1.Sense of nostalgia in Tennyson s poetic creation;丁尼生诗歌创作的怀旧情结
2.Meanwhile,it focuses on the superficial or hidden nostalgia in it in terms of the analysis of the prose and further explores the deep foundation of the culture.着重通过对小思散文文本的分析 ,揭示出其中或显或隐的怀旧情结 ,并进而发掘其文化底蕴。

1.SHI Zhe-cun s Feeling of Old Acquaintances in His Novel The Lantern over Spring Festival;从《上元灯》看施蛰存小说的怀旧情结
2.Nostalgia mentality and Novel of the West Lake at End of Ming Dynasty and Early Qing Dynasty;梦华怀旧情结与明末清初西湖小说之兴盛
3.An Analysis of the Nostalgic Affection of the Modern Southern Writers of America;故国可堪回首月明中——评析美国现代南方作家的怀旧情结
4.Transcendency of Complex of Nostalgia in "Long Mourn over the Past" by Wang Anyi;“永不庸俗”的时尚叙事——谈《长恨歌》对怀旧情结的超越
5.Nostalgic feelings abound the city.怀旧的情结蔓延在城市的上空。
6.Her works are pervaded by nostalgia for a past age她的作品充满怀旧之情
7.Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.怀旧之情能使美好的旧时光更美好。
8.Francesca was feeling good feelings, old feelings, poetry and music feelings.弗朗西丝卡正享受着美好的情怀,旧时情怀,诗和音乐的情怀。
9.I was filled with nostalgia by hearing my favourite old song.我听到这首喜爱的旧歌,心中充满了怀旧之情。
10.Wistfully,I look on those days with a feeling of nostalgia.我真地对那段日子有一种怀旧之情。
11.simple and natural, rugged and reminiscent of past times, unique in Style and romantic in sentiment简洁自然,粗犷怀旧,风格独特,浪漫情调
12.He often shows his feelings of remembering past times.他的怀旧之情时常流露出来。
13.tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion.温柔的、浪漫的、怀旧的情绪。
14.past times remembered with nostalgia.带着怀旧之情回忆起来的往事。
15.Old movies shown in Hong Kong to review Hong Kong's past sceneries and emotions香港放映怀旧电影重温香江风情
16.What could be more revealing and nostalgic about discovering one's original , pure , state of images.有什麽比探索一个人的原始、纯真形象更具启发性与怀旧情怀?
17.One of the actor's lines aroused his nostalgia.电影主角的一句话引动了她的怀旧情绪。
18.I get very nostalgic when i watch these old musical on tv我从电视中看到这些旧音乐影片, 怀旧之情油然而生

feelings for cherishing the past怀旧情怀
1.With each turning of characters destinies, her feelings for cherishing the past have fermented a flickering scenery gradually.随着人物命运的每一次拐弯,作者的怀旧情怀也渐渐酝酿和弥散为一道或显或隐的风景。
3)sponsored nostalgia complex梦华怀旧情结
4)old acquaintances sentime怀旧情调
5)yearning of the old days怀旧情绪
6)nostalgic feeling怀古情结
1.In TAO Yuan-ming s writings, nostalgic feeling is heavy.陶渊明诗文中凝聚着浓重的怀古情结,具体表现为好古书、慕古人、思古风,这与他的家庭教养、中国重史传统、晋末动乱的社会现实等影响分不开。
