1.From the evolution of the witch s images to see the form change of fairy tales;从“女巫”形象的演变看童话范式的转变
2.The author makes a study of the question about "Li witch" by analyzing the surveys of an anthropological fieldwork,at the relatively poverty Hongshui villages in Changjiang County,the south-west of Hainan Province,from March 2002 to September 2002.论题通过分析作者于2002年3月至9月在海南省西南部一个经济较为落后的黎族村落——昌江县王下乡洪水村进行的人类学田野调查中获得的资料,对“黎族女巫”的问题进行探讨。
3.In the Song Dynasty,witches are active among the lower-stratum peoples,of which some complete a transformation from witch to goddess with ancestral temples built by the populace and designations conferred by the court.宋代女巫活跃于下层民间,其中有的经由民间立祠崇祀到朝廷颁额赐号,完成了从女巫到女神的升转。

1.She must be a witch.她一定是个女巫。”
2.An assembly of13 witches.女巫团由13个女巫组成的聚合
3.The witch put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.这女巫使公主中了巫术,沉睡了十年。
4.Harassed by or as if by a witch.受女巫折磨的受女巫折磨的或好象受女巫折磨的
5.The witch charmed the prince.女巫对王子施了魔法。
6.Some people believe that a witch can lay a ghost.一些人相信女巫能驱鬼。
7.The witch pretended to be able to conjured up the spirits of the dead.女巫诡称能召唤鬼魂。
8.Then the king said, @Look at this witch!接着国王说:“看看这女巫
9.The witch gives her only bread to eat.女巫却只给她面包裹腹。
10.The witch walks back into the house.女巫再度走进屋内,
11.After the evil witch spoke, she disappeared.坏女巫说完后就消失了。
12.We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful?“家里出了个女巫,好棒啊
13.One day, the witch goes to the stable.有一天,女巫到马厩去,
14.The witch wakes up early in the morning.女巫一大早就醒了,
15.She refused to deal with witches她拒绝与女巫打交道。
16.The witch transformed men into pigs女巫把人变成了猪。
17.The witch charmed the princess with magic words那女巫用魔语迷惑公主。
18.Sabrina The Teenage Witch Potion Commotio年轻的女巫塞布丽娜

1.Female acted an important role in the ceremony of praying for rain,they were sorceresses,but they were sacred in family background,function and culture connotation;the important role that female played in the witchery ceremony reflected their social position at that time.女性在古代的求雨仪式中扮演着重要的角色,她们以女巫的身份出现,但是却在出身、作用和文化内涵等方面都具有神圣性;女性在求雨巫术中的重要性反映出她们当时的社会地位情况,也成为女神崇拜的一个印证。
2.The image of Female Birds has evolved gradually from a sorceress to Jian Di (and to Jiang Yuan).女鸟形象是从女巫经 由简翟(以及姜■)逐渐演化而来的。
3.In Jia Pingwa\'s works,the sorceress(The term refers to the woman who lives in the male power society,suffers from the love of constrain,has distorted mind and behavior and is demoted by common people) is an uncommon women image which contains the rich cultural implication.贾平凹小说中的女巫是一种另类女性形象,专指在男权社会爱欲遭受压抑,心理畸变行为反常,被世人贬斥的女性,在其身上包蕴着丰厚的文化意蕴。
1.Tools in the dark Studies on the witches and their predictions in Macbeth;“夜晚的黑暗工具”——论《麦克白》中的女巫及其预言
2.In Macbeth,witches and their prophets run through the plot of the whole tragedy,playing up a gloomy,horrible and tragic atmosphere.在《麦克白》中,女巫及其预言贯穿全剧始终,渲染了阴森、恐怖的悲剧气氛。
3.A group of witches and their god were exiled from Chang’ an, the capital, in the early days of West Han dynasty because of their different beliefs from the national religion.西汉前期 ,有一群美丽的女巫生活于长安 ,她们和自己的神灵因为与国家宗教制度相冲突而被放逐。
1.On Cao'e in Dong Han Dynasty:the Dutiful Daughter Originated from Witch东汉孝女曹娥原为“巫女”考论
6)A sorcerer or sorceress.巫师或女巫

女巫1.古代以歌舞迎神﹑掌占卜祈祷的女官。 2.指以装神弄鬼,搞迷信活动为职业的女人。