1.Baogong Drama of the Yuan Dynasty plays the use of a large number of buffoonery,which makes Baogong drama in the comedy show the tragic characteristics.元代包公戏中使用了大量的插科打诨,使包公戏剧中的悲剧呈现喜剧化特色。
2)comedic plot情节喜剧化
1.This paper makes an analysis of its borrowing of artistic techniques from the traditional opera, namely comedic plot, facial designs of characters and environmental stages.小说借鉴了戏剧、戏曲等艺术表现手法,体现在小说故事情节喜剧化,人物形象脸谱化,小说环境舞台化。
1.Different Cultural Implication Beneath the Tragedy and Comedy—— A Comparison between Tanchun and Elizabeth;悲喜剧下隐藏的不同文化内涵——探春与伊丽莎白之比较
2.The problems of comedy in Lu Xuns novel creation;鲁迅小说创作中的喜剧问题

1.I prefer comedy to tragedy.我喜欢喜剧, 不喜欢悲剧.
2.Do you prefer comedies or tragedies?你喜欢看喜剧还是悲剧?
3.the comedy of romance; comedy of humour浪漫喜剧(幽默喜剧)
4.weeply comedy泪水喜剧(感伤喜剧)
5.a brief dramatic piece (usually comic) presented after a play.正剧后加演的喜剧片短(通常是喜剧)。
6.It was a comedy, and Howie doesn't like comedies very much.这是一部喜剧,Howie不太喜欢看喜剧
7.I like comedy movies, especially family comedies.我喜欢喜剧电影,尤其是家庭喜剧片。
8.(of) a tragedy admissive of comic scenes容许喜剧场面的悲剧
9.Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies莎士比亚的悲剧和喜剧.
10.a nondescript comedy company难以名状的喜剧剧团
11.The drama may be termed a comedy.这部戏剧可称为喜剧
12.Characteristic of or having to do with comedy.喜剧的不得不从事喜剧或以喜剧为特点的
13.A drama combining elements of tragedy and comedy.悲喜剧一部结合了悲剧和喜剧成分的剧作
14.a slapstick comedy [motion picture]胡闹喜剧 [影片]
15.On the comedic beauty of ZHAO Shuli′s novels;喜剧语言、喜剧情境与喜剧形象的完美统一——论赵树理小说的喜剧
16.Do you like comedies?你喜欢看喜剧片吗?
17.Its repertoire includes historical plays, comedies, tragedies and farces.京剧的曲目包括历史剧、喜剧、悲剧和笑剧。
18.No one can touch him (ie He is the best) as a comedian/in comedy.他这个喜剧演员[演喜剧]没人能比得上.

comedic plot情节喜剧化
1.This paper makes an analysis of its borrowing of artistic techniques from the traditional opera, namely comedic plot, facial designs of characters and environmental stages.小说借鉴了戏剧、戏曲等艺术表现手法,体现在小说故事情节喜剧化,人物形象脸谱化,小说环境舞台化。
1.Different Cultural Implication Beneath the Tragedy and Comedy—— A Comparison between Tanchun and Elizabeth;悲喜剧下隐藏的不同文化内涵——探春与伊丽莎白之比较
2.The problems of comedy in Lu Xuns novel creation;鲁迅小说创作中的喜剧问题
1.Shakespeare s comedies represent his greatest achievememts in drama creation.莎士比亚的喜剧沿袭了中世纪重欢乐而轻讽刺的喜剧传统,其题材都以恋爱为主题,表现了强烈的人文主义精神。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理