2)latent image潜像,潜影
3)potential influence潜在影响
1.Pouchkine′s,works have a potential influence on Chinese modern drama.普希金对中国戏剧的潜在影响 ,有放送与接受两方面的原因。

1.the leaven of reform改革的趋势 [潜在影响]
2."Blue Box" and "New Blue Box":Potential Effect and Negotiation Position;“蓝箱”与“新蓝箱”:潜在影响与谈判立场
3.The Latent Effects on CBA by Strict Limitation of Foreign Aids;限制外援对CBA篮球联赛的潜在影响
4.Latent Effects of Transgenic Plants on Species Diversity;转基因植物对生物多样性的潜在影响
5.About the Potential Influences of Confucianism and Taoism on Modern Economic Growth;儒、道思想对当代经济增长的潜在影响
6.The Potential Influence on Mechanism of Modern Commodity from Consumption Ethics;消费伦理对现代商品机制的潜在影响
7.Potential effects of climate change on the distributions of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey(Pygathrix Bieti) in China气候变化对滇金丝猴分布的潜在影响
8.The Latent Influence of Globalization on Chinese Women in the Agricultural sector;全球化在农业领域对中国妇女的潜在影响
9.Analysis of potential influence of shifting of burden of evidence on nur sing service“举证责任倒置”对护理工作的潜在影响分析
10.Potential threat caused by red imported fire ants to some species in China红火蚁对我国一些生物潜在影响的初步分析
11.Real Estate Tax:the Potential Influence of China s Economic and Social Development;物业税:中国经济和社会发展的潜在影响
12.Federal Forest Governance: Experience and Potential Impact of Decentralized Management;联邦制森林治理:分权管理经验和潜在影响
13.The Comment on Effect of the New Basel Capital Accord on the Developing Countries;巴塞尔新资本协议对发展中国家潜在影响评述
14.Latent Influence of the Cage Aquaculture on the Ecological Environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region;网箱养鱼对三峡库区生态环境的潜在影响
15.Latent Effects of the Web Promulgation on the Contemporary Literary Creation;论网络传播对当代文学创作的潜在影响
16.Potential Effect of the Expansion of EU on China s Textile Industry;欧盟东扩对我国纺织业的潜在影响分析
17.about the possible effects of radiation from radio signals.一直讨论电磁波辐射潜在的影响。
18.On the potential historical influence of the Cultural Revolution论“文化大革命”的潜在历史影响

latent image潜像,潜影
3)potential influence潜在影响
1.Pouchkine′s,works have a potential influence on Chinese modern drama.普希金对中国戏剧的潜在影响 ,有放送与接受两方面的原因。
4)latent astiggmatism潜在像散
5)potential effects潜在性影响
6)potential influence潜在影响力
1.Study on potential influence topic in on-line community;在线论坛中潜在影响力主题的发现研究

《潜在抗干扰性理论》  阐述无线电接收设备潜在抗干扰性理论的名著,苏联B.A.卡捷尼柯夫著。1947年作为博士论文在苏联莫斯科动力学院发表,1956年在莫斯科正式出版。全书共13章,分为4个部分。第一部分是阅读本书的预备知识。第二部分叙述离散消息传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别讨论了两个离散值信号和多离散值信号下的理想接收机和潜在抗干扰性。第三部分叙述连续消息、参量传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别讨论了不同调制方式(调幅、调频、脉冲调制)和不同噪声干扰强度(弱噪声、强噪声干扰)下的系统潜在抗干扰性。第四部分讨论连续消息、波形传输系统的潜在抗干扰性,分别研究了直接调制、脉冲调制(脉冲调幅、脉冲调位、脉冲调频)和积分调制系统的潜在抗干扰性。这本书是研究最佳接收理论的重要理论著作。