2)The Theory of Ming-liang Tsai s Movie Style蔡明亮导演风格论
3)performance style演奏风格
1.The research and discussion of his bamboo flute performance style have positive significance to the adoption and development of Chinese traditional music and the enrichment of Chinese bamboo flute art history.研究、探讨其竹笛演奏风格对传承和发扬中国传统音乐、丰富中国竹笛艺术发展史具有积极的意义。
2.As a violinist, Sarasate represented a kind of completely new performance style of the violin.作为一个独奏家,萨拉萨蒂代表了一种完全新型的小提琴演奏风格;作为一个作曲家,他为我们留下了许多脍炙人口的作品,为小提琴演奏曲目的丰富作出了特别的贡献。

1.My Experiences with the Performance of Chinese Traditional Folk Music Repertoire: "Borrow the Performing Techniques of Chinese Traditional Folk Instruments, Grasp the Traditional Musical Perforrming Styles"借鉴民族乐器演奏技法,把握民族音乐演奏风格
2.Piano Development & the Style differences in the Performance;钢琴的演变及其在演奏风格上的区别
3.The Structural Characteristics and Performance Style of Beethoven's Medium-Period Piano Sonata贝多芬中期钢琴奏鸣曲的结构特征与演奏风格
4.It did not seem to matter that my rendition was lacking in style.他似乎并不在乎我的演奏风格全无。
5.Through "Sonata in E-flat Major" (Hob.XVI/52) Analyse Performance Genre of Haydn s Late Period Piano Sonata;从《降E大调奏鸣曲》(Hob.XVI/52)看海顿晚期钢琴奏鸣曲的演奏风格
6.The Playing Style of Beethoven's C Major Piano Concerto No.1贝多芬《C大调第一钢琴协奏曲》(第一乐章)的演奏风格
7.play something in the style of jazz.用爵士乐的风格演奏。
8.Style of D.Scolati Sonata on Accordion Performance;D·斯格拉蒂奏鸣曲在手风琴演奏上的风格
9.Chopin "24 First Prelude" the Music Style and the Performance Inquires into肖邦《二十四首前奏曲》的音乐风格与演奏探究
10.On The Dynamics Style Of Debussy s 24 Preludes;德彪西《钢琴前奏曲》力度风格的演奏诠释
11.Melody style and playing peculiarity of "The Second Spring Shinning in the Moon;《二泉映月》的旋律风格和演奏特点
12.The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style.打字员以典型的风格在钢琴上演奏“台风”。
13.Scarlatti Sonatas' Accordion Performance Styles and Its Skills Study斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲在手风琴演奏中的风格及技巧探究
14.In their concert, the12 Brasses of Berlin Philharmonic play the works of Baroque, adapt lots of classical and original music.他们以重奏的形式,演奏包括交响乐在内的风格各异的作品。
15.Research on Musical Style and Performance of Piano Concerto No.2 by Saint-Saens;圣桑《第二钢琴协奏曲》的音乐创作风格与演奏技法研究
16.How to Perform Bach's A Flat Major Prelude and Fugue with the Free Bass Accordion如何用自由低音手风琴演奏巴赫《降A大调前奏曲与赋格》
17.Artistic Style and Skills in Musical Performance of Suite Bergamasque of Claude Debussy德彪西《贝尔加玛组曲》的创作风格及演奏技法
18.Research on the Ethical Style and Performing Features of Wang Jianzhong s Piano Arrangement. Transcription;王建中钢琴改编曲的民族风格和演奏特色研究

The Theory of Ming-liang Tsai s Movie Style蔡明亮导演风格论
3)performance style演奏风格
1.The research and discussion of his bamboo flute performance style have positive significance to the adoption and development of Chinese traditional music and the enrichment of Chinese bamboo flute art history.研究、探讨其竹笛演奏风格对传承和发扬中国传统音乐、丰富中国竹笛艺术发展史具有积极的意义。
2.As a violinist, Sarasate represented a kind of completely new performance style of the violin.作为一个独奏家,萨拉萨蒂代表了一种完全新型的小提琴演奏风格;作为一个作曲家,他为我们留下了许多脍炙人口的作品,为小提琴演奏曲目的丰富作出了特别的贡献。
4)performing style演奏风格
1.It leads to a revolution of performing styles,and arouses various performing sects,propelling the development of piano music.20世纪是西方钢琴音乐发展史上的一个重要时期,其突出特点是形成了各具特点、充满活力的众多流派,涌现了一大批优秀的作曲家和作品,由此也引发了演奏风格的革命,形成了纷繁的演奏流派,有力地推动了钢琴事业的发展。
5)singing style演唱风格
1.On Singing Style of Three of Rossini s Coloratura Mezzo-soprano Arias;罗西尼三首花腔女中音咏叹调的演唱风格研究
2.The Diversity of Singing Style of Contemporary National Vocality Works;论当代民族声乐作品演唱风格的多样性
6)the speech style演讲风格

导演计划  为了体现导演构思而设想的一定表现形式和工作程序。有广义和狭义之分:    广义的导演计划指的是"导演说明",或称"导演阐述",包括"剧本分析"、"导演构思"和狭义上的"导演计划"。它集中了导演分析剧本和研究现实过程中所获得的全部结论,体现了导演主体构想的基本处理精神,包括着导演创造的演出程序安排及组织计划。    狭义的"导演计划"是指实现导演构思的施工蓝图,一般包括着两部分一是"演出结构"。指出分场内容提要与处理要点;人物关系及人物形象塑造的具体要求;舞台行动的组织与说明;舞台空间处理的处理;主要场面舞台调度的安排;节奏、气氛的要求;高潮场面的突出强调;开幕、闭幕的特殊处理等等。二是技术要求和工作日程计划及组织工作上的安排等。