1.The Folk Interpretation on Han Qixiang s Storytelling;韩起祥说书的民间性阐释
2.The Folk Research of Zhao Shu-li Works Character Image;赵树理作品人物形象的民间性研究
3.Based on the theological politics of the middle ages and the modern natural law theory,this article reviews the folk tradition of the civil .本文在中世纪神学政治观及近代自然法学说的基础上,梳理市民社会的民间性传统,并指出其中潜伏着的危险。

1.Folk Research of Civil Society from the Perspective of Political Philosophy;市民社会民间性研究的政治哲学视角
2.Study on Folk Essentials of the Local Opera s Music Creation in Ming Dynasty;明代戏曲音乐创作之民间性本质研究
3.On the Improvisational nature of Minority Folk Dance;略论少数民族民间舞蹈的即兴性特征
4.On the Affinity to the People and the Research on Folklore;试论“人民性”与民间文学的研究(1945—1952)
5.Research from Nomadic Culture and Female Customs to Folk Faith;从游牧文化、女性民俗到民间信仰研究
6.Folk belief-based ritual sports民间信仰仪式性表演类民俗体育探析
7.Analysis of Minority Folk Beliefs of Gender Awareness;浅析新疆少数民族民间信仰中的性别意识
9.The taboos and folk beliefs about sex in ethnic groups in southwest China;中国西南少数民族的性禁忌及其民间信仰
10.Principal Differences Between Mass Literature and Folk Literature to Common People;从平民主体性看大众文学与民间文学的差异
11.The Feminine Cultural Features inYunnan Folk Literature for Minority Peoples;云南少数民族民间文学中蕴涵的女性文化特征
12.Cultural Diversity and the Protection of Native Culture and Folklore in China;文化多样性与我国民族民间文化的保护
13.Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management民间放射性废弃物管理局
14.Promotion of Civil Society and Participatory Development促进民间社会和参与性发展
15.A volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation.军队和暴民间爆炸性对立的局势
16.Start-up and Investment: A Sensible Choice for the Private Capital to Become Financial Capital创业投资:民间资本金融化的理性选择
17.Folk music everywhere seems to be tonal.各地的民间音乐看来都是有调性音乐。
18.Analyse on the Feasibility of Nongovernmental Investment in Tianjin天津市发展民间投资的可行性分析

1.This special relation helps to bring about "the four natures"of Chinese new poetry:instrumentality,modernity,innovativity and popularity.与民族精神的这种特殊关系,便促成了中国新诗的"四性"特征:工具性、现代性、创新性和民间性
2.Secularity and popularity are shown through Qu Yuan s personality of truth, kindnese and beauty.屈原的理想追求及其失败 ,揭示了中国古代悲剧精神的中和性、圆融性、柔韧性 ;屈原真善美的人格魅力 ,蕴涵了中国古代悲剧精神的世俗性、民间性
3.It is exactly the popularity of his cultural consciousness and aesthetic orientation that determines the spiritual core and the artistical quality and style of his novel creation and thus also determines its unique significance in the history of contemporary literature.正是其文化意识与审美取向的民间性决定了其小说创作的精神内核及艺术品格。
3)folk character民间性
1.The administration in the arbitral authority of China does not ac- cord with the folk character of arbitration,so we should resume the folk character of arbitration.我国仲裁机构行政化与仲裁民同性的特征不符,应当恢复仲裁民间性的特征。
2.His fascination in literature is related to the folk character.在近二十年的中国当代文学发展史上,莫言无疑是一个重要的存在,而他的艺术世界的诱人魅力显然与其作品的民间性有关。
4)folk characteristics民间性
1.In the novel-creating of Wang Zeng-qi, the prose characteristics and the pure,simple language style have deep interrelationship with its folk characteristics of the ideiological and aesthetic trend.汪曾祺小说创作的散文化特点及其单纯洁净的语言风格 ,与其思想意识和审美取向的民间性具有深刻的联系。
5)Folk nature民间性
1.The origin of folk nature in Strange Tales of Liaozhai ZhiYi;《聊斋志异》民间性溯源
6)root of folk民间根性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-