1.During the course of accusation of economic crimes, untrue, im.从而 ,在司法控诉的过程中,时常遇到对经济犯罪的控诉举证不实、举证不当、举证不合法、举 证不足、举证不力等方面的问题,并因此影响到定罪量刑的质量。

1.The accusation institutions play the key role in contentions cases.控诉机关的控诉始终是公诉案件中的控诉主轴。
2.To bring a charge against(one's accuser).反诉对(控诉者)进行的控诉
3.return an accusation against someone or engage in mutual accusations; charge in return.对某人返还一个控诉或致力于相互的控诉;作为回应而控诉
4.We shall proceed against transgressors.我们将控诉违犯者。
5.He repudiate the charge of have commit the crime.他否认犯罪的控诉
6.They had the insolence to file a complaint.他们竟蛮横地提起控诉
7.The indictment set the judicial process in motion.控诉加快了裁决过程
8.The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him.原告控诉被告欺诈他。
9.The part of a charge or an accusation that weighs most substantially against the accused.控诉,申诉指控或控告的一部分,针对被控方起着极重要的作用
10.Mr.A charged Mr.B with bribery and Mr.B countercharged Mr.A with slander.某甲控诉某乙受贿,而某乙反诉某甲诽谤。
11.An indictment or information is presented to the court, and a formal arraignment on the charges is held.起诉方向法院提供起诉状,(法院)根据控诉正式传讯被告。
12.The nature of contentions cases reveals that the function of a victim cannot stay with the accusation institutions, making a distinction between them.公诉案件性质决定,被害人在执行控诉职能上并不与控诉机关并驾齐驱,而是有主次之分。
13.Charge Sheet from Court Register控诉书移交登记册(法庭移交警方)
14.Charge Sheet to Court Register控诉书移交登记册(警方移交法庭)
15.Indictment delivered to him last night.控诉书昨夜已交该犯本人。
16.accused the west of dumping out-of-date machines on third world countries.控诉西方向第三世界倾 销淘汰的机械.
17.Where will you that I go To answer this your charge?您要我到什麽地方去答覆您的控诉
18.They charged that the press is - zing gangsterism.他们控诉报纸将匪盗行为传奇化。

4)accusational principle控诉规则
5)prosecution power控诉权
1.Part of prosecution power is to ensure the defendant s presence in court.检察机关控诉权中的保证被告人到庭受审权受到来自法院和公安机关的干扰,必须调整立法予以保障。
6)amendment of charges变更控诉

控诉向有关机关或公众陈述受害经过,请求对于加害者做出法律的或舆论的制裁:~大会 ㄧ~旧社会。