祖国,自觉地改造自我、歌颂时代,表现出对祖国、对人民、对人生、对文学的无比真诚的主体精神,这种精神应成为当下消费时代的作家们所汲取的重要营养。
3)Bona Fide真诚真实
4)Sincerely cooperation真诚工作
1.In the paper,the concept and characteristics of authenticity,authentic leader as well as authentic leadership were intro- duced.本文介绍了真诚性、真诚领导和真诚领导者的概念与特点,分析了真诚领导的发展机制及影响效果。
2.When it is discussed, the problem of authenticity is inescapable for the research context, the dual character and authenticity are two related concepts with which we describe the .在讨论两面性问题的过程中,不可避免地会触及真诚性问题,两面性与真诚性是相互联系地描述自我同一性的概念。
3.This paper,with truth value theory and authenticity as the basic parameters,reviews and criticizes sentence meaning theory and speech act theory,foregrounding the important proposition that "language is human beings\' language".本文以真值理论、真诚性为基本参数,反思和批判句子意义理论和言语行为理论,凸显"语言是人的语言"这一重要命题。
6)sincere love真诚的爱
