1.From Search to Disillusionment From Hope to Despair ——On the Life s Journey of the Awakened Intellectuals in LU Xun s Novels;从追寻到幻灭 从希望到绝望——浅论鲁迅小说中觉醒的知识分子的人生历程
2.In the novel,Hazel who is the protagonist seems to rebel against the traditional God,but a careful study can show that what Hazel does all his life is to pursue him,which leads to his disillusionment and his miserable death at last.然而,仔细阅读就会发现黑兹尔一生当中所做的一切都是为了追求上帝,并最终导致了他的幻灭和惨死。

1.She was soon disillusioned.她的梦想不久就幻灭了。
2.Her hopes withered away.她的希望逐渐幻灭了。
3.Our hopes were reduced to zero.我们希望已幻灭了。
4.Their hopes were reduced to zero.他们的希望幻灭了。
5.Disillusionment: Striver s Tragedy of the Spirit:Analyzing the Connotation and Origin of "Disillusionment" in Disillusionment and Martin Eden;幻灭:奋斗者的精神悲剧——试析《幻灭》与《马丁·伊登》中“幻灭”的内涵及其根源
6.the extinction of a fire, a political movement, youthful hopes火的熄灭、 政治运动的平息、 青年人希望的幻灭.
7.One failure after another extinguished her hope.屡次失败使她的希望幻灭了。
8.Poverty, disillusionment,disease could not still his music.贫困、幻灭疾病都不能停息他的音乐。
9.and buried with his disillusioned green dream.他只能和他幻灭的绿色梦想长眠地下。
10.His love for his wife is now dead.他对他妻子的爱现在已经幻灭
11.The ebbing of his hope drained his faith.希望的幻灭使他失去了信心。
12.Vanity Fair:the Formation and Vanity of A Desirous Subject《名利场》:欲望主体的形成与幻灭
13."Economy growh" ideological s sourcing and disilluion;“经济增长”意识形态的源起与幻灭
14.Disillusioned Romanticism--Deconstructuralist Study of On the Road;浪漫之梦的幻灭——《在路上》解构主义研究
15.An Interpretation of American Dream in The Great Gatsby;从《了不起的盖茨比》看美国梦的幻灭
16.The Sadness of American Dream s Disillusionment by Analyzing Gatsby s Tragedy;美国梦幻灭的悲哀——透析盖茨比的悲剧
17.Disillusionment with the parents,对家长的幻想的破灭,
18.It is certain that the masses will soon shed their illusions about the Kuomintang.群众对国民党的幻想一定很快地消灭。

1.Construction, destruction and disillusion of the dreams:Thematic comparison of "The Cat in the Rain" and "Hills Like White Elephants;“梦”的建构、消解与幻灭——《白象似的群山》与《雨里的猫》的主题比较
2.Those women in Fang Fang′s works transcend the simple survival need and begin to seek self-satis- faction in spirit and emotion after they gained preliminary liberation,though the seeking,without exception,turn into disillusion.作为已经获得初步解放的女性,方方笔下的女性超越了简单的生存需要,开始寻找精神和情感的自我满足,但这种寻找无一例外地走向了幻灭
3.Youth is a tale of disillusion which is presented by the sharp contrast between narrator Marlow and seaman Marlow.文章通过水手马洛和叙述者马洛之间的差异论述了《青春》中所透露的幻灭感。
3)Illusion and Disillusionment幻想与幻灭
4)disillusion of love爱的幻灭
1.During the Evening Prayer period(1919-1924),his poems make readers sink deeply in thinking the philosophy meaning,the poetry is sad and melancholy,reflecting the disillusion of love;During the Reed Whistle Breeze period(1931-1944),he looks for the most appropriate expressive method to show his personality and has the breakthrough on the form and tem.”他的《晚祷》时期(1919年-1924年)诗作具有深沉的哲思意味,诗意伤感忧郁,反映了爱的幻灭;《芦笛风》时期(1931年-1944年)作品为寻找最适合自己个性的表达方式而在形式和音律上有所突破,不失为情真意切之佳作,体现了爱的回归。
1.This thesis decodes how Mansfield artistically applies various writing techniques and style to Her First Ball around the theme of the disillusionment in the period of youth,shows her uniquely artistic charm thereby.曼斯菲尔德是英国现代短篇小说创作的奠基人,她在短篇小说《第一次舞会》中运用各种写作技巧和文体风格,艺术地表现青春时期的幻灭感的主题,从而展示了她的作品具有动人心弦的艺术魅力。
2.This paper discusses the contents of the disillusionment of the novels at early days of Qing Dynasty from the angles of old and new ethic foundation.从旧伦理基础和新伦理基础入手,分析了清代前期小说中的幻灭感及其内涵:在前一方面主要表现为儒家仁政理想及科举梦的幻灭;在后一方面则主要表现为有情世界的破碎、真人的泯灭及情的幻灭
3.This description implied that the conflict between tradtional moral and materialistic society ultimately led to the degeneration of the body and the extreme disillusionment that the soul had nowhere to depend on.人们在物欲横流的都市中显现出茫然无措、困惑不解的窘态,在传统情结与物质社会的冲突下,最终导致身体的堕落,灵魂无处所依的极度幻灭感。
6)Disillusionment consciousness幻灭意识
