1.Strength of Rebellion against Patriarchy——On the Feminine Consciousness of Wuthering Heights反抗父权的力量——《呼啸山庄》的女性意识研究(英文)
2.From the impact of "Strict Woman" on the thinking of the later offspring, it is a long and gradual process to change or even overthrow the patriarchy that has been established over thousands of yea.从"严婆"事迹对后世思想上影响的表现上看,改变乃至推翻千百年来所形成的父权制,是一个漫长的、循序渐进的过程。

1.Transmissio ex iure patrio因父权转位(替换)
2.Mother-right has given way to father-right;母权制已让位给父权制;
3.Liberi in potestate处在家父权下的子女
4.Collatio bonorum emancipati脱离父权人的财产合算
5.7. Descent in the male line.7﹒按照父权制计算世系。
6.Agunah,Patriarchal Theology, Post─patriarchal Theology──Reading the Ancient Works of Judaism from the Aspect of Feminism阿戈娜·父权制神学·后父权制神学──对犹太典籍的女权主义解读
7.The Rights of Woman Under Paternity Culture and the Development of Female Rights in New China父权文化下的女性权利及新中国女性权利发展
8.Post-patriarchical Society on Post-modernist Feminist Model of Society;后父权制社会——后现代女权主义的理想模式述评
9.Paternity Culture,Female's Images and Women's Emancipation in the Present Age父权文化与女性形象及当代女性解放
10.a noncustodial parent.无监护权的父亲或母亲
11.tug-of-love baby父母争夺监护权的婴儿
12.tug-of-love child父母争夺监护权的儿童
13.From Choice to Voice:the Reversion of Parents role of Educational Right;从选择权到参与权:父母权利角色的回归
14.The Change of the Right to Bear Children: Acknowledgement of Father-in-consanguinity and Establishment of the Patrilineal System生育权的嬗变:“生父”身份的确认与父系制的确立
15.This permission is inherited from the parent object. You can edit this permission only at the parent object where it is defined.该权限是从父对象继承来的。只能在被定义的父对象中编辑该权限。
16.visiting rightsph.1. (无监护权的离婚父母对其子女的)探访权
17."Father" and "Power": A Conflict Between "Filial Duty" and "Imperial Power" in the Traditional Chinese Culture“父”与“权”:中国文化传统中“孝道”与“皇权”的纠结
18.Right of a child to see a parent regularly or of a parent or grandparent to see a child regularly, where the child bis in the care of someone else.会见权:孩子子定期见父母亲,或父母或祖父母定期看望由他人照看的孩子的权利。

1.However,as the shelter of paternity,the oppugning and disintegration to the system and ethic of household cannot but lead to the entire disintegration to paternity.家族制度和家族伦理作为封建父权的安身立命之所,对它们的质疑和瓦解必然导致父权在整体上被瓦解,从此,父权走上了衰微之路。
2.The symbiosis means that a daughter unconsciously depends on her mother and is bound by the relationship,while a mother plays a function of an assistant in the long paternity culture,which gives mother double attributes."共生"导致女性在潜意识中对母亲的依赖以及个体逃离这种关系的艰难;而母亲形象由于受到几千年父权文化的建构,具有了双重的属性,在父权体制中起着辅助性的功能。
3.Both of them have trac-e of paternity control.《圣经》与古希腊神话都是世界文学经典,两部作品均折射着父权统治的阴影。
3)father right父权
1.It can also be found that the men who oppress them are under the oppression of the mind of father right.李娃对于爱情是自我牺牲式的,霍小玉对于爱情是飞蛾扑火式的,两种不同的爱情方式映射了她们对于男权社会具有顺从与抗拒两种不同的态度,由此男权社会对她们的命运做出了不同的决断,导致了她们喜悲相异的人生结局,而那些压抑她们的男性其实与她们一样处于父权意识的压抑之下。
1.Criticizing and inheriting paternalism theory in course of medical law;医事法学课程中对父权主义理论的批判与继承
5)paternity index父权指数
1.Objective To evaluate the diversity of combined paternity index (CPI) of multiple STR lociwhen different population allele frequencies was used to calculate the paternity index.目的观察中国汉族不同人群STR等位基因频率对联合父权指数(CPI)的影响。
2.When the mother s genotype is unavailable and the genotype of one maternal relative of the child, mother s sister or mother s mother or one half sibling say, is tested instead, the identical effect of these three kinds of relatives on paternity testing is shown and the general formulas for evaluating the paternity index are provided.当母亲的DNA未知时 ,可证明孩子的 3种母系亲属的DNA在亲子鉴定中的作用是相同的 ,并得到计算相应父权指数的一般公式 ,以及检测或未检测母亲DNA时计算父权指数的一般公式 ,其中 ,对立假设既可以取“疑父是一随机男子” ,也可以取“疑父是孩子的一位父系亲属” ;同时还证明了叔伯系数与父权指数之间的线性关系 。
6)Parental authority父母权威
1.To test the "goodness of fit" model,this study examined the associations between the goodness of adolescents beliefs of parental authority fitting with parents actual rule on adolescents behavior and parent-adolescent relationships by multimethod,and some supportive results were found.通过采用多种拟合指标,运用多种统计方法考察青少年对父母权威的态度与父母实际权威行为的拟合状况与亲子冲突、亲子亲合的关系,对关于个体发展的良好拟合理论模型进行检验,并获得了一些支持该模型观点的结果。
2.Adolescents beliefs about parental authority that has significant effects on adolescents behavior,social adaptation and parent-adolescent relationship is one of the important theses in social cognition domain.青少年对父母权威的认知是青少年社会认知研究领域的重要内容,它对青少年的行为、社会适应和青少年期的亲子关系具有重要作用。
