1."I Fear,I Exist"——Grotesque Theory of Wolfgang Kaiser;“我恐惧故我在”——沃尔夫冈·凯泽尔的“怪诞”理论

1.Something curious or odd.怪事奇怪或怪诞的事物
2.be more grimly whimsical,比这更可怕、更怪诞的吗?
3.He could dream up the most fantastic rumors.他能想出最怪诞的谣传。
4.in an unnatural eery manner.以不自然的、怪诞的方式。
5.Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural.怪诞的,超自然的怪诞的或超自然的,有关于怪诞的或超自然的,表明怪诞的或超自然的
6.Outlandish or bizarre, as in character or appearance.奇怪的,怪诞的奇形怪状的,如性格或外貌
7.On Carson McCullers The Ballad of the Sad Café;怪诞不怪 怪中寓真——评麦卡勒斯的小说《伤心咖啡店之歌》
8.This is the most fantastic rumor he could dream up这是他能想象出来的最怪诞的谣言。
9.A visit to the moon is no longer a fantastic dream.探访月球不再是怪诞的梦想。
10.Where did you dream up that fantastic rumor?你哪里想出如此怪诞的谣传?
11.His bizarre behavior attracted our attention.他怪诞的行为吸引了我们的注意力。
12.The wall is covered with many fantastic picture and photographs.这片墙盖满了许多怪诞的图画和照片。
13.They were amused by the fantastic tales he spun.他们觉得他讲的怪诞故事很有趣。
14.The fat old man looked grotesque in his tight trousers.胖老头穿著绷紧的裤子,看来很怪诞
15.International comparisons produce some weird results.国别对比的结果更是怪诞
16."Macbeth" is fantastical and imaginative beyond other tragedies.《麦克白》的怪诞,幻异,超越其它悲剧。
17.Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.希罗宁姆斯·博希是怪诞派绘画大师。
18.They have entered a fairyland, a place full of mysteries and fantasies, oddities and adventures.感受着神秘与奇幻,经历着怪诞与惊险。

1.The most important weird characteristics of Mlagritte s paintings mainly reflect the following 4 fields:joining the shortest physical distance with the farthest psychological distance;producing terror by beauty and evil;interprating philosophy by image;people s emotion missing.怪诞是与优美、崇高、悲剧、滑稽并列的审美形态,由丑恶和滑稽两种成分融合而成,以极端反常化为构成方式,既可怕又好笑是其接受反应。
2.Many of the university outstanding art works are the arts of excellence,sublime,tragedy,comicality and weirdness,and weird art is that of most shaking,miraculous,intelligent and interesting.世界上诸多艺术杰作都是优美、崇高、悲剧、滑稽、怪诞五美俱全的艺术,怪诞艺术在所有美艺术中最震撼、最神奇、最智慧、最有趣,这是人们在优美、崇高、悲剧、滑稽艺术之外,不断追求和创造怪诞艺术的真正原因。
3.Southern Literature, an American literary school highlighted with the characteristics of regional color, has a striking feature——"weirdness".美国地方色彩十分鲜明的文学流派———南方文学在艺术上呈现出一个鲜明的特征———怪诞
1.For going deep into the essences and characters of grotesqueness, the article analyses and compares the aesthetical forms of grotesqeness gracefulness, funniness, sublimity, tragedy etc.怪诞在我国很少被研究 ,为了深入认识怪诞的实质和特征 ,本文参照托马斯·门罗审美形态学的分析标准 ,从结构要素、要素间相互关系和结构整体的接受作用三方面对怪诞、优美、滑稽、崇高、悲剧等审美形态进行分析比较。
2.From the studying of the grotesqueness of the network literature, this thesis tries to find out the historical cultural roots and realistic ideological bases in the emergence and development of the network literature.本文意在通过对网络文学怪诞特征的研究,找出其在文学史上产生和发展的历史与现实的文化根源和思想基础,从而说明其在文学和文化史上出现的必然性,发掘它在思想内涵、艺术表现形式上的独特价值和地位,为人们看待网络社会、研究网络文学提供一种新视野和新方法。
1.On the Elements of Absurdity in Gogol s Writings;论果戈理创作中的怪诞因素
2.As a magic image, absurdity has a dual function that can not only decrown authority and truth but also has ability to rejuvenate.怪诞不仅仅是审美的逻辑范畴 ,还是动态的历史范畴。
3.First of all is Romanticism;second is Gothic;third is Absurdity.浪漫主义的情怀使南方的作家塑造出众多的理想主义形象 ,以此慰藉痛苦的灵魂 ;神秘与恐怖的土壤滋生了哥特式小说 ;怪诞的传统使作家们创造出无数怪诞的群体 ,展示了南方历史进程中南方人痛苦的心灵和悲剧人生。
1.Since the 20th century, it has been closely linked with the grotesquerie school of arts, existing in the "fantastic" plays, paintings, sculpture, etc.本文试图指出的是怪诞是一种具体的艺术表现方式,长期运用于人们的艺术创作中。
6)monstrous sense怪诞感
