1.If "fan" means a excessive and fanatical spectator, we can say "expert" is a excessive and self-possessed fan.如果说“”是“过度而狂热的看客”的话,那么“专家”则是“过度而冷静的”。
2.Entitled with "From Fan to Fan Community:American Sitcoms and Online Forum Make It Possible",Chapter Two depicts the comprehensive process of the appearance of the fan community.本论文通过以“伊甸园美剧论坛”为例的个案研究,运用以深度访谈和观察法为主的质化研究方法,从“社会文化性”受众研究的取径切入,对中国的“美剧网上群”做了一次全面和深入的观照。

1.a chess, TV, football addict棋、 电视、 足球.
2.football, jazz, cinema fans足球、 爵士乐、 影.
3.A movie, fitness, health, soccer nut影、健美、健康、足球
4.the intricate windings of a labyrinth宫中扑朔离的路线
5.a lost sheep途羔羊,失正道的人。
6.relating to or associated with a coma.与昏有关或伴随昏
7.Enraptured, as by beauty; captivated.被住的着的,如被美貌住的;入了的
8.I'm a fan of N Sync.我是n Syoc
9.v. to fill the mind of somebody continuously使牵挂、惦念、着
10.I didn't quite lose my way.“我当然不会路。
11.Did you get lost...?“你们路了吗?”
12.a fish fancier养鱼, 养鱼行家
13.No, but I'm a football fan.不,但我是个球
14.Yes, I'm a soccer fan.是的,我是个球
15.He is prone to idleness [superstition].他好偷懒 [信] 。
16.Feudalistic and superstitious content;封建、信内容的;
17.Be gone on sb.[俚]倾心恋某人
18.a winsome smile [lass]人的微笑[少女]

To charm; captivate.迷惑;迷住
3)Viburum dilatatum Thunb荚迷
1.Study on The Stability of Viburum dilatatum Thunb Red Pigment;荚果实红色素稳定性研究
4)random walking drilling迷切
1.Hematocele in Labyrinth Causing Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Guinea Pigs;路内积血致感音神经性聋的实验研究
2.Sigmoid sinus affecting retrolabyrinthine approach petroclival surgery aided by endoscopy;乙状窦对路后径路内镜下处理岩斜坡区病变的影响
3.An Applied Anatomical Study of Infralabyrinthine Approach;路下手术入路的应用解剖研究
1.Modifying the four vessel occlusion to establish ischemic brain injury coma model in rats;改良四血管阻塞法建立大鼠缺血性脑损伤昏模型
2.Application of transcranial Doppler to seriously illed children with coma;经颅多普勒超声在昏危重患儿中的应用
3.Revival effect of electrostimulation in Pericardium Channel of Hand Jueyin in coma patients induced by severe craniocerebral trauma;手厥阴经电刺激对重症脑外伤昏患者促醒作用的初步研究

《全生指迷方》《全生指迷方》 《全生指迷方》   医方著作。又名《济世全生指迷方》。三卷。宋·王贶撰于12世纪初。明代以后原书失传。今本四卷,系编《四库全书》时自《永乐大典》辑出后改编而成者。卷一为诊脉法;卷二-四为寒证、热证、风湿、疟疾、痹证、劳伤等20种内科病及若干妇科疾病的医论和方剂,内容以选方为主,并有围绕方剂主治所作的论述以阐析病因、证候。现有清末刻本、石印本多种丛书本。1949年后有《宋人医方三种》排印本。